Chapter 166
Song Yinghuai picked up the bowls and chopsticks brought by the servants, the dishes were quite sumptuous, he couldn't see it for a while, picked up a piece of chicken and slowly put it in his mouth.

He bent his lips with deep meaning, and closed his mouth, "I have some ideas. The key is not to look at us, but to look at what the third child means."

Chen Shuxian was in a hurry now, one or two were completely worried, looked at Song Shichen full of complaints, and sighed silently.

"What can he mean, but he is not in a hurry."

Song Yinghuai smiled, and took a sip of his wine, "This is a matter of fate, I can't be in a hurry. Is there a possibility that the third child has someone in his heart, so he doesn't want to look for it."

"It's possible. I don't think it's very reliable, and I haven't heard any news. If there is, take it home early. According to me, Qingran is very suitable. She knows both books and etiquette, but the third child doesn't listen to advice. "

Without even thinking about it, Chen Shuxian directly denied that Song Shichen had someone in his heart.

How could it be possible, I would rather believe that he is cold, than believe that he has someone outside.

"Mummy, you are really too. The third child has always disliked being arranged. Sister Qingran is really good, but well, marriage is a lifetime thing, and you can't make do with it, and you can barely be happy."

Song Yinghuai comforted the frowning woman in front of her, and tried to persuade her with kind words, as if she wanted to change her traditional views, and picked up chopsticks to pick up vegetables for Chen Shuxian.

Looking at the dishes in the bowl, I have no appetite for dragon meat, and I can't help but feel angry. It is also her son, one is caring, the other refuses to listen to persuasion, and loves to be ignored.

How could there be such a big difference, Chen Shuxian couldn't figure it out, even though Song Shichen never let herself worry about it since she was a child, everyone praised her for having a good son.

When I grow up, I have my own ideas, and I gradually don't listen to persuasion. What's even more outrageous is that I haven't seen anyone for several months.

Always worried about what would happen, the heart was not put back into the body until he appeared intact.

"I also know that a twisted melon is not sweet, but how will I know if I don't try it. Now I'm not urging marriage. I just talk about love and get along with it before I know."

Chen Shuxian suddenly lost her appetite and put down her chopsticks. It was obvious that the meal was not pleasant, so she simply explained her thoughts and said it openly.

"Third brother, express your opinion."

Song Yinghuai's eyes fell on Song Shichen who was silent across the way, and the conversation turned to him. After chatting for a long time, he didn't make a sound. He really thought he was fine.

Unpredictable existence, but I want to hear what his third brother, who is pure-hearted and ascetic, thinks.

Song Shichen raised his eyes, his cold eyes met Song Yinghuai's, and he casually raised his lips.

"Brother's words are indeed reasonable, I have no objection, let nature take its course, fate will always come."

Chen Shuxian looked at the two of them bitterly, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said angrily.

"If you two brothers want to piss me off, Fate has to take the initiative by itself. It doesn't matter all day long. Forget it, I don't care about it. And you, if you have something to say about others, but you can't talk about yourself, when will the Yingying Yanyan around you get rid of it .”

The more they talked, the more angry they became, and they stopped talking at all, and the topic turned to Song Yinghuai, only to see that the person concerned looked indifferent, and his lips curled up evilly with a face somewhat similar to Song Shichen's.

"For entertainment, you must have a few female companions. Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. I am the exact opposite of the third child, a monk with a heartless heart and a dandy who spends time in Hua Cong."

Song Shaotang, who had been silent all along, ate quietly, and suddenly spoke out in a thick and majestic voice.

"Fun and play, men should focus on their careers, and the most important thing is, don't play with true feelings, our family only accepts matching."

The last sentence intentionally or unintentionally reminded the two people present that whether they play with women or are sexually frigid, the family only accepts the same family, and women who don't understand are absolutely not accepted.

The woman's eyes full of autumn water glared at Song Shaotang coquettishly, "Song Shaotang! I am disrespectful to my elders and have taught my son badly. None of them can save me. What if something happens when I play."

There is no mention of the right family at all in the words, indeed, I agree with this point very much.

After all, the Song family is considered a big family, how could it allow ordinary women to come in and be their daughter-in-law casually? This is absolutely impossible.

As long as she is here, this kind of thing will never be allowed to happen!
Song Shichen raised his eyebrows, as if thinking of something, he raised a careless smile, "If you like it, it's bullshit to be right."

She has always been used to being flamboyant and presumptuous, but she doesn't care about the people present, so she speaks directly.

Tsk, the feudal ideology of decades ago can still appear, how sad it is that marriage is used as a tool to strengthen the relationship between two families.

A marriage without love will not last long, let alone be happy. A twisted melon is not sweet.

He has never liked to make do with things, and he will not make do with them. He said one thing, fate is in his own hands, and listening to other people's arrangements is all bullshit.

The three people at the dining table looked at Song Shichen in astonishment, slightly shocked by what he said, and were indeed quite frightened, especially Song Shaotang was furious.

Dare to say one more word, I'm afraid it's going to be a fight, and the words are in the middle, Nizi is clearly slapping him in the face of Song Shaotang.

The applause was loud and loud, and in front of everyone, they slapped him in the face one after another, completely ignoring that it was his father!

He didn't pay attention to his father at all!He ignored his words, listened to them with the left ear and heard them with the right ear, and let them out like farts, clearly challenging his authority.

"Song Shichen! In your eyes, do you still have the existence of Lao Tzu? It's against the sky. The Song family doesn't welcome you. Go as far as you can. Go to a place where I can't see. It's best to die outside. No one will collect your body for you." !"

Song Shaotang was so angry that smoke came out of his seven orifices, and the blood all over his body rushed to his forehead, his ears became hot for a while, his face flushed, his whole body was trembling, his fists were clenched, and the veins in his hands were bulging.

After finally taking a deep breath, each word jumped out from the gap between the teeth, and it fell into the ears of everyone present with incomparable clarity, like a heavy stone falling in the heart.

Chen Shuxian hurriedly grabbed Song Shaotang, who was furious, for fear that he would make some amazing moves in the next step, and the matter would only get worse and worse, and finally it would be irreversible.

While pulling him, she looked at Song Shichen worriedly, fearing that he would get up and leave immediately, only to see that his calm eyes were not disturbed, as if he had never taken this matter to heart.

The cold and affectionate peach blossom eyes are slightly tilted up, casually treating everything in front of him as a farce, with a faint smile, narrow and narrow pupils, and complex meanings tumbling inside.

"Tsk tsk... Minister Song's temper is as hot as ever. A piece of advice, I can't bear it. I don't care about coming to the Song family if something happens sooner or later. I just want to make it clear that my surname is Song and has nothing to do with your Song family. We will meet later."

As soon as the voice fell, he turned and left without looking back, nothing could hinder him from leaving.

 I've been so busy recently, all kinds of final exams, Tai Chi, forms and policies, my God, people are going crazy.

  The hole left tonight will be repaired tomorrow, and the workload will be increased tomorrow, day after day.

(End of this chapter)

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