Sweet crazy!The cold lawyer Song married at an early age

Chapter 167 Don't make trouble, be obedient [Dragon Boat Festival]

Chapter 167 Don't make trouble, be obedient [Dragon Boat Festival]

The morning light has just risen at dawn, the sky is gray, half of the moon has not disappeared, and a few rays of light gradually leaked out from the black curtain, sounding the signal of dawn.

The morning light shines through the well-scrubbed windows, through the cracks in the curtains that were not drawn tightly.

Quietly drilled to the dark floor of the room, a few mischievous light spots jumped to the two people who were sleeping soundly on the bed.

The biological clock is on time as usual, and the signal to wake up is sent out.

The woman on the bed lazily turned over and changed into a comfortable position. Her soft black hair was spread beside the pillow, her eyes were not opened, and she shrank subconsciously into the warm embrace next to her.

After a while, Shen Wanyi opened her hazy eyes, filled with a thin layer of mist, blinked lightly a few times, and soon her vision gradually became clear

There was still confusion in the dark and moist eyes, and the man's cool and handsome jaw line was reflected in his clear vision.

Quietly propping up his head on the pillow, he carefully looked at Song Shichen who was sleeping soundly next to him.

The man took off the old mask of aloofness and alienation, and added a bit of indescribable softness. The loose hair hung on his forehead, making him a bit more lazy and casual.

Her skin was perfect, her lips were pale, her narrow and affectionate peach eyes were slightly narrowed, and her long black eyelashes cast a small shadow on her handsome face.

God seems to have a special preference for him, giving him a flawless face without any flaws, which is really enviable.

I didn't expect that such a monster would fall into my hands, I don't know whether to say luck or good luck.

Shen Wanyi blinked, and what Zhao Qiuyi said many years ago came to mind, and now she has to agree, blue face is a disaster, and it hurts people a lot.

This high-mountain flower was picked by herself after going around for a long time, and a lucky smile flashed in her eyes.

The appearance of the person next to the pillow coincides with that of the teenager in memory, shedding the immaturity of a teenager, becoming mature and steady, and becoming a responsible man.

Fortunately, he didn't miss it, and when he finally came back to his side, Shen Wanyi couldn't help but have a sour look in his eyes, and greedily stretched out his hands to caress his brows and eyes.

The pupils like autumn water were filled with the man's handsome face, she slowly stretched out her hand, and it fell on the man's long eyelashes.

The slender fingers landed on it cautiously, and touched it lightly, as if they had discovered something amusing, the corners of the lips curved into a smile inadvertently, and the eyebrows and eyes curved into a crescent shape.



The gentle fingertips jumped on the eyelashes, touched them regularly, and did not notice the faint smile on the corner of the man's lips.

Suddenly, the slender wrist was grabbed by the man's strong hands, caught and caught right away.

Shen Wanyi was so frightened that she trembled, and stared at the man with wide eyes in disbelief.

The man opened his dark and deep eyes, hiding a faint smile and pampering inside.

The voice that just woke up was hoarse, but it was extraordinarily magnetic, and his burning eyes turned to the terrified little woman at the side.

With curved lips and a slight smile, the delicate eyebrows were slightly raised, and the expression was playful, looking at her with interest.

Suspicious red clouds instantly appeared on Shen Wanyi's fair face, and she suddenly became angry from embarrassment. She pinched his face coquettishly, and immediately turned against him.

"Song Fox! Old and cunning, deliberately watching my jokes and watching how I deal with you!"

Song Shichen smiled, but he was not angry, stopped Shen Wanyi's hands, his pupils filled her small figure, and her hot breath fell on her fair neck, making her whole body shudder.

"I'm still in the mood to play. It seems that I was not very tired last night. It's still early. Why don't you do something meaningful, such as continue..."

Shen Wanyi glared at the innocent man with a smile on his face. It was good not to mention it, but when he mentioned it, he felt a dull pain, his whole body seemed to be dismantled and reassembled, and he wished he could bite him to relieve his anger.

Now I actually want to do it again, daydreaming, I am not stupid enough to do this, I will only agree when my brain is flooded.

He snorted a few times in dissatisfaction, with a stern face and an angry look, he turned his back on purpose, sulking alone.

Song Shichen, this old and cunning fox!
Good guy, I seriously doubt whether it is a different person. Song Lu, who was rumored to be frigid by the outside world, is gone forever.

The man embraced the angry Shen Wanyi with his long arms, turned her around, brushed her soft cheek with his thin lips, and kissed her softly and affectionately.

"Don't be mad, madam, it's my fault, rub it for you."

Before he could react, the soft words just fell, and the warm big palm covered the soft waist, rubbing it back and forth, and the touch caused an inexplicable heat.

Shen Wanyi raised her head suddenly, just as she was about to refute, who made herself into such a situation, she hadn't figured it out yet, but she didn't expect to meet such a scene in her eyes.

A gleam of light penetrated through the window, and one could vaguely see the man's gentle expression and focused eyes. There seemed to be a gleam of light in the dark eyes, which looked particularly eye-catching.

The movements of the hands are extremely gentle, as if treating the most precious treasure in the world, for fear that if the force is increased, it will break it.

Shen Wanyi was stunned for a while, and she didn't react for a while, until she caught Song Shichen's attention, she dodged her eyes, and her heart beat like a deer.

The soft ears heated up and turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the face and neck were red

The man's bony hands pinched the tip of Shen Wanyi's nose, his scorching breath fell on her face, and the breath enveloped the surrounding area overwhelmingly.

The affectionate kiss gradually moved up from the corners of the lips to the corners of the eyes, rubbing the soft waist of the woman from the bottom, and the deep voice was full of affection.

"Don't make trouble, darling, let you make enough trouble at night, the little lazy pig whose buttocks are exposed to the sun should get up, today is the Dragon Boat Festival, dear wife, should I do something for the holiday?"

Now it was Shen Wan's turn to be dazzled, and with a half-sluggish head, she finally remembered that today is the Dragon Boat Festival, it has been so many years, maybe she really forgot what to do.

It seems to be making zongzi, to be honest, but she doesn't know how, it seems quite troublesome, saving other cumbersome steps, it's better to cook noodles to eat.

So he frowned in confusion, looked at him cautiously, and asked half tentatively, "I'll cook a bowl of noodles for you, and add two more eggs?"

Song Shichen "..."

He is always smart, how come he is so stupid now, if he is abducted, he might have to count the money for others,

He bent his fingers and tapped Shen Wanyi's head, causing her to cry out in pain, and then straightened her face with a very helpless tone.

"Who would add two eggs to noodles for the Dragon Boat Festival? It's so stupid."

 I don’t know what’s going on here. I like to write a few episodes during the holidays. It may be because of the occasion, or it may be easy to write.

  So there is today's Dragon Boat Festival episode, which has nothing to do with the main text.

  There is one more, don’t read the next chapter, watch it tomorrow

  In the book review area, I shared the zongzi from my hometown hahaha, everyone is healthy and healthy during the Dragon Boat Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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