Chapter 126
Zhao Qiuyi turned her head, she usually would not talk to her, but when she asked suddenly, she always felt something strange, she replied casually, "She is in the dance studio."

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, there was a burst of laughter and became the topic of everyone.

"Unexpectedly, I was detained. I haven't learned it for a long time. The movements are not difficult. I don't know why."

"Isn't it just a simple dance? It's squeamish. It looks like it's a lot of fun. Maybe it's because I want to spend more time with Zhou Xiangyu and attract his attention, so I deliberately pretend that I can't learn it. It's so disgusting."

"It's just pity for our good student, Zhou, who has to practice with her in his spare time. I feel worthless for him. It's a bad luck for eight lifetimes to have her as a stupid partner."

The girls around all complained for Zhou Xiangyu, accusing Shen Wanyi, if they were them, they would have left quickly, so they wouldn't be kind enough to accompany her to practice.

You have a sick mind to do this.

The style of painting gradually went astray, Zhao Qiuyi's violent temper came up, he looked around coldly, the atmosphere dropped to zero, and he opened his voice to scold.

"Enough! It's not your turn to speak ill of her, let me hear one more sentence, don't blame me for being merciless, even my classmates don't have to do it."

She has always been used to being carefree in front of everyone, and she is easy to talk and helpful, so the people in the class naturally think that Zhao Qiuyi is easy to bully.

This will make her lose her temper, like a tigress protecting her calf, protecting Shen Wanyi, and never letting others slander her.

Although Zhao Qiuyi is very popular and can chat with anyone, and is a type of acquaintance, but there are not many true friends, and Shen Wanyi is one of them.

It's okay to bully yourself, but don't bully her friends, make sure you hit the ground and scratch your teeth, and go home crying to find your mother.

Hearing the words slandering Shen Wanyi in his ears, he became anxious for a moment, and his good temper was like a lit firecracker, which exploded at the slightest touch.

Seeing Zhao Qiuyi losing his temper in front of everyone for the first time, the appearance he had never seen before was very scary.

And I can strongly feel that if I dare to say one more bad word about Shen Wanyi, I will immediately find that person to fight.

The delicate atmosphere was that the two sides could not get off the stage. After a while, someone finally came out to mediate the atmosphere.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously, everyone is just talking casually."

The tense atmosphere finally eased, Zhao Qiuyi glared at them, then looked away.

Continue to chat and gossip with the people next to you, and after a while, go to play badminton with other girls.

Seeing Zhao Qiuyi's back gradually drifting away, and someone started to come out to be a monster again, Xu Yanran's eyes were stained with a vicious look, and she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Isn't what you said is the truth, you arrogant fart, don't think that the tone is a bit fierce, the old lady is afraid, it's impossible, don't even think about it, no wonder you can become sisters, the same thing."

The girl next to her gave her a hand, looked around vigilantly, and deliberately lowered her voice to remind her.

"Yan Ran, please keep your voice down, don't let her hear it, walls have ears, if there is a carbine, all of us will be finished, discuss it in private, don't say it publicly."

"Tch... what are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of her. I'm bluffing. If I dare to do something, I guarantee that she won't be able to stay in this school tomorrow, you two little sluts."

"Don't talk about it, I really don't understand why Miejue Shitai arranged for Shen Wanyi to sit next to Song Shichen, but she has a charming face, so what's so special about it, fortunately Song Shichen was not bewitched by her."

"It's funny to say that Song Shichen loves to ignore her, and treats her like a transparent person. It seems that Song Shichen has no way to attack, so he has to shift his target to Zhou Xiangyu. This is too artificial."

Surrounded in a circle, crackling, gossip chatting very enthusiastically, chatting like fire like tea, almost unable to keep their mouths shut.

In the blink of an eye, they talked about a physical education class, and they went to the class for self-study in the next class, and walked towards the classroom in groups.


The physical education get out of class had just ended, and the huge classroom was still empty, with no one there, and it was very quiet. There was the sound of the breeze blowing the pages of the books on the table, and the rustling of the leaves outside.

The early summer sun shines through the dense branches and leaves, and the ground is covered with sparkling spots the size of copper coins.

At the corner by the window, at some point, there was another person in the empty classroom.

The boy simply wore a short-sleeved school uniform, but he wore a bohemian demeanor. He leaned lazily on the chair, and played with the phone in the drawer with his slender fingers.

Many students who had just finished their physical education class returned to the classroom. When they saw someone coming, their eyes were clearly taken aback. They looked at each other without communicating.

He just looked around the corner from time to time, but he didn't dare to discuss it. He was really curious about why Song Shichen, the missing person, appeared in the classroom.

The class bell rang. This class was a self-study class, and there was no teacher to supervise it. The monitor in charge of discipline sat on the podium and showed some majesty.

"Everyone be quiet, take out your homework and write it, and wait for the subject representative to hand out a few papers, don't talk."

The students who hadn't calmed down from the physical education class gradually calmed down. Some of them were doing their homework, some were quietly reading novels or other extracurricular books, and some even chatted secretly.

Ten minutes had passed since the class, Song Shichen inadvertently raised his head, and inadvertently glanced at the empty seat next to him from the corner of his eyes.

His expression froze for a moment, and he subconsciously looked out to the corridor outside, but there was no one there, and he frowned.

After thinking about it, she was wondering if she didn't come because she asked for leave, but Shen Wanyi didn't take away the water glass on the table, and even put her schoolbag in the drawer.

It seems that the possibility of asking for leave is not high. I have been in class for a while, so where did I go?

Zhao Qiuyi in the back secretly took out the novel to read, and discussed with his deskmate from time to time, complaining about the bloody plot in the book, so bloody that he couldn't look directly at it.

Suddenly, a strong gaze came at her, and her scalp became numb from being stared at.

Raising her head suddenly, meeting the young man's cool eyes, Zhao Qiuyi swallowed subconsciously.

No wonder she felt cold, because she was stared at by a big ice cube.

Good guy, why does this big guy keep looking at her, making my heart shudder.

Feeling uncomfortable, he couldn't even read the novel, and couldn't guess why Song Shichen suddenly looked at him, he really couldn't figure it out, he couldn't understand it.

Could it be that he suddenly found a shining point in himself, was attracted fiercely, and then fell in love at first sight?
The idea is obviously unreliable, just go straight.

Zhao Qiuyi summoned up courage in her heart, took a quick look around, and made sure no one was paying attention, lowered her voice and asked Song Shichen.

"Boss, what's the matter? Don't stare at me. I'm afraid. If you have something to say, just say it. Let's not beat around the bush and be honest with each other."

 Tired to death, rushed to death.

  I will recommend it tomorrow, but fortunately, I broke [-] favorites the day before yesterday, and I am satisfied.

  Good afternoon, slip away.


(End of this chapter)

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