Chapter 189
The two fell into silence again, Cheng Siyu buried his head and quickly wiped out the crayfish in the bowl, not to mention Gu Jinglan, who didn't like talking during the meal.

After the meal, we chatted about homework, and it’s been a long time since we’ve had a family reunion.

If Cheng's father hadn't been on a business trip, the meal would have been even more lively.

The old lady took the water from the servant to rinse her mouth, wiped her mouth with a towel, and spoke to Gu Jinglan.

"Alan, is the company going well recently? Are you busy? No matter how busy you are, don't forget to eat. You're hungry and thin."

Hearing this, Cheng Siyu next to him couldn't help twitching the corners of his lips, which eye saw that Gu Jinglan had lost weight, good guy, he was obviously very healthy, and he could kill a few tigers.

Gu Jinglan, whose name was called, responded, "It's okay, not too busy, don't worry about me, take care of your body."

The old lady who received the care smiled gratifiedly. Gu Jinglan was cold-tempered, never liked to get close to others, and had very few friends. She went her own way and walked alone.

Every time I chat, I can always kill the conversation, and I can't continue the conversation at all. When I become an adult, I move out to live alone, start my own business, and make the company that is about to close down flourish.

He was really surprised and happy to hear the words of concern from his mouth, but his head didn't react for a long time.

"Okay, okay, I'm interested. I have something I want to discuss with you. I can't speak clearly on the phone. I haven't seen anyone in the past few months, so I put it aside. Now that I see someone, I have to mention it."

Gu Jinglan raised his eyebrows, with a puzzled expression on his face. What important matter did he have to wait for him to come back? He was looking at the old lady in doubt.

"A few months ago, Boss Wang, who had a relationship with your father, came to sit at home, and his daughter followed him. The two of you met once. Not long after, Boss Wang called, expressing his impression of Alan. Not bad, I also want to make friends."

After the old lady finished speaking, her eyes fell on Gu Jinglan's expression, as if she wanted to capture some emotions, but to no avail, she was expecting what he would think.

The literal meaning is very clear. Not only do I have a good impression, I want to make friends, but I also want to get to know each other better and develop a better relationship with friends.

Boss Wang's meaning was obvious, and hit the nail on the head. He had never eaten pork, and had seen pigs run away. He was clearly very satisfied with Gu Jinglan and wanted him to be his son-in-law.

At that time, Boss Wang’s original words said, “The Cheng family is full of talented people, and Jinglan is better than blue. He can do a lot at a young age, and he is a good person. There is nothing to say. He is a good-looking talent, and my daughter thinks the same way.”

At that time, the old lady replied vaguely, because Gu Jinglan was not around, she dared not agree easily, and she couldn't destroy the relationship between mother and child because of such a matter.

Now this time, she finally saw that she didn't want to take care of the young people's affairs, and could only leave it to them to decide.

Everyone's eyes fell on Gu Jinglan in an instant, as if they were curious about how he should answer, and the relatives who were watching couldn't help but agree, and began to persuade him one after another.

"This is a good opportunity to seize. Boss Wang has cooperated with our family for many years and has a good friendship. This is a great opportunity."

"Isn't that right, getting acquainted, deepening the impression, maybe changing from a partner to a family member, I saw from a distance that day that Miss Wang's family is really good-looking, knowledgeable and polite, gentle and generous, if the two can be together, a match made in heaven .

"The youngest is old enough. It's not good to have no woman around. At this time, I have to find a woman to take care of my life and start a family. It's time to start a family."

It seems that she is very optimistic that Miss Wang and Gu Jinglan will not only boost the family's business, but the two will tie the knot and promote a good marriage. Why not do it.

Cheng Siyu, who was silently listening at the side, agreed very much, and almost didn't applaud. If Gu Jinglan had his own family, he definitely didn't have time to care about himself.

Maybe we will see each other once a year, and I am very satisfied with the result, so I almost shut up and chatter with my relatives.

It's a pity that adults don't have the right to intervene when adults talk, so they can only ask questions before answering, or else they can show their hands in the morning and persuade them together.

Gu Jinglan, who became the focus of everyone, was as calm as ever, as if he was not the subject of lively discussions around him, shaking the cup in his hand with his slender fingertips, and a casual smile in his eyes.

The man leaned lazily on the chair, his dark eyes gradually deepened, and a faint look flashed across his eyes, his thin lips were lightly pursed, like a smile that wasn't a smile.

Cheng Siyu, who was staring at him, flickered from the corner of the eye, and his hands paused. When everyone was expecting his answer, the cold voice reached everyone's ears accurately.

"What does Tiantian think? Her opinion represents mine."

With the sudden words, he succeeded in shifting his gaze to Cheng Siyu's side, and landed on someone Cheng, who was eating melons.

They all wondered how Cheng Siyu was involved in the matter of Gu Jinglan. After talking about the relationship between the two of them just now, how did the relationship become so good?It's so strange, I can't figure it out.

Cheng Siyu, who was silent while lying down, was also shot, blinking in confusion, accepting everyone's gaze, he was still eating melons one second, and became a victim the next second, with extremely complicated emotions.

It's a fucking dog, it's really hard to explain this time, dare Gu Jinglan insists on dragging her into the water, no wonder he feels uneasy about eating this shrimp.

It turned out that there was a premeditated plan and such an idea. At that moment, I finally saw through Gu Jinglan, a cunning fox!
And this guy called him by his nickname in a shabby way, which he couldn't bear at all, his young heart couldn't bear it, and he got goose bumps a lot.

His expression was capitalized with displeasure, and he glared at Gu Jinglan fiercely. It was all expected, but he was looking forward to Cheng Siyu's answer.

Cheng Siyu faced the gaze with a forced smile, and lowered his voice, "Uncle, you were sent by the heavens to trick me."

There is no doubt about it, you know it without thinking about it, it is clearly a question, but in a very positive tone.

But Gu Jinglan looked innocent, and gave her a look of charity, and lazily raised his eyelids, "Do you have a problem?"

"Don't dare..." Cheng Siyu wanted to kill someone, he gritted his teeth, and only after a while did he utter two words.

The silence was too long, and the old lady couldn't help wondering why the two of them couldn't say it on the stage.

"Tiantian, what's your opinion? What do you think of your uncle's matter? Let's listen to it and refer to it."

Cheng Siyu, who was suddenly pointed out, forced a smile, "I have no objection at all, grandma decides. In fact, it's good to have more people in the family."

The Tao is one foot tall, and the devil is ten feet tall. She decided to fight Gu Jinglan to the end.

The implication is that there is no opinion, the minority obeys the majority, and I wish that Gu Jinglan and Ms. Wang could be together so as not to be an eyesore all day long.

 Catch up on homework until 2 o'clock last night, catch up on sleep at noon, didn't write, danced at night, and lay down.

  Don't read the next chapter, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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