Chapter 253 Flowers and Beauty

"How does it taste?" Song Shichen watched the person opposite him stop suddenly, and took her reaction into his eyes.

"It's pretty good, the taste from back then." Shen Wanyi took a sip of the noodles, pondered for a moment, and said, "Do you come here often?"

Song Shichen didn't deny it, took out the paper towel on the table and slowly wiped his hands, "Well, I usually come here when I'm free. I've eaten delicious food from many places, and I can't forget the taste here."

Can't forget the smell here, or the person back then, probably only Song Shichen himself knows the answer.

She didn't speak for a while, Shen Wanyi couldn't stop thinking wildly, didn't she come here with others for so many years?Confused, I couldn't help but think about that.

Think about it, now or in the future, she has no right to intervene in Song Shichen's private affairs.

She ate very slowly, her mood became more and more heavy, or she was too obsessed with thinking about something just now, and she didn't pay attention for a while, so she picked up a small red pepper and ate it.

Only after taking a bite did I realize that it was too late, the pungent spicy taste permeated the whole mouth, I swallowed the chili pepper, my throat was itchy, I couldn't help coughing, tears were about to come out, "cough cough..."

The sides of the originally fair cheeks were flushed, the red lips were slightly parted, the brows were tightened, the eyelashes trembled uncomfortably, and the palm-sized face wrinkled into a bitter gourd shape, which aroused pity.

A bottle of milk beer that had already been opened was handed to her, Shen Wan looked at Song Shichen in disbelief, not caring about anything else, she took a few sips, and finally dispelled the spicy taste in her throat, instantly feeling much better .

"Thank you..." Shen Wanyi wiped it off with a tissue, frowned, and once again lost her composure at Song Shichen, she would feel uncomfortable now.

It was the same back then, she loved spicy food, and every time she was so spicy that she burst into tears, she had to order it every time.

It was so spicy that she couldn't breathe, her cheeks were red up to her ears, Song Shichen initially restricted her to only slightly spicy food, and couldn't stand the little girl's acting like a baby, so she let her go.

Every time he went out to eat, Song Shichen would always buy drinks in advance, so that a certain little guy would not have to look for water everywhere, the memory engraved in his mind is still remembered.

Touching the scene and recalling the past, this meal was not a good taste, obviously the distance between the two is not far now, but it seems that they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and they can't reach it no matter what.

Shen Wanyi pursed her lips, and looked outside at the sky, "Song Lu, should we talk about going to court tomorrow?"

"Very worried? Don't believe me?" Song Shichen raised his eyelids interestingly, and there was a flash of surprise, but he had never seen her worry before.

Seeing her silent, Qing Yue's voice was unprecedentedly serious, "Don't think too much, I'm here."

"En." Shen Wanyi nodded to meet the man's gaze, it was rare to see her obediently agree this time, the smile on the corner of Song Shichen's lips deepened.

"What I have seen and heard, including some details of the operation, I will say it in court, and I will not be afraid of the shadow. The law will not wrong a good person, and will never let a bad person go."

He briefly explained the important precautions, and every word reminded Shen Wanyi, don't worry, he is there for everything.

Shen Wanyi responded in a low voice, keeping his words firmly in mind. It has to be said that as a lawyer, Song Shichen did his due diligence.

When I took over the case, I patiently talked with her about the incomprehensible points several times. I made up my own mind about what to say and what to say. When I was about to go to court, I did not forget to remind her.

How the outside world judged him, I have heard a lot. What you see is not necessarily true, and what you hear is not necessarily false. Reputation is dispensable, and Song Shichen can definitely afford it.

Being a lawyer is not just a profession, but also a responsibility on your shoulders. Speaking up for the people and speaking for the people is also Song Shichen's purpose as a lawyer.

Song Shichen went to the front desk to pay, Shen Wanyi waited at the door, people came and went outside the door, and the traffic flowed at the intersection, adding a bit of flavor to the noisy street.

"Song Lv has a good eye. I found such a beautiful girlfriend, how did I catch up with her?" Xiaoying couldn't help teasing the man who scanned the QR code to pay, her eyes were full of thirst for knowledge.

"I don't have any eyesight. This time I missed it. Just now, this kid told me that he was a friend. Where did he get his girlfriend..." the boss replied.

"Why do you know?" Song Shichen smiled without saying a word, his dark eyes looked at the people waiting outside the door, and they were stained with a softness that was not easy to see.

"Look, Song Lu didn't admit it, and he didn't deny it, and boss, when did you see Song Lu bring someone here? From the perspective of a woman's sixth sense, the relationship is definitely not simple!"

Xiaoying pondered for a while, and said it according to her own analysis, and then suddenly realized that the more she watched, the more interesting it was, and she must not be wrong.

"You kid is hiding something, Shi Chen, is it true, we know each other so well, breaking some news can satisfy this heart of gossip." The boss said.

"Guess." After leaving a word, Song Shichen left. Seeing the back of the man leaving, the two looked at each other and smiled, obviously something was wrong.

"Wait in a hurry, walk around."

Song Shichen appeared from behind, walked silently, and suddenly appeared, Shen Wanyi was decisively taken aback, saw that it was him, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It was getting late, the nearby shops were lit up, the street lights were shining brightly, the number of people in the square gradually increased, the laughter and the sound of cars mingled together, and there were small stalls selling snacks everywhere on the street.

Song Shichen was already handsome, with slightly lowered eyelids, a high nose bridge, pale lips, and a perfect jaw line that reached his neck. Walking on the street, he obviously attracted attention, and people couldn't help but look at him more often.

She was silent all the way, but seemed a little embarrassed, Shen Wanyi looked up at the man who was much taller than her, hesitated for a while, and opened her mouth to break the atmosphere.

She bit her lip, mustered up the courage to find a topic, and her clear voice reached Song Shichen's ears with the sound of the car, "The street has changed a lot, it's much more lively, and there are more people..."

Hearing this, Song Shichen raised his eyebrows, his ability to find topics hadn't improved at all, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he smiled softly, as warmly as before.

Inexplicably throwing out a sentence, "Dr. Shen has not changed as before." The moonlight is just right, and I am in a good mood.

Shen Wanyi was confused by Song Shichen's sudden words, he didn't understand what he said, so he cursed secretly, unpredictable old fox!
Song Shichen walked neither fast nor slow, it seemed that in order to match her pace, he abandoned the troubles of work, rather leisurely.

"elder brother."

A childish voice came from the side, following the prestige, a little girl with braids came into view, holding a basket of freshly picked red roses in her hand.

The roses are so bright that they are dripping with water, and the petals are covered with water droplets.

The little girl blinked her eyes expectantly, "Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, suitable for a date, buy a flower for your girlfriend, it's not expensive at all, flowers match a beauty."

(End of this chapter)

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