Chapter 171
The man's clear voice rang out slowly, not just talking nonsense to deal with Grandma Song, but as if it came from the heart, at that moment, a trace of deepness flashed across his eyes.

To be honest, he was not sure whether he would be able to find a suitable person in this life. He was used to going with the situation and following the fate of the Buddha, so the matter of fate really couldn't be rushed.

The slender and white fingertips intertwined, the eyelashes drooped under the eyes, and the figure of Shen Wanyi appeared in his mind.

Song Shichen was stunned for a moment, his heart skipped a beat, and then he shook his head. He always had a certain chance of success in doing things, but for the first time he was at a loss what to do with Shen Wanyi.

"It's nice to say, and I haven't seen you take action. I know our Song Lv is very eloquent. He can distinguish between public and private. It's not working time. Let's talk about this tonight and let grandma check it out for you."

What she said made sense, but Grandma Song didn't agree. Although she was old, she wasn't too old to be confused, and her thinking was considered open-minded, and she didn't force Song Shichen to go on a blind date or marry a family.

I want him to simply find a girlfriend, live a normal life, have a hot meal when he gets home from get off work, and have someone care about him in his life, so he doesn't have to face an empty home.

If she can't even understand her painstaking efforts, I'm afraid she won't be able to die down there.

In recent years, my health has been poor, with good times and bad times. I often worry that I won’t wake up if I close my eyes, I won’t be able to see the sun tomorrow, and I will pass away quietly.

Only this matter is a knot in her heart, and the person who needs to tie the bell needs to untie the bell, so Song Shichen is urged to tighten up.

Song Shichen was stunned for a while, then recovered himself and smiled, his voice was very helpless, "I would like to know how to check, after all, there is no one now, it's just empty talk, it's not practical."

As if she had expected Song Shichen's answer like this, Grandma Song squinted her eyes, keenly perceiving everything, and smiled maliciously.

"From what you said just now, your eyes clearly tell grandma that there is definitely something to hide from me, especially about women. There must be stories between you. Grandma has traveled far more than you, so she can't hide it from me."

Now it was Song Shichen's turn to be speechless. He even had many reasons to explain, but at this moment he chose to remain silent. Grandma Song was indeed right.

Slowly spit out a sentence, "The observation ability is not bad, not to the point of old eyesight, it is worthy of praise."

"That's right, I don't even look at who I am. Grandma's eyes are still clear, she can tell right from wrong, and she can see through your inner thoughts."

Not only answered Song Shichen's words, but also clearly saw his intention to change the topic. Now that Grandma Song was smart, she definitely couldn't let him change the topic easily.

With a straight face, it was rare for him to be serious, "Don't try to change the subject, answer honestly."

Song Shichen was amused by her serious appearance, "Yes, what grandma said is right, but now there is not even a woman around, how can I become a granddaughter-in-law for you."

Hearing this, Grandma Song was perplexed, it is logically wrong, Song Shichen is at the top of excellence in any aspect, how could it be impossible to find it.

It took a while before he realized it, and let this brat play tricks again, where he couldn't find it, obviously he didn't want to find it.

"Hey, grandma is old and not confused. She clearly deceived grandma as a three-year-old child. How could she not find it? Not to mention, I have been in the hospital for a long time. After observing it, I have quite a lot of fans of yours."

Song Shichen followed her words, "So choose one of them?"

Knowing that Grandma Song didn't mean that, she still said to herself, frowning and thinking seriously, her expression didn't look like she was lying, "It's not impossible."

Hearing these words, there was obviously something to be said, and Grandma Song's eyes lit up instantly. She didn't value the idea of ​​being a good family member.

Whether you can find it or not is the key to living together. As long as Song Shichen likes it, it doesn't matter to ordinary people.

"I really didn't lie to grandma! If so, I really have to pay attention to you."

Song Shichen's eyes flashed a gloomy look, and then he raised his eyebrows, "It's still the same sentence as fate, I have my own measure, what should come will always come, and I will not be happy if I force it."

I don't know whether to say the last sentence to Grandma Song or himself. Before waiting for a response, Song Shichen said a few words to pay attention to his health, dimmed the lights, and left.


After chatting for a few words, it was almost eleven o'clock. When I came out, the bright corridor was empty, and there were not many people. A few shift nurses at the front desk were sorting out the documents in their hands.

Song Shichen walked straight forward, and suddenly at the turning, a woman in a blue striped hospital gown bumped into her head, holding a glass full of water in her hand, and she obviously didn't notice anyone at the turning just now.

Gu Gu looked at the water in his hand, but didn't look at the road, a glass of water poured straight on Song Shichen's body, and there was a big puddle of water on the black suit, which was particularly abrupt.

Both of them were stunned at the same time, they really didn't expect this accident to happen, the woman reacted first, and quickly took out a tissue from her body to wipe the water on Song Shichen's body.

He quickly apologized, "I'm sorry sir, I just didn't look at the road and wet your clothes. I'm really sorry. How much is it? Let me make a price and I'll transfer it to you."

Song Shichen didn't take it to heart, and said slowly in a cold voice, "It's okay, you go and do your work first, watch the road carefully, I'll take care of it."

The woman shyly withdrew her hand, hesitated for a while, nodded apologetically, then turned and left, looking back from time to time until Song Shichen was no longer in sight.

The pool of water was indeed a bit obvious, Song Shichen turned around and went to the sink to take out a few paper towels to wipe, the traces were gone a lot, not as conspicuous as before before he went out.

The roads of the hospital lead in all directions, he turned around and walked in the other direction, when the corner of his eyes inadvertently glanced at the Department of Brain Surgery, his steps stopped immediately, and his gaze fell directly on it.

A border is placed on the white wall, below which is marked the doctor's work experience and areas of expertise. With a simple scan, Shen Wanyi can be found out in a group of people at a glance.

It's quite easy to identify, she is the only one who is the youngest, and she happens to be in the middle.

It was probably taken when I first joined the company. The woman was wearing a white coat, her shoulder-length hair was tied into a low ponytail, and she didn't have too many decorations, just a light-colored lipstick.

The cold and frosty eyes look at the camera, the waves of light flow like autumn water, but they are so attractive invisibly, and the simple photos can hardly conceal the quiet temperament of the body.

An ordinary photo has a different feeling, but it doesn't look old-fashioned and rigid on her body, and it is dyed with a softness that is not usually there.

The nameplate at the bottom clearly marked, Neurosurgery, Dr. Shen Wanyi.

Song Shichen's eyes fell on it, and he didn't move away for a long time, his dark eyes gradually deepened, as if he wanted to engrave this photo deeply in his mind.

It is a glimpse at the end, but it is unforgettable.

 During this period of time, I was very clear about what I was doing. First of all, I was a student, and then I was an author. The most important thing was my studies. June was just before the holiday, and there were various exams.

  But this month is very important. From March to now, the manuscript fee has to wait for this month. There is no way.

(End of this chapter)

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