Chapter 133

Shen Wanyi didn't believe Song Shichen's nonsense, she just wanted to return her own things, and looked at him lightly, "That's not necessary, give it back to me,"

"Tch...follow me to a place, and I'll give it back to you, do what you say, don't play tricks."

Song Shichen raised his eyebrows lazily, ignored what she said, raised a meaningful smile, left without saying a word.

The young man put one hand in his pocket, smiled brightly, and walked forward, shaking the booty in his hand behind him from time to time, his slender back gradually disappeared.

Shen Wanyi, who was still in place, had to keep up, frowning along the way, staring at Song Shichen in front of him sadly, not knowing what he was trying to do.

Walking through the corridor and going down the stairs, separated by a certain distance, the two were one behind the other, and when Song Shichen turned his head, he saw such a scene.

The glaring sunlight at noon shone on the girl's fair side face, coating it with a faint radiance, adding a bit of softness. From a distance, she could see her serious and focused expression, her brows were tightened, and she was walking towards him step by step.

The smile in Song Shichen's eyes deepened, and for some reason, he slowed down a lot, intentionally or unintentionally waiting for Shen Wanyi to come up.

After walking for about 2 minutes, he stopped and sat down in the octagonal chair next to him.

An antique octagonal pavilion, the sun shines on the top of the pavilion, shining dazzling golden light, the breeze blows by, and the trees next to it sprinkle a lot of leaves, flying in the air, and slowly falling to the ground.

Shen Wanyi immediately followed quickly, keeping a distance from Song Shichen, raised her eyebrows, and angrily spread her hands towards the person on the chair without saying a word.

"I can pay you back, come here." Song Shichen frowned, his eyes shifted from Shen Wanyi's palms to the emotions on his face, and he spoke slowly.


Shen Wan looked at him defensively, always feeling malicious, who knew there would be some conspiracy, this man was very cunning.

Her vigilant appearance made Song Shichen laugh, this brat thought it was funny for him to be included in the ranks of bad guys.

The shadow of Shen Wanyi was clearly reflected in the tall peach blossom eyes, and she bent forward little by little.

With a smile on his lips, he asked her instead of answering, trying to tease Shen Wanyi, "What can I do in broad daylight? Tell me."

Seeing that she was clearly stunned, she collected her thoughts, raised her eyebrows, and said unhurriedly: "Have a meal, you bought too much for this."

After speaking, two boxes of lunch were brought out from the opened bag on the table, and then the lid was opened.

The tempting aroma of the food permeates the air bit by bit. The fragrant rice and meat are very good in appearance, and it is very appetizing to look at.

Shen Wan stared at the two boxes of lunch on the table in confusion, blinked blankly, but still couldn't understand Song Shichen's charming operation, and was about to blurt out a question.

Unexpectedly, he was interrupted, as if aware of her thoughts, Song Shichen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Don't eat, don't ask for anything."

"Don't worry, the poison won't kill you." Handed Shen Wanyi a pair of chopsticks, motioning for her to catch them, looking forward to the next performance.

She really knows how to grasp her heart, see through it at a glance, and knows that she is in a hurry to get something back.

Shen Wanyi let out a cold snort, took the wooden disposable chopsticks, and didn't eat for nothing. She was already hungry. At this time, there was no food in the canteen, so it was rare to have a free lunch.

Of course, if something happened, Song Shichen would definitely have something to do with it, so let's put his mind at ease for now.

He was not polite to Song Shichen, and sat beside him. Although he was half-believed by his words, he gave him a look, signaling to eat first.

Song Shichen, who was almost listed as a dangerous person, couldn't help chuckling. He picked up the chopsticks with his slender fingertips, picked up a piece of chicken, slightly opened his thin lips, and took a bite in front of her.

The fragrance of the food slowly enters the mouth, the tender meat is full of strength, the corners of the two plump lips bite, it is delicious, and the Adam's apple rolls up and down, bringing endless temptation.

I couldn't help but want to let people taste it, but for a moment I didn't know if my eyes fell on the meat or on the alluring lips.

The boy raised his eyebrows interestingly, his expression clearly said, are you satisfied?Shen Wanyi was stunned, quickly looked away, and ate with peace of mind.

The school forbids bringing mobile phones, so you can't order takeout. It may be that Song Shichen asked for leave, just came back from outside, and packed it in the store to eat.

After a noisy meal, he was really hungry, his chest was pressed against his back, his stomach had already sent out a signal of protest, and he almost fainted to the ground.

So she has been burying her head in eating, like a little hamster stealing food, puffing out her cheeks, eating non-stop, and not listening to anything outside the window.

Song Shichen didn't take a few mouthfuls, put his chopsticks aside, watched Shen Wanyi eat more vigorously, looked him up and down, and casually raised the corners of his lips mockingly.

"Shen Wanyi, during the time I was away, I abused myself like this. I didn't have a lot of flesh on my body, but now it's fine, there is no difference between the front and the back."

Shen Wanyi "..."

As soon as I took a bite of the chicken, it was not fragrant, which seriously affected my appetite, and my appetite disappeared with a snap.

I'm sure it wasn't intentional to make her unable to eat, and by the way, he also mocked her for her lack of figure, flat front and back, and small chest.

If you can't even understand this meaning, I'm afraid it's because your brain is flooded and you're missing a string.

Raising his jaw high, he uttered three words with special force, "Don't worry about me."

Is his lack of figure in the way of his eyes? I didn't tell him to look at him. This person really is, how can he be so poisonous that he can't be cured.

"Don't worry about your food now,'re still angry, you have a really bad temper, and you don't want people to tell you that you didn't learn how to dance, but you starved yourself thin, and gradually developed into anemia. Don't blame me for not reminding you. "

He kept talking non-stop, as if he couldn't stop at all, and he didn't know whether it was the southeast wind or the northwest wind, and he was madly complaining.

"I'm not very smart at all, and my partner is stupider than you. Just tell him not to learn. It's a waste of time and energy. It's better to do the work of delivering water behind the scenes. At least it can play a role."

While chatting, the topic gradually drifted away, and it was brought up to Zhou Xiangyu, who was innocently lying on the gun, without any scruples, and complained on his own.

If they didn't know, they would have thought that the two of them had some kind of deep hatred, but today it was really rare that Zhou Xiangyu's name was mentioned again and again, and they must have taken some wrong medicine.

He said so much that Shen Wanyi next to him couldn't listen at all. Standing in the middle, with no one on either side, he couldn't help but said: "Song Shichen, you are enough. Why did he offend you? He always targets you."

Seeing her defending Zhou Xiangyu, Song Shichen's face was immediately displeased, his dark eyes gradually deepened, and a little coldness appeared, which was quickly covered up.

She still had a semi-serious expression, pulling the corners of her lips. This scene seemed very obtrusive, so she sneered.

"It's not pleasing to the eye. Don't let people tell the truth. What kind of nonsense is this, Shen Wanyi, do you like him?"

His clear eyes were fixed on Shen Wanyi's expression, and he dared to admit that he immediately wanted to strangle her to death.

 The data affect the mood, I didn't write anything in the afternoon

  fight to the death at night
  good night.

(End of this chapter)

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