Chapter 129
Remember the movements, but still can't let go, the body movements are very stiff, stiff, the expression is not in place, and I can't laugh, which has become the biggest problem.

And the time is short, for a short while, there is really not much result, repeated failures, no matter how strong the heart is, it can't bear it.

For the first time, Shen Wanyi felt a strong sense of frustration, knocked her down time and time again, unable to get up again, and lowered her head in frustration, this time she was completely unsure.

"Why can't it work? As long as you work harder, you won't be able to catch up with us if you fail. Besides, failure is the mother of success. You are Shen Wanyi, you can't be easily defeated."

Zhou Xiangyu looked at Shen Wanyi resolutely, gave an encouraging look, put on an expression of reluctance to admit defeat, and pulled her up from the abyss of failure.

To be honest, Shen Wanyi is the most special girl he has ever seen, with a quiet and well-behaved appearance, always a calm expression, it seems that nothing can stir up waves in her heart.

Originally thought she belonged to the Jiao Didi type, but unexpectedly, she once again refreshed her understanding of Shen Wanyi.

Under the weak appearance is a persistent determination. Before I knew it, I thought it was a delicate and charming rose.

Only after getting to know each other did I realize that it is actually a grass that is weak but strong.

Let the wind and rain blow, tenacious, unyielding, just like the spirit of never giving up in Shen Wanyi.

Being scolded and beaten many times gradually made Shen Wan feel powerless and slightly depressed.

After some encouragement, besides, Zhou Xiangyu cannot be allowed to waste time with her, and nothing will be achieved in the end.

She is not someone who gives up easily, so she must grit her teeth, bear with it, and strengthen her training.

"Thank you, I will work hard." Shen Wanyi returned a positive look and nodded.

Facing the girl's scorching gaze, Zhou Xiangyu's heart was pounding non-stop, he scratched his head in embarrassment, smiled shyly, and held back a word for a while.

"This is the Shen Wanyi I know hehe."

Shen Wanyi looked at the people next to her deeply, and after getting along with her, she realized that they were not as shy as Zhao Qiuyi and the others said.

During this time as a partner, Zhou Xiangyu was helpful, enthusiastic and cheerful.

When I was depressed and wanted to give up, I would encourage and support her as always, never dislike her being stupid, and patiently taught her over and over again.

"Let's go to eat quickly to replenish our strength. There is still class in the afternoon. If we go late, there will be no food. I'm afraid we will have to eat instant noodles again. Eating too much instant noodles is unhealthy.

I forgot the time to practice dancing these two days. When I went to the dining hall, there was no food, so I had to go to the canteen to buy instant noodles to fill my stomach, otherwise I would have fainted from hunger.

It is not good to eat too much instant noodles. After eating for several days in a row, I am afraid I will vomit. When I heard these two words, my whole body resisted.

"it is good."

Shen Wanyi complied, really didn't want to eat instant noodles anymore, and buried herself in cleaning up the things on the floor, while Zhou Xiangyu went to close the doors and windows of the classroom, and the two of them worked together to maintain good hygiene.

Zhou Xiangyu closed the last window, turned his head and inadvertently saw such a heart-warming scene.

In the bright dance room, the girl simply wears a white short-sleeved upper body. The breeze blows by, but it outlines her graceful figure. Her slender waist is like a willow leaf, which is easy to grasp.

She bowed her head slightly, holding a broom in her hand, with a serious expression on her side face, and a few strands of loose hair were tied behind her head.

 Another chapter, sure enough, you have to pay back when you come out to hang out, how chic you were last night, how painful it is today.

  Unexpectedly, there are nine yuan in free income today, and I was shocked.

  I have to work harder today, the first day on the shelves, slipped away.

(End of this chapter)

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