Chapter 128 Three Good Students
Really didn't expect this to happen again, and finally understood the cause of the incident, Song Shichen darkened his eyes, tapped his fingertips on the table, with an inscrutable expression.

Zhao Qiuyi was about to continue to have a passionate discussion with Song Shichen, and when she crazily complained about the school's flamboyant operation, she never expected that the boss would ignore her at all.

After all, this fiery heart was wrongly paid, Zhao Qiuyi immediately shut up, and continued to be her transparent person.


No wonder there was no one around. Song Shichen really didn't expect that the clever little deskmate would be kept by the teacher.

It was really unexpected, but it was inexplicably funny. At this moment, I would like to see Shen Wanyi's expression, how difficult a simple dance can be.

The seat next to him was empty, and Song Shichen was inexplicably not used to it. He was in no mood to play with his mobile phone immediately, and doing homework was not impossible for him.

Her eyes fell on Shen Wanyi's desktop. Her desktop was clean, without any trace of scribbling or scribbling. There were a few books that she usually used in order, and her pencil case was quietly placed on it.

Girls in youth love to read all kinds of novels, indulge in domineering presidents, can't extricate themselves from the world of sunny school grass, and huddle together to discuss plots from time to time after class.

But Shen Wanyi is an exception. Romance novels basically don't appear on her desktop, and there are always only study books and test papers sent by the teacher in the drawer.

Tsk tsk, the name of the three good students is true, Song Shichen sighed deeply, hooking the corners of his lips.

In the morning, there are two Chinese lessons, one physical education lesson, and now self-study lessons. After school, I go to eat after school, and I have two hours of lunch time.

As the end of school time approached, the students in the classroom were eager to move, couldn't help being excited, chatting about what to eat later, and even chatting while taking advantage of the chaos, causing a lot of restlessness underneath.

Gradually, the voice became too loud to be ignored. The squad leader on the podium raised his head and tapped on the table, "Everyone be quiet, there are still a few minutes left, hold on."

The volume was lowered, but there were still chattering voices discussing. After a long wait, we finally made it to the end of get out of class.

Usually, the fastest people rushing to the canteen are like wild horses, rushing out with all their strength, and there are not many people left in the classroom.

After a while, Song Shichen got up from his seat.

Chen Yizhou, who usually played together, came over, twirled the basketball with his fingertips, and whistled, "Let's go, go to dinner, there's nothing to do when it's late."

"You go first, I have something to do."

Song Shichen's eyes fell on Chen Yizhou, passed him, took something from the table next to him, and left the classroom.

Before Chen Yizhou could react, he was confused by this set of movements.

"Hey, it's really weird."

After making complaints secretly, he walked towards the dining hall on his own.


in the huge dance studio

As soon as the pleasant music stopped, Shen Wanyi went to the chair next to her to rest, tore off a tissue, and wiped the sweat from her forehead. The balls on her head were slightly loose, and she felt inexplicably messy and beautiful.

Zhou Xiangyu sat next to him, with a slightly tired look on his tough face, and smiled, "It's much better than yesterday, take your time, come on."

Hearing this, Shen Wanyi handed him a tissue, and then bent her lips, directly expressing her inner worries.

"But the time is running out, there are still two weeks, I'm afraid it really won't work."

She furrowed her brows tightly, her brows lingering with sorrow, as if she was troubled by this matter.

 It was put on the shelves yesterday, it happened to be 520, a great day, no drafts, nothing, naked update, rest in peace.

  During this period of time, there were even fewer recommendation tickets, and there was no one.

  good afternoon.


(End of this chapter)

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