Chapter 169 No one wants me
After walking a little further, you can still hear the crisp sound of things being thrown on the ground behind you, resounding chaotically throughout the hall.

With such an arrogant attitude, only Song Shichen dared to be so presumptuous, completely ignoring Song Shaotang.

Song Shichen was no longer visible at the door. Chen Shuxian originally wanted to chase him out, but was stopped by Song Shaotang, who grabbed him tightly and broke free to no avail.

"Leave him alone! Get out as far away as possible. It's best not to come back forever. It took eight lifetimes of bad luck to get into this bad boy. Sooner or later, he'll be pissed to death!"

Song Shaotang was so angry that his chest swelled and hurt, and the expression on his face was so gloomy that it was daunting.

In recent years, my health has not been very good. The doctor told me not to get angry and keep a happy mood. Now I have to be angry, and it is not because of this rebellious son!

He must have done all kinds of bad things in his previous life, that's why he sent this bastard to anger him. Song Shaotang was an upright man all his life, how could he have such a son!
It was hard to look forward to Song Shichen's return, and now the scene was suddenly unpleasant, and anyone who saw it would be extremely disturbed.

Chen Shuxian swallowed a bit of bitterness, her head gradually became dizzy, her chest was tight with anger, she was out of breath, her breathing was rapid, and her face was once pale.

Song Yinghuai hurriedly helped Chen Shuxian to rest on the sofa, and beckoned the servant to bring the medicine quickly, and after taking the medicine, he stroked her back to let her breathe smoothly.

Seeing that Chen Shuxian's face looked better, "Is Mommy feeling better? Inhale and exhale, take your time, relax, and don't think too much."

Song Shaotang, who was in a rage, noticed the situation here, walked to the sofa and sat down, took the water from the servant, and frowned worriedly.

"Shuxian, how do you feel? Are you feeling better? Do you want to go to the hospital? How are you doing now?"

He stretched out his hand to caress the woman's cheek, and saw that her face was still pale, as white as a piece of paper, not good-looking, so he couldn't help worrying.

He must have been frightened by the scene just now. If it wasn't for that rebellious son, things wouldn't be where they are today.

Chen Shuxian took Song Shaotang's hand, met his worried gaze, and signaled him not to worry.

"I'm fine. The old man is sick. I can't get angry. Why bother to get angry with the third child and let go of the harsh words. He is our child. How could he develop to where he is now after watching him grow up?"

Thinking of this, her heart couldn't help but ache. After all, she was the child born in Shiyue's pregnancy, and she was still the most beloved youngest son.

Today's scene is not what Chen Shuxian wants to see. On the other hand, she is worried that Song Shichen will never come back because of this incident, so she will cut off all ties with them, and will have nothing to do with them again.

The palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh. To be honest, as a mother and a wife, she was caught in the middle and didn't know what to do.

Song Shaotang snorted coldly, and couldn't help but retort, "You can see, obviously, he didn't treat me like an old man! He always opposes me, and now it's my fault..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Yinghuai gave him a wink, signaling to stop talking, and turned his head to comfort Chen Shuxian.

"Don't be angry, Mommy. You know the temper of the third child, and the two are more head-to-head. How about this? Next time you see the third child, make it clear and tell him to come back often."

Chen Shuxian's face finally turned a little bloody, and he didn't forget to turn his head to explain to Song Shaotang, "You too, you always drive your son away and put on a bad face all day long for anyone to see."

Song Shaotang answered vaguely, didn't bother to think about it, and talked about some daily routines, and the meal broke up unhappy.


It was still early, Song Shichen was not in a hurry to go home, turned the steering wheel, changed a road, and drove towards the hospital.

The light from the road hit the side of the man's face, outlining the exquisite and perfect jaw line. The dark eyes flowed with the light and shadow, passing a trace of unknown emotions, making it unpredictable.

Yuncheng No.1 Civilian Hospital
After parking the car, Song Shichen crossed the hall and walked straight to the third floor. Compared with the noise downstairs, the upper floor was much quieter.

Occasionally, a few nurses passed by in the bright corridor. Naturally, they saw Song Shichen and were slightly taken aback. This face had been seen several times in the media, so it's strange if they didn't recognize him.

With a wink, it was the first close contact, and my heart was trembling, and I couldn't help getting nervous, and called out in unison, "Song Lv."

The man nodded slightly, responded in a low voice, passed them, turned and walked to the other side.

When Song Shichen's figure disappeared in front of his eyes, the two of them were stunned for a moment, with obsessive gazes in their eyes, and they couldn't recover for a while.

"My god, seeing the real person Song Lu, isn't it a dream, oh, oh, it hurts to death, it's not a dream, Song Lu is much prettier than the Internet, my God, Song Lu is an eternal god!"

"Not to mention, the temperament is really incomparable. It's not that there is something to say, and the gestures are noble, so I fell in love directly, and bowed down under Song Lu's trousers!"

"Let's talk about what Song Lvda is doing in the hospital at night, and it's still on the third floor. The third floor is a VIP luxury ward."

"I don't know, don't patronize to watch the excitement, the patients in room 307 haven't changed their medicine yet, hurry up.

The two of them remembered their work in an instant, and went about their business.


"Crack..." sounded.

Song Shichen pushed the door open carefully and walked in, subconsciously stepping lightly, and the ward was lit with a faint light, which was not dazzling at all, but soft.

The TV in the center is playing a family ethics drama, and the characters in it are having a conversation. The person on the hospital bed is still awake, and when he hears the sound, he silently pokes his head out.

Seeing that it was Song Shichen, his kind face couldn't help being overjoyed, a flower was about to bloom, and he hurriedly beckoned him to come and sit down.

"The busy man finally came here when he had time. He thought that someone had forgotten me as an old woman. That's true. My old woman is useless and her bones are not good. She went into the coffin half-legged, regardless of whether she looked at it or not."

As if complaining that he hadn't come to visit for a long time, he pretended to have a straight face, secretly cast a glance at him, and said in a self-defeating manner.

Song Shichen sat next to the old man, seeing that she looked pretty good, he gradually relaxed, and his expression gradually softened.

Pulling out a fruit knife from the fruit plate on the table, he took out an apple and peeled it, his long eyelashes drooped, a shadow fell under his eyes, and his expression was extremely serious and focused.

It took a while before he opened his mouth, "How can I be willing to forget you, don't think too much, watch less stupid dramas, and be careful of being too poisoned."

As soon as the words fell, the apple in his hand was also peeled. After washing it in the sink next to it, he cut it into small pieces and put them on a plate, and handed them to the person on the hospital bed.

Grandma Song smiled, put a toothpick into an apple and ate it, looked at Song Shichen with weather-beaten eyes, put her hand on it, and sighed deeply.

"You're thin, you're almost skinny. If you keep thinner, no girl will fall in love with a skinny man. By then, she will become an old bachelor, and no one wants her."

Taking a quick look at Song Shichen, he sighed with emotion intentionally or unintentionally.

 This morning I changed yesterday’s one, and I made 1500 in the afternoon, and went out to play at night, so that’s it, I can’t help it.

  good night.

(End of this chapter)

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