Sweet crazy!The cold lawyer Song married at an early age

Chapter 168 I only like you [Dragon Boat Festival]

Chapter 168 I only like you [Dragon Boat Festival]

Shen Wanyi immediately refuted Song Shichen's words in dissatisfaction, then pinched him, and said after thinking for a moment.

"Who said that you must eat zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival, but we can become No. 1 to eat noodles during the Dragon Boat Festival and have a different festival."

After a lot of pinching and scratching, Song Shichen clasped the woman's fidgeting hand, kissed her on the brow, interlocked his fingers, and patiently explained.

"The idea is very unique, but I don't agree. The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates Qu Yuan, a poet of Chu State. As a descendant, eating zongzi should not only respect history, but also commemorate Qu Yuan's spirit of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism."

With a soft expression and no trace of impatience in his voice, he paused, and suddenly thought of something, his dark eyes saw through it, and he smiled clearly.

"My wife is not an excuse for not being able to make zongzi, you little clever ghost."

Shen Wanyi immediately denied it, and went through the steps of making rice dumplings by her grandmother in her mind, without even thinking about it, she just retreated.

"That's not it, don't you think making zongzi is very troublesome, and you have to wash the zongzi leaves and prepare all kinds of fillings, soybeans, lean meat, glutinous rice, etc. After wrapping one, I'm about to starve to death."

Hearing this, Song Shichen nodded in agreement and did not deny her statement.

"It's just that if you don't try, how will you know? Only by doing it yourself can you feel a sense of accomplishment."

"You will?" The woman raised her eyebrows in doubt.

Song Shichen was quite frank, "No, you can learn."

"Learned about the Year of the Monkey?" Shen Wan raised her head and gave him a dissatisfied look, not hiding her resentment at all.

Song Shichen pinched the face of the woman in his arms, and was reluctant to let go of his hand for a while, and couldn't help chuckling, "Husband and wife partner, it's okay to try, it's time to get up, lazy pig."

Before Shen Wanyi could react, the man's gentle thin lips pressed against her face, the softness and softness aroused electric currents, from the outside to the inside, all the way to the bottom of her heart.

He suddenly met Song Shichen's dark and deep black eyes, and could vaguely see the smile in them.

I saw him pinching her cheek with one hand, with unknown feelings, lowering his head to hold her delicate lips, from deep to shallow, gently pecking and kissing her, luring her to indulge.

Shen Wanyi's hands were on his shoulders, the two of them breathed up and down, exuding an extremely warm atmosphere, she was about to be kissed out of breath, her eyes were faintly red.

At the same time that Shen Wanyi was almost out of breath, Song Shichen finally let go of her, his breath was messy, and his eyes rolled with terrifying desire.

His Adam's apple rolled a few times, his eyes slowly lowered, and he rested his chin on the woman's shoulder socket, his eyes flickered, and his heart softened into a pool of water.

The man's exquisite eyebrows were raised, and his voice was hoarse, "Little vixen, you will seduce me."

Shen Wanyi's heart skipped a beat, she met his mocking gaze, bit her lips, feeling inexplicably annoyed, who did the bad thing, and she was still to be blamed.

The ability to reverse right and wrong is really unmatched!
Dissatisfied with accusing him of the crime, "Unreasonable dog man, who seduced whom, actually resorted to beauty tricks, this trick of seduction is too bad!"

"My wife also enjoys it very much. This trick is effective enough. Get up quickly, and don't want to do something meaningful, such as exploring how human cubs appear."

Song Shichen said these words without changing his face, without any unnatural expression, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing, his scorching gaze fell on Shen Wanyi's face.

Seeing these words, Shen Wanyi almost seriously doubted whether he was thinking about that all day long. Song Shichen could indeed say and do it, so in order not to be hurt again, he got up from the bed.

For a moment, she forgot the pain of being crushed on her body. She couldn't stand still and fell to one side unexpectedly. The warm palms held Shen Wanyi's waist in time until she stood still.

As soon as he turned his head and bumped into the man's strong chest, his cheeks could not help but blushed, and he cursed himself inwardly, how could he be easily seduced when he had no backbone.

He hurriedly grabbed his clothes and rushed to the bathroom. He walked very fast without turning his head back. As if there was a beast chasing after him, he quickly closed the door with a "snap...".

The obvious red marks on the body, the collarbone, and behind him, every place is not spared, and the white skin is shocking, leaving his exclusive brand.

It can be seen that the madness last night was too much, and he severely scolded a certain culprit.


After washing and tidying up, the two of them went to the market to buy a bunch of materials for making zongzi, and bought while looking at the phone list.

In the end, Song Shichen mentioned a lot of things, while holding Shen Wanyi's hand on the other side.

After returning home, all the materials were placed on the table, Shen Wanyi raised her chin, poked one of the packs with a frown, "How do I do this?"

Song Shichen rolled up his sleeves, took out the materials, and untied the tightly tied bag.

"Do it with your hands. Is it possible to wait for it to transform into a zongzi? Find a tutorial and do it together. Don't be lazy."

As soon as the voice fell, I gradually shifted my gaze, and followed the tutorials on the Internet to do it myself.

Originally, I didn't expect this kid to do anything, if I don't do anything, I'm afraid I'll eat the northwest wind.

Xiaoxiao's thoughts were clearly touched, and now she really had nothing to say, so Shen Wanyi had no choice but to search for tutorials online, watch videos, and study hard clumsily while watching.

Take out a green zong leaf, put it flat on the table, fold up one side, compact it with your hands, open the zong leaf, and fill it with glutinous rice and other fillings.

I didn't grasp it firmly, and with a sound of "pa...", the zongzi that was finally formed fell to the ground, and the glutinous rice was scattered on the ground.

Shen Wanyi looked at the mess on the ground in astonishment, she did more than fail, but she showed it vividly on herself, it's not that she didn't want to do it, it's purely slippery.

He looked at Song Shichen pitifully, "Song Lv, I plead guilty! It was purely an accident just now, and making zongzi is too difficult to learn. I think we can give up struggling and just lie flat."

Song Shichen naturally noticed the movement here, frowned, stopped making zongzi, and sighed deeply, "I'll scan later, come here."


Shen Wanyi walked over slowly, not knowing why, and moved to Song Shichen's side, only to see that he suddenly handed something to his palm, and lowered his eyes to see that it was a wrapped rice dumpling.

Slightly stunned for a while, half-believing, "Did you make it?" The man glanced at her briefly, and said clearly, otherwise.

"Great, reward a kiss."

Her red lips were attached to the man's handsome face, and her eyes were full of admiration and admiration, turning into a little girl.

Song Shichen hooked his lips, as if he was quite satisfied with Shen Wanyi's initiative, and there was still warmth from her lips on the side of his cheek, and he pulled her into his arms.

"Does Madam know the meaning of this zongzi?"

Shen Wanyi was puzzled, what meaning could a zongzi have, then shook her head.

A man's clear voice slowly came from beside his ear, "Love blows with the wind, I only love you."

(End of this chapter)

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