Chapter 242 Dating a Wild Man
Passing through the noisy market and arriving at the parking lot, Song Shichen freed up one hand to open the car door, bent down and put Shen Wanyi on the passenger seat, leaned over, and fastened her seat belt.

He went around to the driver's seat on the other side, fastened his seat belt, adjusted the air conditioner to the appropriate temperature, fiddled with the steering wheel, and drove on the road.

In my mind, I remembered the address where I sent Shen Wanyi home. After about 10 minutes' journey, I soon arrived at the parking space at the gate of the community.

Shen Wanyi on the co-pilot still didn't show any signs of waking up. There were a few loud horns nearby, and she couldn't help frowning.

The bag on the back seat rang, obviously it was Shen Wanyi, Song Shichen glanced at her, then connected the phone, before speaking, the person on the other side spoke first.

Cheng Siyu was in a hurry, and made more than a dozen phone calls, obviously in a frenzy, wishing to fly to a missing person and scold him severely.

Finally, a phone call was connected, and he was completely denied a chance to speak, blah blah blah.

"Shen Wanyi, okay, where have you been fooling around? You don't come home at night, you don't say a word, you don't even have a message, you almost have to report missing persons, now get out of here!"

After finishing speaking in one breath, I feel much more at ease immediately, why not be angry, when there is no one around at night, and there is no message phone, this time I am going to die of anxiety.

The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong. Shen Wanyi has become more and more courageous recently, and she has become more and more ungrateful about things, playing and disappearing without saying a word.

Song Shichen heard Cheng Siyu finish complaining, his soft eyes fell on Shen Wanyi, and he said slowly in a cold voice, "She's down here, she's drunk, please come down and help her."

Cheng Siyu was obviously immersed in his own thoughts, when a magnetic low-pitched voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone, he was shocked severely, his eyes widened like copper bells.

Lu Yanhan, who came out of the room, was clearly displeased, and was disturbed by Cheng Siyu's cursing just now, "Master Cheng, look at what time it is, it's seriously disturbing the people, it's too loud."

When he came out of the living room, he saw a stunned person. Lu Yanhan didn't understand, so he walked around Cheng Siyu, took out a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator, and took a few sips.

I couldn't help but say, "Why don't I just scold you, as for the expression of eating shit."

Cheng Siyu blinked in bewilderment, and directly ignored Lu Yanhan, obviously not recovering from the shock just now.

No, no, she actually heard a man's voice on the phone call to Shen Wanyi? !

I was stunned, what kind of performance is this?But it was enough to open her eyes.

After a long silence, Cheng Siyu still felt unbelievable, so he took the phone from his ear and stared at the phone number on the screen, a series of familiar numbers added notes.

Check it again and again, rub your eyes, no, I'm sure you typed it right, so what's going on?

Cheng Siyu finally plucked up the courage to speak, "Sir, may I ask, did you take the wrong phone?"

To be honest, I would rather believe that I took the wrong phone or lost it than that Shen Wanyi was dating a wild man outside.

"She's next to me." Song Shichen frowned, obviously not interested in Cheng Siyu's nonsense, and said directly and clearly.

"Oh..." Cheng Siyu quickly responded, and after understanding the situation, he was very serious, "I'm going down now."

He hung up the phone in a daze, and pinched his arm severely, the pain was terribly painful, good guy, it seems to be true.

It's over, Shen Wanyi, who usually keeps silent, became a blockbuster and hid a wild man. After a long time, it turned out that the clown was herself.

The moment she hung up the phone, she was in a daze. Cheng Siyu patted her face, regained her senses, put on a casual dress, and hurried downstairs in the community with her mobile phone.

In the dark parking space, there was only one dazzling light, and Cheng Siyu walked over without thinking.

Seeing someone approaching, Song Shichen unbuckled the seat belt on Shen Wanyi's body, walked around to the other side of the car door, shook it slightly, and Shen Wanyi answered in a daze.

It was obviously not pleasant to be woken up. She frowned, only to feel that her ears were noisy, and her voice was muffled, "Don't be noisy..."

"Be obedient, we're here." Song Shichen put his hands on Shen Wanyi's shoulders, helped her get out of the car, and put his coat on the person in his arms.

Cheng Siyu just rushed to the door of the car, and was stunned when he saw this unspeakable scene, and couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.

Never imagined that the wild man on the phone was actually Song Shichen? !What the hell.

Shouldn't it be lucky that he didn't blurt out what was in his heart just now, otherwise it would be a miserable situation.

The famous Song Lu actually appeared in front of his eyes? !It is difficult to go to the blue sky to see the previous side, let alone the close contact now, the excited heart, and the trembling hands.

Sure enough, the online uploads are true, the aloof male god in the legal profession is born with an aloof and unapproachable temperament.

The street lamp next to him was shining on the man, looking at his cheek slightly sideways, his eyelashes formed a beautiful streamline from his eyelashes to the tip of his tail, his dark pupils were like thick ink that couldn't be melted, and he was born with an air of nobility.

Seeing Cheng Siyu approaching hesitantly, the man nodded slightly as a greeting, and Cheng Siyu's scrutinizing eyes lingered on the two of them.

Although he has seen many great things in the world, he was still frightened by Song Shichen's calm and powerful aura, so he called out in a low voice, "Song Lu..."

Song Shichen responded, and handed Shen Wanyi to Cheng Siyu. After she stabilized herself, he said in a cold voice, "I'm drunk, let her drink some honey water, so as not to wake up tomorrow with a headache."

Cheng Siyu quickly nodded and wrote down, "Oh ok, I will, Song Lv, thank you for sending Wanwan back, let's go first, goodbye, we will meet later."

After bidding farewell to Song Shichen, he turned around and helped Shen Wanyi into the community, smelling the smell of alcohol on her body, he couldn't help muttering, "Oh my god, why are you so drunk?"

Song Shichen's eyes fell on the backs of the two people who were drifting away, and it took a long time to look away, then turned around and drove away.


Fortunately, there is an elevator in the community. If it is a staircase, I will be exhausted and unable to get up.

Along the way, Cheng Siyu recalled what Song Shichen had just said, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and there were a hundred thousand reasons in his mind.

After thinking wildly for a long time, he finally arrived home, and as soon as he entered, he put Shen Wanyi on the sofa, and Cheng Siyu couldn't help but thumped his shoulder.

Although Shen Wan didn't care too much, she kept the same posture to help her up, so her shoulders wouldn't be sore.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Lu Yanhan walked in slowly from the balcony, obviously just finished making a phone call, his expression was not very good, but the sound inside the room made him extremely irritable.

He couldn't help but blacken his face, and reprimanded, "Cheng Siyu, you don't sleep at night, you go out and come back again, what are you doing on the plane, you have nothing to do when you are full..."

 "I will swear in the name of the law to love her, protect her, and be devoted to her."

  —Leave a message, so as not to forget this sentence

(End of this chapter)

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