Sweet crazy!The cold lawyer Song married at an early age

Chapter 162 Chapter 162: Knife Mouth Tofu Heart

Chapter 162 Chapter 160 II: Knife Mouth Tofu Heart

It's rare to be kind, seeing him pitiful in the living room, he sent quilts and pillows, but now it's fine, he was scolded for nothing, tsk tsk, it's hard to be a good person.

Lu Yanhan frowned, and quickly denied it. He touched the quilt in his hand with his fingertips, as if his nose was lingering with her own scent.

"Don't, don't... I have a brain problem, woman, I know you are the best, I don't want to be a mosquito's lunch, I don't know you yet."

Every time this woman can give him a different surprise, when he is desperate, he gives him hope, a bright light shines into the dark world.

"whispering sound…"

After coldly leaving a sentence, Shen Wanyi turned and left, walked towards the bedroom, took a change of clothes and went into the bathroom, put hot water in the bathtub, checked the temperature with his hand, and soaked in some cold water.

He pulled up his hair, took off his clothes, and soaked himself in.

The water in the bathtub overflowed to the surface of the water, forming small puddles, and balls of white shower gel bubbles splashed out from time to time and landed on the smooth floor.

In the bathtub, probably due to staying too long, her face turned a little flushed with the temperature.

Inexplicably hot, like a ripe apple, it makes people want to take a bite and taste the taste inside.

The woman's hair was unsteady, and half of her hair fell to her smooth shoulders and her beautiful collarbone, which just added a touch of sexiness to the picture.

After a while, she closed her eyes, scooped up a ladle of water, and splashed it on her face.

Crystal drops of water fell on the long eyelashes, followed the trend, and slowly slid down from the tip of the tall nose.

Lu Yanhan's words just now, why they broke up, came to mind inadvertently, the past was rolling in his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes were already clear.

If it is appropriate, how can I leave, maybe leaving and forgetting, for the present and the past, it might not be a good result.

In fact, I can live without either party, my life is my own, and I am living well now, and the two parallel lines will never intersect again.

"Song Shichen..."

Shen Wanyi murmured his name softly, and swallowed a bit of bitterness, as if it was the only way to feel better, "It's really a disaster."

The harm is not shallow, so that she can no longer be calm, did she choose to come back to Yuncheng?

The door in the conference room opened, and the crowd gradually walked out. They had just experienced some torture, and naturally their faces were not good-looking, and they left the scene quickly.

In the conference room, Song Shichen conveniently covered the folder on the table, stood up and walked to the one-meter-high floor-to-ceiling windows, where the tall buildings of Yuncheng were all in sight.

Neat high-rise buildings, criss-crossing roads are full of vehicles.

The constant flow of people, and vendors setting up stalls on the street, yelling and selling things, all kinds of fragments of life make up a beautiful and stable city.

The man took out a cigarette from the drawer of the cabinet next to the window, took an iron lighter aside, and did not light it.

On the contrary, it is played in the jointed hands, and the lighter and the cigarette are rubbed and rotated regularly.

The slender hands are very beautiful, the nails are neatly trimmed, the blue veins are obvious, the wrists are strong and thin, the fingers are slender and white, and the joints are well defined.

Accurately describe it as the artist's favorite sculpture hand model,

Simply put, it is the love of hand control fans. If you touch it lightly, you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in your heart.


He tapped the lighter with his thumb, the scarlet flame ignited the end, and the cigarette ignited at his fingertips, and he brought it to his lips and took a deep breath.

The smell of white mist and smoke rose to the sky, slowly evacuated with the air flow, and a cigarette was about to burn to the entrained fingertips.

Song Shichen shook the ashes on the cigarette, there was a lingering irritability between his handsome brows, and his eyes were as deep as ink.

A meeting was held in the afternoon, and in the blink of an eye, it was evening. The sun, which had been hanging for a day, moved westward quietly, leaving a few residual rays of light on the horizon, dyeing the hanging clouds red.

A few rays of bright light refracted in through the glass, hitting the clean floor and the desks and chairs behind.

The man stood in front of the window with a calm expression, mischievous spots of light passing by the black suit.

Jumping on him, his strong back seemed to be illuminated from behind, making him not like a mortal, but more like a god who fell into the mortal world and was contaminated by fireworks.

A few smoke rings were slowly exhaled from his lips, and the smoke rose faintly. Looking closely, he had a gentle and elegant demeanor, just like a well-cultivated nobleman.

After a while, Song Shichen relaxed his brows, and put out the half-burned cigarette in a clean glass ashtray.

Open the window to ventilate the air, the smell of smoke in the room dissipated a lot, and the sudden ringtone of the mobile phone on the desktop broke the tranquility at the moment.

There was a pause in the movement of the hand, and then it was connected, and a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Achen, are you busy with work recently? It's been a long time since I went home to lie down, and I haven't eaten. No matter how busy I am at work, I still have to remember to eat. I'm starving my body, but you feel better."

Chen Shuxian couldn't hide the concern in her voice, and she babbled over and over again, detailing everything, everything she could think of, and she couldn't help but say it.

Counting it, I haven't come back for several months, and there is no one. Don't mention the news, it's hard to see each other. To put it bluntly, it seems like the world has evaporated.

As a mother, my son is often not around, and I haven't seen anyone for several months, and I don't know if he is fat or thin.

The son of the other family came back every three days, and the family enjoyed themselves happily.

On the contrary, Song Shichen has become a missing person. If he doesn't look for him, he might not wait until the day he takes the initiative to contact him.


Song Shichen responded lightly, as if he had answered the above series of questions, his eyes flickered, his thoughts subsided, and he reached out to stroke the leaves of the potted plants by the window.

Chen Shuxian has long been accustomed to his attitude. Her son is good at everything and is excellent in everything. If there is a shortcoming, it is that his temper is too cold.

It was unbearably cold, as if nothing could arouse his interest, he was not clingy, independent and self-reliant, which is quite gratifying.

They chattered about homework for quite a while, usually it was Chen Shuxian who kept asking non-stop questions, and Song Shichen answered a few words from time to time, and finally got to the point.

"It's better to hit the sun than choose a date. Go home tonight for dinner. Your father has been nagging for a long time. The old man has a very stubborn temper. He doesn't say anything on the surface. I don't know him well as a husband and wife for more than ten years."

Seemingly anticipating Song Shichen's next refusal, grasping his weakness, he sighed intentionally or unintentionally, with a hint of threat.

"Speaking of which, I haven't been to a lawyer's office for a long time, and I don't mind taking a trip. Just take it for a walk and sit for a day. Whether it bothers you to work is another matter."

Knowing that Song Shichen hates being disturbed at work the most, not only work, but also everything else, he is obliged to use his nirvana.

Song Shichen was not worried about Chen Shuxian's coming, and indeed he hadn't gone back for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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