Chapter 188 Peeled Shrimp
The old lady also joked, "Look, we just chatted a few words, our Tiantian is too shy, and I don't know which man will cheat me in the future."

One wave is not settled, another wave comes, one after another non-stop, the next second will not talk about the boyfriend.

Cheng Siyu blinked playfully, "Ahem...Grandma, I'm still young, don't worry about this matter, I want to stay with you at home for a few more years."

Turning around and returning to her seat, she hadn't noticed just now, but now she finally found out that her seat was actually next to Gu Jinglan? !

Enemy Road is narrow, not because Enemy doesn't get together, but also because of this big ice cube, the good mood is poured with a big basin of cold water, it can only be said that today is too unlucky.

Silently complained about Gu Jinglan, and then sat down as if nothing had happened.

Sure enough, she already clearly felt a chill coming towards her, a big moving block of ice!
"Can't you see through your little grandma Si? Forget it. I don't want to care about young people's affairs. It's rare to get together. Let's have dinner."

After finishing speaking, he greeted the servants to bring the dishes, chatted for a while, and prepared sumptuous dishes to fill the table after a while.

Each dish has a variety of colors, and the aroma of the food is mixed in the air, which is very attractive and arouses the gluttons in the stomach.

After a while, the food was finally served, and they all moved their chopsticks together, and they didn't speak while eating. As a habit, there was only the sound of the collision of bowls and chopsticks at the dinner table.

Sitting next to Gu Jinglan, eating was not a taste, Cheng Siyu was so angry that he didn't dare to take a breath, so he kept his head buried in eating, wishing to be a little transparent.

You have to eat vegetables when you bury your head in eating. How uncomfortable it is to eat plain rice. You must not starve yourself, but now, you are facing a dilemma.

The favorite dish of crayfish happened to be in the middle of Gu Jinglan, if he wanted to sandwich it, it would most likely pass in front of him.

In case he glanced over, his hand would drop with a shake, which would be embarrassing.

Forget it, give up resolutely, and can only watch my favorite crayfish in front of me, but I can't pinch it, who knows the pain.

Cheng Siyu continued to bury her head in her meal, and only picked up the eggplant in front of her as a side dish, just wanting to end the meal quickly.

The person concerned expressed that he regretted coming back very much, he should not have been threatened by Gu Jinglan, and secretly scolded himself for being spineless.

Turning grief and anger into appetite, he took the rice in front of him like Gu Jinglan, an annoying guy, and took a bite to relieve his full stomach of resentment.

Suddenly, a pair of chopsticks picked up the peeled prawns and sent them to Cheng Siyu's bowl. The movements were smooth and smooth, without any delay, and then they were taken back.

Cheng Siyu blinked in bewilderment, and was very dazed in the face of the sudden prawns in the bowl.

His head was awake, only Gu Jinglan was beside him, and there was no one else.

It doesn't seem possible. When did Gu Jinglan ever become a good person? The slap she got in the car is still hurting in her butt, and she was slapped on the face forcefully.

Still can't figure it out, it's better to see it with my own eyes than to think wildly, so I just do it, so I turned my head and cast a surprised look at Gu Jinglan.

Even though he had the answer in his heart, it was still unbelievable that Gu Jinglan picked up food for her. Is this person sure that there is nothing wrong with his mind?

The man was naturally keenly aware of Cheng Siyu's gaze, and ignored it. He reached out to pick up a shrimp into a clean bowl, and put disposable gloves on his slender fingertips.

While lifting the shrimp head, gently peel it off, lower your eyes slightly, and carefully remove the wrapped shell, revealing the tender and delicious shrimp meat, which makes people unable to resist the taste.

The sauce fell on the paper towel on the table with the fingertips, drop by drop, and the bright light shone down, reflecting the incomparably white fingertips.

It's like an artist's exquisite carving, so perfect that there is no trace of flaw, but it is such a pair of flawless hands, doing things that are not in line with reality.

After falling on it for too long, Cheng Siyu couldn't help being attracted, and his eyes were on Gu Jinglan's hands and he couldn't bear to look away. He didn't pay attention to it before, but now he just thinks that these hands are extremely beautiful.

At this moment, she absolutely does not admit that she is a hand-controlling party, because she has not forgotten that Gu Jinglan is next to her, and the nympho also divides people.

Sure enough, he guessed right, it was really Gu Jinglan's food, he was in a dilemma, and he didn't understand why he did this.

Some inexplicable emotions surged in his heart, his eyes were complicated, he frowned and thought seriously, whether he wanted to test himself for poison.

The chopsticks kept fiddling with the shrimp meat in the bowl, and at the same time hesitated whether to eat it or not, in a dilemma, not knowing what to do for a while.

With a large crowd, Gu Jinglan probably wouldn't do any tricks, forget it, no one has died in life since ancient times.

Cheng Siyu picked up the piece of shrimp meat as if he was at home, hesitated, and finally brought it to his lips, and took a light bite. It was refreshing and delicious, and there was nothing wrong with it.

There was a gleam of exclusive foodie in her eyes, the taste was really good, it was indeed her favorite crayfish.

Before swallowing the shrimp in his mouth, Gu Jinglan peeled off a small bowl after a while, and there was a pile of peeled shells on the table, but he didn't have any in the bowl.

In the blink of an eye, a small bowl of shrimp meat was pushed in front of Cheng Siyu. She blinked blankly, not knowing why, and looked at Gu Jinglan in bewilderment.

The man took off the disposable gloves on his hands, his expression was natural, and his gestures were noble, as if he wasn't the one who just peeled the shrimp.

Cheng Siyu's eyes skipped over the bowl of shrimp, then moved to Gu Jinglan, lowered his voice, and couldn't help but ask.

"Uncle, what does this mean?"

She is courteous for nothing, rapes or steals, maybe there is some conspiracy on her, she doesn't want to feel uneasy and have a guilty conscience after eating this meal.

Gu Jinglan glanced lightly, took out a tissue, wiped her hands slowly, and lowered her voice like her, "Tsk, you can't stop your mouth if you have something to eat."

Cheng Siyu "..."

This person must not be with him!Sarcasm, every word stepped on her thunder point, she is a very principled person, this is absolutely unbearable.

But, for the sake of crayfish, let's put aside the issue of principle for the time being. As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people, so you can't make trouble with food and affect your mood.

Forgive Gu Jinglan reluctantly, but only for a short while, absolutely not more, more conscience.

He kept his ears closed to what was going on outside the window, and buried his head in eating crayfish. After finishing a sentence, don't hit her, and just eat.

He squinted his eyes in enjoyment, his cheeks on both sides were swollen, like a little hamster stealing food, and people couldn't help poking their cheeks.

Gu Jinglan turned his head and saw such a scene.

The girl's eyes lit up and she picked up the shrimp in the bowl, and the hair that was brushed up to her ear fell on her chest from time to time, her plump lips were stained with sauce, somehow, she was unexpectedly seductive.

His Adam's apple rolled up and down, his eyes dimmed slightly, and the corners of his lips curled up in a mocking manner, with a hint of inscrutability.

Tsk, it's really coaxing.

 The hero and heroine should be brought back tomorrow. As for the reason for not writing the case, once the case is over, they will not be involved, so I haven't written it yet.

  I have to catch up with homework in the evening, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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