Chapter 161
She absolutely didn't expect it to be related to her ex-boyfriend, and she kept it a secret. As Shen Wanyi's friend, she didn't know anything about it, so she really didn't know what to say.

The girl in front of her was familiar yet unfamiliar, as if she had never known her before. Apart from knowing some basic information, she knew nothing else.

It seemed to be an unfathomable mystery, but also like a gust of wind, she couldn't grasp it no matter what. She tried to uncover her inner thoughts countless times, but always ended in failure.

If she could get to know her earlier, would the result be different, or the person who was by her side has always been him.

Lu Yanhan closed a pair of complicated eyes, the corners of his lips were a little far-fetched, and he returned to his usual carefree manner.

"Shen, you used to have good taste. You are very picky. Even your ex-boyfriend is extraordinary. I would like to ask, how many ex-boyfriends do you have, and which one is better?"

Resentful eyes flew over, Shen Wan wanted to kill someone, I really didn't know if it was a compliment, it was obvious, and the possibility of ridicule was even greater.

From Lu Yanhan's place, he really heard something good.

"Thank you for the compliment. My taste has always been good. I don't have as many as you Young Master Lu, so naturally I'm not as good-hearted as you."

The two started to fight each other crazily again. It wasn't that the enemies didn't get together, maybe it was the wrong goalkeeper.

Cheng Siyu almost burst into laughter, the two fell in love with each other as soon as they met.

Almost smiling, she blinked innocently, thought seriously about Lu Yanhan's words, raised her cheeks comfortably, thought suddenly in her mind, and said it slowly.

"He is the only ex-boyfriend in Wanwan, who is not as playful as you said. You are the big carrot. Stay away from scumbags, everyone is responsible!"

Shen Wanyi smiled but said, "Cheng Siyu, have you been too idle, and you still can't stop your mouth after eating?"

Cheng Siyu, who was named by name, quickly used his hand as a seal, glued his mouth, silently walked some snacks from the table, and left quietly with a delicate atmosphere.

There were only the two of them left in the living room, Lu Yanhan lowered his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking, his eyes were slightly dark.

He's quite dedicated, and he's the only one, which suits Shen Wanyi's temperament quite well. Once he enters his heart, he will never forget it.

First love is often the most memorable, and this time the two meet again, will they want to rekindle their old relationship and start a vigorous relationship.

Thinking of this, he felt a dull pain in his heart, as if a place had been hollowed out, as if something important had been lost, to suppress the unnaturalness in his heart.

After returning from the banquet, I had a feeling of uneasiness. From the moment the two of them danced, I somehow regretted bringing Shen Wanyi here. If I didn't regret taking the medicine, what should come will always come.

"Yo... Is he still thinking about him? That's true. My ex-boyfriend has turned into Song Lv, who everyone in Yuncheng knows. If it were me, I would try my best to seduce him. Why did you two break up?"

Although it shows that she knows that Shen Wanyi is not such a person, she still wants to know the reason for breaking up in the first place.

Qing Piao Piao's words made Shen Wanyi raise her head involuntarily, there was a wave of shock in her calm eyes, and there was a thud in her heart.

Thoughts were rolling in his eyes, the movements of his hands stopped, and he uttered a few words in a cold voice, "None of your business."

The whole body exudes a sense of refusal to be thousands of miles away, which is obvious and easy to see, with a touch of alienation. Looking at this posture, it seems that if you continue to ask, there will be a sign of turning your face.

"Hey...just talking, as for..."

Before he finished speaking, he disappeared, turned around and entered the bedroom, leaving behind a figure from behind, only Lu Yanhan was left in the huge living room.

He twitched the corners of his lips and lay flat on the sofa with his hands behind his head.

I really don't understand what this woman is thinking, just saying something casually, as for showing a face.

Looking up at the ceiling, the lights above are haloing layer by layer, and the crying of the neighbor's children can be faintly heard outside, which is especially loud at night.

Lu Yanhan scratched his head irritably, turned over, thinking why he didn't find any clues, didn't see that the two were actually in such a relationship.

I can't figure it out, and I can't figure it out, this broken relationship is much more complicated than what those old men in the company taught me.

The cuts are constant, the reasoning is still messy, damn it, I am about to be annoyed to death, and my head is about to split in two.

He didn't know what Shen Wanyi was thinking, as if she had never entered her heart, she hid herself very deeply, in her own small world.

If it's really hard to coax you when you're angry, you can be coaxed by being another woman, an expensive bag, or just a few sets of beautiful clothes.

However, Shen Wanyi is not interested in these things, she doesn't even pay attention to them, these things are dispensable to her.

It is even more difficult to make her happy, it is more difficult than doing business, the relationship between them is like an egg hitting a rock, head-on, no one will compromise.

Lu Yanhan's eyes gradually dimmed, or the lights were too harsh, which actually made his heart a little sour. For the first time, he who was always confident felt a strong sense of frustration.

Helpless, and don't know what to do, the heart of a woman, the needle in the sea, these words are not bad.

After sighing deeply, she suddenly realized that Shen Wanyi would not be so cruel that she didn't even prepare the room, so she just let him sleep in the living room, let's use it as the living room, he would really appreciate it.

Seriously, it's true, I've never received Shen Wanyi's warm treatment, never had he followed with his hot face on his cold ass.

There are not many mosquitoes in the living room, if he is bitten all over his face, how can he see people tomorrow.

This woman is really heartless, letting him feed mosquitoes here for nothing.

Forget it, accept your fate, accept the reality, and ask for trouble.

It's my fault, I have to follow, I should be fine for half a night, I gritted my teeth and passed quickly.

Lu Yanhan lazily got up from the sofa to turn off the lights, the living room was pitch black, his body close to 1 meters squeezed on the small sofa, he had to bend his legs.

Coupled with the expression of a big wrong on his face, it is both pitiful and funny, he sighed deeply, closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

The body was suddenly attacked by an unknown object, which lay softly on his body, causing a pain in Lu Yanhan's chest. He immediately jumped up from the sofa and cursed loudly.

"Is there something wrong with your brain! Attack in the middle of the night!"

He hurriedly grabbed the things he had just thrown over, feeling a soft feeling in his palms, judging by the light outside, they were quilts and pillows.

He couldn't help being taken aback, staring at the thing in his hand in a daze, but he couldn't respond for a long time, maybe his mind was stupid.

Shen Wanyi and Cheng Siyu were in the room, there was no need to think about it, Cheng Siyu would not be so kind, the greatest possibility was only Shen Wanyi.

In the dark living room, Lu Yanhan looked towards the figure by the wall, and knew her expression without looking at her. She curled her lips mockingly, folded her hands, and opened her mouth slowly.

"That's right, I'm sick in the brain and I'm soft-hearted to give you a quilt. The room has been tidied up, I like to sleep or not, and I don't mind if I want to feed mosquitoes."

 I passed the Tai Chi exam.

  I'm practicing dancing tonight, I really can't code words, I can do whatever I like, I don't want to worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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