Chapter 241
The man lowered his eyes slightly to hide the emotion in his eyes, and suddenly fell silent.

The two looked at each other in silence, without words or expressions, only the person in front of them.

His deep eyes stared at Shen Wanyi for a long time, his eyes were deep and bottomless, as if he wanted to engrave the person in front of him deeply in his mind.

Shen Wanyi blinked cautiously, and clearly felt Song Shichen's breath, and her breathing became more and more rapid, as if this incident was lingering in his heart.

It can even be said to be a long thorn, which has been stuck in his heart for many years, and it cannot be pulled out, and it has been inserted deeper and deeper.

She stood on tiptoe suddenly, her gaze fell on Song Shichen's lips, she threw herself forward, and kissed him lightly. When her lips touched, the tenderness and numbness aroused a stream of electricity, which went straight to the bottom of her heart.

For a moment, Song Shichen's eyes obviously flashed in disbelief, his heart skipped a beat, his heart beat so fast that his ears went numb.

The pressed lips told him that this was not a dream, but a real existence, Shen Wanyi took the initiative to kiss him.

Song Shichen pushed away the person in front of him, squeezed her shoulders tightly, his black eyes were dark and terrifying, rolling with terrifying desire, the corners of his eyes were tinged with a hint of forbearance, and he suppressed his trembling voice.

She almost gritted her teeth and said to the stunned person, "Shen Wanyi, do you know what you are doing? You will regret it..."

Shen Wan didn't understand, so she was pushed away, stared blankly at Song Shichen, then looked down at the ground, like a child who did something wrong, waiting for his parents to criticize.

After a while, I heard the man's forbearing voice finally compromise, "Shen Wanyi, there is no chance to regret it, and you will bear the consequences yourself."

Song Shichen clasped the woman's soft waist, forcing her to raise her head, and accurately engulfed her incomparably alluring lips.

From shallow to deep, gently pecking and kissing, like a desert traveler stepping into an oasis, rushing to speed up this kiss, luring her to sink.

The man clasped Shen Wan's fingertips, his slender fingertips were intertwined, tightly clasped, not giving him any chance to move.

The cool fragrance that hits the nose is like winter snow, and the ambiguous atmosphere circulates between the two, even the air is burning thin.

A forceful kiss, as if expressing the thoughts of these years deeply, revealing everything, and blending into the inseparable kiss.

Shen Wanyi clasped Song Shichen's shoulders with both hands, and was kissed to the point of lack of oxygen, her breathing was messy, her eye circles were slightly red, and she finally let go when she was about to be completely out of breath.

The tall eyebrows and eyes were a bit blurred, and his eyes fell on Song Shichen's desire and dissatisfaction intentionally or unintentionally, and he said two words slowly, "Uncomfortable..."

The corners of Song Shichen's eyes were also stained red, and his Adam's apple rolled a few times, staring straight at Shen Wanyi, and it landed on the lips that had been tossed just now, and there were traces of red marks on the lips.

There was reproach in her eyes, and the movement of her eyes was clean and clear, which aroused people's pity, and she couldn't help being bullied severely.

There were two drunken red clouds on the white face, but now this time, it suddenly turned red up to the ears, rosy like rouge, not only wanting to take a bite, to taste the taste.

The man had a lazy and deep voice, raised his hand to pin Shen Wanyi's messy hair behind his ear, and coaxed in a low voice, "Can I be gentle?"

He is persuasive and has a low and hoarse voice.

Seeing that Shen Wanyi didn't respond, Song Shichen hooked his lips into a smile, lowered his head and gently kissed the corner of her lips, as if to comfort her, much lighter than before, and left quickly.

The voice was very soft, like a feather gliding through the heart, and a dragonfly hovering over the water, "Little vixen."

Shen Wan frowned anxiously, obviously not paying attention to Song Shichen's words, her temples were swollen and painful, she couldn't help muttering to herself, "Dizzy, uncomfortable, I want to go home..."

Hearing this, the man's dark eyebrows and eyes were stained with strands of a smile, the orange light above his head exuded a hazy halo, hitting his slender and straight body, as if covered with a faint golden light.

His eyes were gentle and affectionate, and although he reprimanded, his voice was filled with endless tenderness, "Run away after flirting, Shen Wanyi, who taught you that."


Shen Wanyi smirked twice, it's hard to associate her current appearance with Dr. Shen who is usually aloof and alienated, they are two completely different people.

Song Shichen laughed angrily at Shen Wanyi's upright attitude, raised his eyebrows, and his deep eyes added a bit of doting, "Little rascal, do you want to be ashamed?"

The person in his arms hummed a few times in dissatisfaction, struggled out of Song Shichen's arms with both hands, pushed them away forcefully, and swayed away, "Mmm...go home."

The direction he was walking was heading towards the side of the road, and he staggered as he walked, apparently in a daze and unconscious.

Song Shichen hurriedly pulled back someone who was running around. There were many people in the car outside, he was quite courageous, and he was quite drunk, "Don't run around, I'll take you home."

Shen Wanyi blushed hotly, her eyes were blurred, her eyelids shrugged, she nodded weakly, and stopped after taking two steps.

It's really difficult to serve when drunk, and his temper is really not small. Song Shichen turned to look at her, inexplicably feeling amused, "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go." Shen Wanyi replied in a daze, her normally cold voice was tinged with softness and a little coquettish.

Seemingly amused by her words, Song Shichen smiled casually, with an unscrupulous and lazy tone, "How do you go back if you don't go? You're so coquettish, tell me."

Inexplicably adding another nickname, Shen Wanyi turned her head to stare at him, puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction, her cheeks were a little flushed, her soft voice was slightly elongated, adding a bit of tenderness.

His head was dizzy, and he didn't know what to say, "I don't know..."

Song Shichen's brows relaxed a little, his obsidian-like black eyes were stained with a bit of teasing, and he said casually, "Carrying you?"

"Hmm..." Shen Wanyi replied in a low voice. Originally, she was just teasing her, but she didn't think she would reply. She is really squeamish, and she doesn't forget to make a fuss when she is drunk.

Song Shichen smiled as always, without any sign of anger, took Shen Wanyi's bag, half-bent his legs, and motioned for a certain delicate bag to come up.

His back sank, soft and weak hands wrapped around his neck, Song Shichen got up, and walked towards the parking lot, the woman's scorching breath sprayed on his neck, humming a few times from time to time,
Halfway through the walk, the sound behind him gradually disappeared, and there was a sound of even breathing. Song Shichen was immediately annoyed, "You're a good boy if you get a bargain."

The night is getting darker, there are not many pedestrians on the road, the faint street lights are shining obliquely on the street, the sound of wheels rolling on the road can be heard from time to time, and the breeze is soft and cool.

There is no moonlight in the dark sky, but it is so beautiful unexpectedly, I can't help but want to stop time at this moment.

Song Shichen walked very slowly, and the shadows of the two were elongated by the street lamp beside him.

 The main reason is that the roles of the hero and heroine are so hard to hold back, it is difficult to write, and I can't express my inner feelings.

  Once the update is stopped, all readers run away www
(End of this chapter)

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