Chapter 187

Everyone in front of the dining room was stunned. The appearance of the missing person Cheng Siyu was already surprising enough.

Unexpectedly, Gu Jinglan, who had never been seen, would show his face.

What day is it today? Could it be that the sun came out from the west, or that the two agreed to come together.

Sure enough, as long as Gu Jinglan appeared, he would become the focus of the audience, attracting everyone's attention, unable to stop their curiosity, and couldn't help but look at him.

The man is nearly 1.9 meters tall, his facial features are as perfect as a sculpture, and his dark eyes are like a bottomless pool.

The pupils exude an elusive streamer, mysterious and unpredictable, and the cool and thin lips outline a vague arc.

Accepting the gaze calmly, she went straight to sit down in the vacant seat beside her. Cheng Siyu's face froze, and the corners of her lips twitched.

Unexpectedly, it came so quickly and without preparation, it caught her by surprise.

However, it was just a good time to divert his attention and rescue her casually, which was a blessing in disguise.

The old lady's attention was on Gu Jinglan, her face was smiling like a blooming flower, she couldn't close it at all, her deep-set eyes looked very energetic, her eyes met each other, showing a kind smile.

He hurriedly asked Gu Jinglan to come over and sit down, "Hurry up, add a pair of bowls and chopsticks to Alan, and don't let me know when you come back. It's too sudden, there is no preparation at all, and there are not many dishes. It's not good."

The appearance of Gu Jinglan seemed to add excitement to the laughter and laughter just now, and even the servants couldn't help but look at this big man who couldn't see the end of the dragon.

Can you not be excited, people who are usually only seen in the media, one day, finally see a real person, it is really extraordinary.

Become the manager of a large company at a young age, and manage a company that is close to bankruptcy to flourish. With a simple signature, hundreds of billions of contracts are easily obtained.

Outsiders' evaluation of him is that he will be vengeful, cruel, ruthless in doing things, and will never show mercy.

As the saying goes, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit.

Gu Jinglan is the eternal king of the business world, standing high above, with a gaze down from above, he casually raised his hand, as if all of this was under his control.

Curious and afraid of Gu Jinglan, he has a powerful aura, not angry but majestic, not daring to look at him.

The servant next to him hurried into the kitchen to add two sets of bowls and chopsticks, put them in front of Gu Jinglan, took a quick look, and quickly stepped back.

Cheng's mother smiled, and couldn't help joking, "Oh, what a beautiful day today, Tiantian and Jinglan came back together, you two probably agreed to come here."

His scrutinizing eyes turned on the two of them, and sure enough, Mo Ruomu, the daughter-in-law, deserved to be her own mother, so she guessed right.

This has to be admired. It is not good to be too smart at critical moments.

Cheng Siyu pulled his lips unnaturally, glanced at Gu Jinglan, but met his gaze, and silently looked away, "Yes, I'm coming with my uncle."

Everyone suddenly realized that the old lady looked at the two of them deeply, with inexplicable joy in her heart, and even forgot about the matter of reprimanding Cheng Siyu just now.

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder the two missing persons suddenly appeared. They haven't seen each other for a while. Why did you two become so close?"

Without mentioning it, I almost forgot that Cheng Siyu was afraid of Gu Jinglan, Cheng's mother was also curious, and the two people who usually didn't meet appeared together.

"Isn't Tiantian always afraid of Jinglan? When I was a child, I saw Jinglan's car at the gate, and I hurried back to the room. Sometimes I saw it, and quickly hid behind me, like a mouse seeing a cat."

As soon as the words fell, everyone present couldn't help but hold back their laughter. They had completely imagined the scene at that time, and they were even seen by many servants before.

Cheng Siyu's smile suddenly froze on his face, wishing he could dig a hole and bury himself, why did he mention the old things in front of Gu Jinglan? !
The whole person is going to be stupid, and his head is blank, how should I describe it.

She really deserves to be her own mother, she can tell everything, it would be better to kill her to add to the fun.

Now it's no different from public punishment, it's better to kill her with one knife, to have a good time, to die early and to be reborn sooner.

She responded with a far-fetched smile, and gave Cheng's mother a coquettish look, "Mum, don't mention the past, it's so embarrassing to say it, you're young and ignorant."

A strong gaze fell on Cheng Siyu, staring at her scalp numbly, making her unable to ignore it, turned her head to meet Gu Jinglan's deep gaze, and sucked her into her pupils calmly.

The man diagonally below nodded slightly, his delicate jawline was raised, his dark eyes were flowing, his pupils were as deep as a vortex, his lips were raised casually, and he could not see any emotion.

With a half smile but not a smile, he did not hide his scrutiny at all, and even looked at it openly.

The pink and tender little bun who was not as tall as his legs at the time came to mind. Every time I met him, there were always sparkling tears in his eyes, and he looked very much like a bullied little white rabbit.

Obviously he didn't do anything, but he looked like a villain who did all kinds of evil in front of her.

Tsk, he is so innocent, he has been labeled as a villain for many years.

When they met each other during the holidays, she timidly hid behind her mother, her voice was as small as a mosquito, and she couldn't hear her if she was not serious, and reluctantly called him uncle.

Gu Jinglan often thought that if no one was beside Cheng Siyu, he might not be scared to the point of crying.

Thinking about it, I found it funny, the little crying bag who hid behind the lord grew into a slim girl, much more courageous than before, the only thing that didn't change was that she was still afraid of him.

"That's right, what's so embarrassing, it's all a family, and besides, Tiantian was eating at the dining table before, and when she saw Jinglan coming back from a distance, she put down the bowl and ran to the stairs, even running away with her slippers. Leaning in the basin of Wangcai."

This time it was completely unbearable, the old lady and the servant laughed together, and there was a lot of laughter in the hall, which couldn't stop at all.

Cheng Siyu "..."

Definitely my mother!Otherwise, how could she use the embarrassing things in the past as a joke, she almost lost all her face.

I almost forgot about it at first, but now it is mentioned again, Taishe is dead, and I don't have the courage to raise my head to see others.

I can't believe that such an idiotic thing would happen to her, but I have to admit that she did it, unable to refute it, and capitalize it with embarrassment.

Gu Jinglan looked sideways, the girl became angry from embarrassment, and almost couldn't hold back the frantic expression in his eyes, he calmly raised the corners of his lips, if he paid attention carefully, a little smile could be seen in his eyes.

It must be said that only Cheng Siyu could do such ridiculous things in order to avoid himself.

Cheng Siyu blinked reluctantly, "Mommy, let's end this topic immediately, and eat first, the dishes will cool down soon."

In order not to continue talking about the black history of the year, he quickly chose to change the subject.

 There is no class in the afternoon, so I updated it earlier.


(End of this chapter)

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