chapter 134

Shen Wanyi, who was powerless to refute, "..."

Like a big-headed ghost, how can you tell that you like it, how the ordinary partner relationship has become unclear in Song Shichen's mouth.

"I don't like it, you're out of your mind."

The behavior of scolding Song Shichen for being out of his head face to face, I am afraid that only Shen Wanyi can do it, there is no one before, no one in the future, she is the only one.

If someone else was around, my jaw would drop in shock, I couldn’t pick it up, and I was stunned. What kind of performance is this?
The key is that Song Shichen, who was being scolded face to face, had no complaints, a few traces of tenderness flashed across his deep eyes, and his lips curled up intentionally or unintentionally.

Tsk tsk, how courageous you are, to actually stand up to fight and stand up and call the shots. I haven't seen these days, but the wings have become a lot stiffer.

Normally, she would have given Shen Wanyi a hard lesson.

But when she heard her downplaying that she didn't like it, the tight strings in her mind gradually relaxed.

Even the mood has improved a lot, Zhou Xiangyu's matter can be put aside, but he never said not to continue complaining, it seems that only in this way can he feel better.

He touched his cheeks with the tip of his tongue, and smiled harmlessly, even a little more recklessly, and said in a slow voice with an extremely disgusting low voice.

"Little deskmate, your vision is not very good, and you choose the ugliest partner as your partner. I can't learn anything. I really worry about the two of you. If you are positive or negative, you have to find a smarter partner."

The implication is that Zhou Xiangyu is ugly, his mind is not bright, and he can't learn anything from him. Zhou's injustice was stepped on again for no reason, and he probably sneezed a few times this time.

Shen Wanyi didn't bother to talk to him, and felt very strange that Song Shichen had been holding on to Zhou Xiangyu and targeting him everywhere.

Sighing deeply, recalling bits and pieces of the dance studio, telling the truth.

"It has nothing to do with him. I am a slow learner and my brain is not bright enough to implicate him."

This matter had nothing to do with Zhou Xiangyu at all, it was entirely her own problem, her body movements were stiff, and her expression couldn't let go, so she stayed for training.

If his partner wasn't him, he probably wouldn't have to suffer this kind of hardship. Sometimes he didn't have a meal and wasted a lot of free time. In the final analysis, she was the one who got Zhou Xiangyu involved.

Thinking of this, Shen Wan lowered her eyes in disappointment, full of guilt lingering in her heart, she pulled her lips, feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

As soon as the words fell, the girl's crisp voice slowly came to the ears along with the sound of leaves brushing outside the pavilion, and Song Shichen's expression was obviously taken aback.

His eyes gradually shifted to her face, and he rarely put on a distraught expression. He didn't say a word of sadness, and it was not difficult to see the powerlessness in his low voice.

It was really unexpected that it was Shen Wanyi's problem. At first, I thought it was Zhou Xiangyu's fault, but I was quite shocked. The truth is like this.

A trace of complicated meaning flashed in his eyes, and he cleared his throat.

"I'm sad. Logically speaking, it can't be your fault. I can only say that the method he taught is not suitable for you. You two are really not suitable."

Zheng'er Bajing said these words, and there was no complaint in his tone that Shen Wanyi was slow to learn and his brain was not flexible, and he blamed Zhou Xiangyu for most of the fault.

"My own problems are none of his business. Don't make trouble for no reason." Shen Wanyi glared at him fiercely, with a straight face, very serious, and reiterated.

Song Shichen had no choice but to deal with Shen Wanyi, he received all the sharp knives flying towards him, and angrily confessed his cowardice in front of her.

"Okay, okay, you two are right, let me do my mistake, little boy, the progress of the two of you is indeed very difficult to deal with, think of another way."

Of course, Shen Wanyi also knows that things are difficult, it's not as simple as making a paper, and it's not easy at all when it comes to dancing.

Keep in mind the movements, keep up with the rhythm, let go of your hands and feet, and present a friendly and natural smile to the audience.

1 minute on stage, [-] years of practice off stage, now I can be considered to understand this truth, but practice is not easy, it takes a lot of hard work.

Now even Song Shichen said it was difficult, I'm afraid things are really difficult, to the point where there is no cure.

Shen Wanyi responded sullenly, remained silent, and her little confidence was hit even harder, like a deflated ball that had lost its air, she suddenly lost her mood.

The words just now did not have the effect of comforting at all, and the picture gradually did not go in the desired direction, and it seemed to have the opposite effect.

Song Shichen "..."

The little devil of emotion didn't understand the meaning of his words, he spoke so clearly, he was usually very smart, but now his comprehension ability became worse, which gave him a headache.

Emotions seriously affect IQ, he can be considered to have experienced it now, and he is experiencing it, the stupid mind is sold and returned to others.

Impatient for a moment, he quickly explained, "Shen Wanyi, that's not what I meant..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted, Shen Wanyi immediately understood Song Shichen's meaning, she was stupid in her words, and looked at him in a daze.

"I see."

When you are in a low mood, you will know for sure and misunderstand, and if you can't see it again, you are not far from being blind.

If you don't explain it, the misunderstanding may gradually deepen. Song Shichen has always been straightforward, and he is used to speaking casually, so he couldn't help but blurt out, "I know what a fart."

Suddenly frightened by such a burst of roar, the girl's nimble eyes were like a frightened deer in the forest, in panic, at a loss, as if she was frightened and looked at Song Shichen on guard.

Song Shichen helplessly supported his forehead, and couldn't help explaining, his blunt voice softened, with a hint of coaxing.

"I mean try a different partner."

Shen Wanyi's eyebrows were frowned into hills, as if she didn't understand, her expression was obviously a little stunned, she was in a daze, she looked so cute, one couldn't help but want to pinch her tender cheeks.

"It's too late to change temporarily, and you won't be able to find anyone for a while. Besides, the other people form a good team and cultivate a good understanding. In addition, the teacher said that you can't change partners casually."

According to the current situation, it is unambiguous. To be honest, there is no other way to tell the truth. Don't even think about it, just delete it.

Another point is even more strange, why Song Shichen suddenly proposed to change his partner, and he couldn't see what he wanted to do.

I saw the young man meet her surprised gaze, raised his eyebrows, his eyes flicked across the presumptuous publicity, and he casually uttered a word.

"Far in the sky, right in front of you."

The narrow and affectionate peach blossom eyes are narrowed, and if you don't pay attention, you will fall into them deeply. The eyebrows and eyes are alluring, and the eyelids are slightly drooping.

Don't worry at all, everything is under control, and the expression on his face clearly shows that he is sure of victory, which makes people feel a strong feeling that with him around, they can rest assured.

The sudden strong feeling is inexplicably convincing, unconditionally believing that all problems are trivial in front of him.

far away, close at hand

Song Shichen's words were as light as floating clouds, but they weighed heavily on Shen Wan's restless heart like a heavy stone.

 I would really like to thank you. Today’s recommendation is a potential new book. The daily update is 6. I am shocked by the old iron. 4000 is already very difficult. Follow the Buddha.


(End of this chapter)

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