Chapter 172

He bent his lips and murmured, "Shen Wanyi."

His eyes seemed to be nostalgic, but there was a trace of hesitation. After a long while, he slowly retracted his gaze, turned and left.


"Song Shichen, why are you being nice to me?"

I forgot how many times I asked him the same question, and each time I got the same answer, Shen Wanyi asked him again, but this time it was an unexpected answer.

"Little brat, don't ask a hundred thousand reasons, just say it once, and you are not allowed to ask again in the future, just because you are Shen Wanyi."

The chirping of cicadas on the tree, accompanied by the young Qingyue's voice, slowly spread to the ears, hitting Shen Wanyi's soft heart again and again.

At that time, I was completely stunned, and I couldn't get back to my senses for a long time. The whole person was in a daze, and muffled a monosyllabic word, "Huh?"

Shen Wanyi really didn't understand, it has nothing to do with being nice to her, it's the same as not saying anything.

"Good job Shen Wanyi, you must have been sent by the heavens to torture me. You are so clear that you can't understand it."

Song Shichen's face was immediately displeased, he squinted his eyes, his expression was a little restless, and he couldn't help being angry.

After being silent for a while, Shen Wanyi asked half tentatively according to her own understanding, "What if there are tens of thousands of Shen Wanyi with the same name and surname?"

He guessed in his heart whether Song Shichen was interested in his name, or if it had a special meaning, for example, Bai Yueguang was also called by this name.

So when they meet with the same name and surname, it is inevitable that they will be kind to her. As soon as this idea came out, the previous doubts disappeared, as if everything was right, so it made sense.

For some reason, a trace of strangeness flashed across her heart, and her eyelashes drooped slightly, which was good at concealing the emotions under her eyes.

"I'm only interested in you, Shen Wan. My head is thinking wildly all day long. I have to make my words clear. If you do it, you've won."

Song Shichen explained unhappily, and was completely impressed by Shen Wanyi's understanding. He said everything so clearly that his thoughts could still float into outer space.

The fundus of his eyes gradually deepened, he slightly pursed the corners of his lips, and his narrow and affectionate peach blossom eyes lifted up, revealing a blurred light.

My heart skipped a beat for a while, and subconsciously felt an unprecedented tension. My eyes were locked on the girl's surprised and puzzled expression, but I could see the affectionate feeling.

If she couldn't understand the meaning of the words anymore, she might be a fool, Shen Wanyi didn't know what to respond to, so she blinked and simply replied "oh".

Not surprisingly, a meal of stir-fried chestnuts was ushered in, accompanied by a roar, "Shen Wanyi!"

It's rare for someone to be serious, but to be treated like this, with a cold face and hot ass, when did he, Song Shichen, receive such treatment, that is, Shen Wanyi dared to do it.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, but there was nothing he could do about her. He was indeed a veritable emotional idiot. Song Shichen sighed deeply, waiting for her to understand.


At that time, he didn't notice the disappointed look in Song Shichen's eyes, but now he saw it clearly in his dream, from the perspective of an outsider, and truly felt his inner emotions.

They looked at each other, full of emotions, as if there were many endless words hidden in them.

As a viewer, Shen Wanyi looked at the scene at that time, knowing that it was a dream, she couldn't help raising her hand to caress the boy who was lingering in the dream in front of her eyes.

Touching his brows and eyes bit by bit, it seems reluctant to part with, like nostalgia, a deep look contains many emotions.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

His lips trembled, and he whispered a word to him, even though he knew that it was a dream, that his eyes were fake, and that he was just a phantom, he still couldn't help but think in his heart.

"Jingle Bell…"

The alarm clock beside the bed rang, Shen Wanyi frowned, reached out and turned off the non-stop ringing alarm clock by the bed.

There was clarity under the misty apricot eyes. In the dream, she clearly remembered that the original scene reappeared in the dream.

The truth made her unforgettable, she was so suffocated that she couldn't breathe, after returning to Yuncheng for the first time, she dreamed of Song Shichen for the first time.

Pushing open the door of memory that has been sealed for a long time, the secrets of the long years are revealed at a glance.

With a blank mind, he raised his hand and rubbed his temples, turned on his phone and checked the time, it was 6:30.

It's still early, I don't feel sleepy at all, I just close my eyes to see the scene in my dream, I can't help feeling sour.

Shen Wanyi sighed deeply, got up from the bed, changed her clothes, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

The lump in the living room had long since disappeared, but he waited for him to step down the steps last night, and it seemed that he was really reluctant to feed the mosquitoes.

If Duan Duan didn't go home to be his young master, he had to suffer by her side, maybe it was really to experience life.

Shen Wanyi didn't believe it, saying that Lu Yanhan's 3-minute fever was quite possible, and according to his understanding, he probably wouldn't last for many days, so he went home obediently.

Put on an apron, work in the kitchen, work hard for a while, make breakfast, bring it to the dining table one by one, and the fragrance of the food permeates the whole living room.

"Early, early..."

Cheng Siyu came out of the room and yawned big. The dark circles under her eyes obviously betrayed her, and she stayed up playing games last night.

Glancing at Shen Wanyi, she couldn't help joking, "Why do you get up so early? Go to bed early and get up early, the standard of life for the elderly, people who are not old but old at heart, go wash up."

Turning around to go to the bathroom to wash up, Shen Wanyi raised her eyes and retorted, "That's right, if you don't get up early to make money, you may have to eat the northwest wind, and it's not like a certain big star, just a drama starts with a few million."

Hearing this, Cheng Siyu poked his head out, still holding a toothbrush in his hand, with white foam around his lips, and said vaguely.

"Hehe... Wanwan, why don't you try in the entertainment industry too. With your looks and temperament, I can assure you that it will be a hit! Let's be sisters again or something."

Shen Wanyi just said it casually, but she didn't expect this girl to take it seriously, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Don't, you can't afford this bowl of rice, and you can't find a good manager like Sister Ji even if you break the lantern. The blessings you have cultivated in your previous life, Ms. Cheng Siyu, cherish it."

Seriously frowning and thinking about it, not everyone can enter the entertainment circle, let alone she does not have this willingness, so I would like to remind you to cherish Ji Yunxi.

After a while, Cheng Siyu came out slowly, took out a bun from the steamer in the kitchen, took a bite as he walked, looked around, but didn't see anyone.

"As for Lu Gouzi, I didn't expect you to be scared away last night. Wanwan, you are really good at it. You are the only one who can handle difficult things."

Capitalize admiration, can't help but praise.

Shen Wanyi was about to say that she was in the room, but was interrupted by a lazy voice.

Lu Yanhan was lazily leaning against the wall, obviously not awake, trying to brace himself.

"Cheng Siyu, who are you talking bad about early in the morning? Walls have ears."

(End of this chapter)

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