Chapter 208 two hundred and eighth
Hearing Shen Wanyi's denial, the big stone in Lu Yanhan's heart finally fell, and he smiled with relief.

Immediately echoing Shen Wanyi's words, she swept Cheng Siyu meaningfully, "I really can't believe it, nonsense bastard, she can trust that a sow can climb a tree."

This lack of tone made Cheng Siyu grab the pillow next to him, exert all his strength, and throw it in Lu Yanhan's direction, and the soft pillow fell into his arms in an instant.

"Hey, I still have a small temper. The temper is really not small. I don't let people tell the truth. What is that word called? I become angry from embarrassment."

Cheng Siyu snorted coldly, waiting, sooner or later it would become a reality, so he turned back into the room with great backbone, and made a loud noise when closing the door, expressing his dissatisfaction.

There were only two people staring at each other in the living room. Lu Yanhan didn't speak, but curled his lips as usual. After all, he didn't understand women's hearts, and he couldn't coax them.

To be honest, women who love to lose their temper and cry are the most annoying, with one head and two big heads, who the hell can accept it!

In the last second, he said that he didn't believe Cheng Siyu's nonsense, but now he took the initiative to ask, "Shen, are you two really rekindled? Gossip and gossip."

"What do you think?" Shen Wanyi cast her eyes over, as if she was looking at an idiot who knew what to ask, asking nonsense.

Lu Yanhan raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on Shen Wanyi who was next to him, "Why did you two break up in the first place, Shen Ruan, you shouldn't turn your back on it."

Ever since he knew that Shen Wanyi had been with Song Shichen, Lu Yanhan realized that he never seemed to know Shen Wanyi, let alone what he was thinking.

I don't know why he is so uncertain, maybe it's because of Song Shichen on the opposite side, and he's not sure what Shen Wanyi thinks, maybe the two of them will rekindle their old relationship as Cheng Siyu said.

As soon as the word "break up" came out, Shen Wanyi's expression was indifferent, without a trace of astonishment, without even thinking about it, she blurted out directly, as if talking about an unimportant matter, "Personal differences."

The surface is calm, and I am prepared to be asked, but when I answer, there are still a lot of waves in my heart, and I am quickly suppressed.

Without even thinking about it, he answered directly. On the surface, there was no problem, but from Shen Wanyi's mouth, there was something wrong.

It seemed that this answer came out of my mind without thinking, without any thought and deliberation at all. It was kind of unreal, like a casually made-up reason.

Lu Yanhan frowned, "It's so simple? It doesn't look like it. There shouldn't be a life-and-death relationship, either you cheating or him cheating, and a white lotus will destroy the relationship in the middle."

"Think slowly." Shen Wanyi didn't even look at him, got up and went into the bedroom, and closed the door, separating the inside and the outside into two worlds.


The whole picture of the bedroom is in front of you. When you enter the door, there is a desk. There is not much decoration. Documents and books are neatly placed. The windows on both sides are opened, the night wind is pouring in, and the hanging floral curtains are dancing.

Shen Wanyi sat in front of the desk, bent down and opened the bottom drawer, and reached out to feel inside. Because it was hidden, she groped for a while before finding it, and put it on the table.

It is a round crystal ball, filled with an unknown liquid, black as ink, in the middle is a girl wearing a swan skirt, stretching her hands up, gracefully moving her neck high, like a dancing white butterfly .

Without any dust or cracks, it was obvious that it was well protected. Shen Wanyi couldn't help but caressed her hand on it, and a deep look flashed in her eyes, and she pressed the base with her hand.

The originally pitch-black crystal ball was filled with dots of starlight, all over the sky, the stars were shining brightly, twinkling and twinkling, especially eye-catching, and small fragments were emitted from time to time.

The melodious and beautiful music sounded slowly, and the girl inside turned and danced lightly, with wings slowly stretched out from her back, as if she was about to transform into a little swan at this moment and fly to the sky, looking for her freedom.

Those words were still clearly etched in my mind.
——Shen Wanyi, you just need to be yourself and go to the sky to pursue the freedom you want, instead of being a puppet controlled by strings.

Memories of the past flooded into his mind, overwhelming Shen Wanyi's thoughts, and the song in the crystal ball was played over and over again, unable to recover for a long time.

That sense of familiarity returned to her body again, Shen Wanyi suppressed the discomfort in her heart, raised her hand to her forehead, turned around and put the crystal ball back into the bottom drawer.

"Think slowly." Shen Wanyi didn't even look at him, got up and went into the bedroom, and closed the door, separating the inside and the outside into two worlds.


The whole picture of the bedroom is in front of you. When you enter the door, there is a desk. There is not much decoration. Documents and books are neatly placed. The windows on both sides are opened, the night wind is pouring in, and the hanging floral curtains are dancing.

Shen Wanyi sat in front of the desk, bent down and opened the bottom drawer, and reached out to feel inside. Because it was hidden, she groped for a while before finding it, and put it on the table.

It is a round crystal ball, filled with an unknown liquid, black as ink, in the middle is a girl wearing a swan skirt, stretching her hands up, gracefully moving her neck high, like a dancing white butterfly .

Without any dust or cracks, it was obvious that it was well protected. Shen Wanyi couldn't help but caressed her hand on it, and a deep look flashed in her eyes, and she pressed the base with her hand.

The originally pitch-black crystal ball was filled with dots of starlight, all over the sky, the stars were shining brightly, twinkling and twinkling, especially eye-catching, and small fragments were emitted from time to time.

The melodious and beautiful music sounded slowly, and the girl inside turned and danced lightly, with wings slowly stretched out from her back, as if she was about to transform into a little swan at this moment and fly to the sky, looking for her freedom.

Those words were still clearly etched in my mind.
——Shen Wanyi, you just need to be yourself and go to the sky to pursue the freedom you want, instead of being a puppet controlled by strings.

Memories of the past flooded into his mind, overwhelming Shen Wanyi's thoughts, and the song in the crystal ball was played over and over again, unable to recover for a long time.

That sense of familiarity returned to her body again, Shen Wanyi suppressed the discomfort in her heart, raised her hand to her forehead, turned around and put the crystal ball back into the bottom drawer.

Those words were still clearly etched in my mind.
——Shen Wanyi, you just need to be yourself and go to the sky to pursue the freedom you want, instead of being a puppet controlled by strings.

Memories of the past flooded into his mind, overwhelming Shen Wanyi's thoughts, and the song in the crystal ball was played over and over again, unable to recover for a long time.

That sense of familiarity returned to her body again, Shen Wanyi suppressed the discomfort in her heart, raised her hand to her forehead, turned around and put the crystal ball back into the bottom drawer. . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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