Chapter 209

After checking the conditions of several patients, they were recovering well, and the wounds were not infected. Shen Wanyi finished handling the changed things, washed her hands, and then returned to the office.

When she entered the door, she saw a figure sitting down in front of her, wearing a blue striped hospital gown, with her back turned to Shen Wanyi, so she couldn't tell who it was.

Puzzled, Shen Wanyi bypassed that person, returned to her seat, and was about to ask if something was wrong, when she raised her eyes, she saw a familiar face, the grandma she met by the hospital pond before.

Because the mask on Shen Wanyi's face hadn't been taken off, Grandma Song didn't let it go for a while. She was about to get up and say something, but she met a pair of smiling eyes and looked at her in astonishment.

The woman in front of her slowly took off her medical mask, revealing a cold and seductive face, raised her eyelids slightly, her indifferent and beautiful eyes met Grandma Song's unrelenting expression, she couldn't help but bend her lips.

Grandma Song couldn't help standing up, feeling agitated, she held Shen Wanyi's hand, "Xiao Wan! I finally found you, but it was easy for me to find, it was so hard to ask, after waiting for a long time, I finally found you return."

The tone was extremely aggrieved, aggrieved, as if an abandoned child was crying to an adult.

Shen Wanyi smiled, and La Song sat down next to her, dumbfounded, "Aren't you here, what's wrong?"

I was so anxious to find it, I didn't know what happened, so I couldn't help but worry.

Grandma Song waved her hand, indicating that she was fine, "It's fine, it's just boring, I came to chat with you, you can get busy first if you have work, grandma can wait for you to get off work here."

Then he sat down on the chair, making sure not to disturb Shen Wanyi's work, quietly beside her, staring at her intently, very well-behaved.

There was still half an hour before get off work, Shen Wanyi nodded, took a glass of warm water for Grandma Song, and continued to work on sorting out the data recorded during the ward check just now, and uploading it to the computer.

The slender fingers tapped on the keyboard, and there was a chaotic knocking sound in the office. Time quickly slipped away from the fingertips, and the morning passed, and it was time to get off work.

Shen Wanyi took off her white coat and went out with Grandma Song who had been waiting for a long time. The two of them sat down on the bench in the hospital. It was a clear sky outside with blue sky and white clouds.

Grandma Song's eyes fell on the children playing in the distance, and she said slowly, "Xiao Wan, so you are a doctor, no wonder grandma couldn't find it after searching for a long time, and she just asked others if there is such a nurse."

"Yes, I'm sorry grandma, I didn't make it clear before, I came here by myself today, didn't the nurse come with me?" Shen Wanyi replied.

The breeze blew gently, and the fresh air was mixed with the fragrance of flowers and plants. Grandma Song turned her head and looked at Shen Wanyi seriously, "Yes, didn't you get a good rest last night?"

Shen Wanyi was taken aback for a moment, she really didn't have a good rest last night, she was thinking about a lot of things from the past, she didn't sleep much all night, and in the morning she found that the circles under her eyes were heavy, so she covered them up a little.

Unexpectedly, Grandma Song saw it at a glance and said it straight to the point. Shen Wanyi responded in a low voice, "What's the matter, do you have something on your mind? Tell me and listen."

"No." Shen Wanyi uttered two words lightly, her eyes fell on the football that suddenly rolled to her feet, and a little girl ran towards her in the distance.

She bent down to pick up the football, walked towards the little girl, handed the ball to her, touched the girl's head tenderly, and then ran away shyly.

The warm picture came into my eyes, Grandma Song smiled with satisfaction, she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart, but the more she looked at it, the more she matched, no matter it was occupation or personality.

"Xiaowan, what do you think of what I discussed with you before? Are you interested in meeting my grandson?"

It would be a pity if they were not together. A doctor and a lawyer are a perfect match from any angle. They are talented and beautiful, and the children they give birth to must be beautiful and smart.

The topic changed too quickly, and Shen Wanyi didn't respond yet. After listening to it, she realized that she was slightly taken aback, "Grandma, this kind of thing depends on fate, so don't rush."

This answer seemed to be expected, but Grandma Song was not in a hurry at all, and went straight in, "Tell Grandma, do you want to?"

Shen Wanyi shook her head, she didn't even want to refuse directly, if she agreed easily, she would have to go if she didn't, and it would be even more embarrassing to meet at that time.

Now is a new era, the order of parents, the words of matchmaker, this set is no longer popular, it belongs to the traditional and old concept, two people who have never even met face to face must come together.

Marriage without love will not be happy. If they come together because of the inheritance of the family, not only will this generation not be happy, but it will also have a great impact on the next generation.

Regarding the issue of marriage, Shen Wanyi has her own views. She can't meet someone she can entrust her whole life to, so she would rather choose to die alone in the face of dying.

People live once, and they cannot wrong themselves. They should not only be responsible for themselves, but also be responsible for the next generation, instead of being selfish and irresponsible.

Grandma Song was a little disappointed. She didn't want to miss out on such a good granddaughter-in-law as Shen Wanyi. Once she missed it, she would regret it for the rest of her life. "Is there really no chance at all? Grandma really likes you."

Shen Wanyi smiled, "Grandma, if it wasn't me helping you back then, someone else would be sitting next to you today, liking and being grateful are another matter, thank you grandma for liking."

She has always been able to distinguish clearly and let it go. If she didn't help that day, or if another person came out and was grateful, everyone would be talking about him.

Grandma Song was silent. She had thought about this matter. If it were someone else, she might not like it or not, but it was based on her first instinct.

"Okay, okay, that's great, but grandma won't give up, let's fight for each other, you stick to yours, and I'll continue mine."

Speaking of this, Shen Wanyi couldn't refuse, she raised her lips, "Let's wait and see." Then Grandma Song stretched out her little finger, she immediately understood, and slowly hooked it.

"Hang on the hook, don't change it." The two people touched each other's hands and smiled at each other.


After sending Grandma Song back to the ward, Shen Wanyi went towards the dining hall, when the phone suddenly rang inappropriately, she swiped to connect.

"Hello, Wanwan." A familiar voice rang in my ears, and someone I hadn't contacted for a long time suddenly came to me, and the voice seemed to come from afar.

Shen Wanyi lowered her eyebrows, replied faintly, put down her chopsticks, cleaned up the dishes on the table, and turned to a quiet place outside.

"Wanwan, when will you come back to Yuncheng? Why didn't you tell mom? Let my younger brother pick you up." Hearing her answer, Zhou Qingping couldn't help frowning.

I called there a few days ago, but it was the cleaning lady who answered the phone

(End of this chapter)

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