Chapter 254 Lovers get married

The little girl is tied with two braids, big watery eyes, extremely agile pupils, slender and distinct eyebrows, and when she smiles, two small dimples appear on her lips.

A lot of roses in the basket have been sold, and I probably don’t want to go home until they are sold out, so take advantage of Qixi Festival today to sell more and earn some pocket money.

Song Shichen looked at the little girl, a smile appeared on his lips, his expression inadvertently stretched, and he couldn't help but praise, "The little boss's mouth is so sweet."

The little girl's words made him happy, and then he turned around slowly, meeting the dazed Shen Wanyi's eyes, his expression was extraordinarily soft, softer than tonight's night.

Shen Wan looked at him determinedly, and just about to explain, she saw the man in front of her smiling, and his deep eyes stared at hers, filled with endless peace, her heart trembled.

Song Shichen said to the little girl word by word, but stared at Shen Wanyi with burning eyes, he raised his eyebrows.

"Little boss, my brother also wants to buy roses, but well, the money is in the hands of my girlfriend, what if she doesn't let go? Help me out with an idea."

Throwing the problem into Shen Wanyi's hands all of a sudden, she glared at a man with an innocent smile, and he helplessly spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

The little girl shifted her target knowingly, clung to the beautiful sister in front of her, and started a series of rainbow farts with her immature voice.

"Beautiful sister, my roses are the most beautiful. They are bright in color and have a burst of fragrance. They are so fragrant that they can attract bees. Are you sure you don't want to buy them?"

As if in cooperation, she blinked her big eyes that looked like two big grapes, and looked at Shen Wanyi expectantly, her cheeks on both sides were bulging like buns, which was really cute.

Shen Wanyi smiled, squatted down, raised her hand to touch the little girl's cute head, and looked at her eye level, "Well, my sister wants everything, go ask my brother for money."

Pointing to Song Shichen who was watching the show next to him, he winked at the little girl, who immediately understood and made an OK gesture, "You are so kind, pretty sister!"

There were only a dozen roses left in the basket, it was getting late, and a little girl was not safe on the road.

Song Shichen raised his eyes slightly unexpectedly, and instantly understood Shen Wanyi's wishful thinking, and the hot taro returned to his hands, it was a really good idea.

The little girl looked at Song Shichen again, and shook his sleeves, "Beautiful sister let go of what she wants, and she wants it all, brother, be generous, otherwise sister doesn't want you."

"The little boss knows a lot, he's a clever little guy, and he's a good material for doing business." Song Shichen grabbed her chubby face and took out his wallet to pay.

It happened that I didn't have any change in hand, so I took out a piece of 100 yuan and handed it to the bright-faced little girl. A few flowers were not worth such a large amount, and she frowned instantly, "Brother, I don't have any change."

Song Shichen didn't take it seriously, and told her with gentle eyes, "It's okay, go home early after the sale, and pay attention to safety on the way."

The light from the street lamp shone on the man, coating him with an imperceptible softness, his brows and eyes drooped, his long eyelashes drooped, and his eyes were stained with a clear smile.

The soft light from the heart melted into his eyes, dazzling and dazzling, shining with starlight, as if to drown people in it.

A strange feeling rose in Shen Wanyi's heart, making her unable to take her eyes off, thinking in her mind that if Song Shichen had a daughter, he would be an excellent father.

It's hard to imagine that Song Lv, who is cold and alienated from the outside world, will turn into a daughter slave. Isn't there a good fact in front of him, and looking at the future through the present, he can probably guess the result.

Meeting such a generous guest for the first time, the little girl nodded obediently, and buried herself in wrapping the remaining dozen roses in the basket with blue colored paper, and assembled them into a large bouquet.

Sending it to Shen Wanyi, she gave a big smile, "Sister, thank you brother and sister, I wish you lovers will be married for a long time, I will go home first, goodbye."

With a wave of her little hand, carrying a small basket, unable to hide the joy in her heart, she hopped and hopped towards home.

Shen Wanyi lowered her eyes, and her eyes fell on the roses that were stuffed in her hands, who would have thought that Song Shichen would buy them all just because she said it casually.

The fragrance of flowers is lingering in the nose, refreshing, all are carefully selected good flowers, there is no trace of insect bites, and each plant is in full bloom.

Seeing the rose in full bloom in her hand, Shen Wanyi frowned, not knowing what to do with it, and said in bewilderment, "Song Lu, your flower..."

"It's for you, don't return it." Song Shichen seemed to see Shen Wanyi's intention at a glance, knowing that she wanted to return it, he spoke slowly, obviously in a good mood.

Faced with this large bouquet of roses, Shen Wanyi started to feel troubled, and she was not rewarded for nothing. Besides, it was Song Shichen who paid for it, so she felt a little bit apologetic.

Song Shichen said slowly, "Your hand squeaks when you're tired, and I'll hold it." A large bouquet of roses looks very light, and you'll get tired if you hold it for a long time.

If you continue to evade, it may not end well, "Yeah." Shen Wanyi glanced at him with a strange expression, probably won't say anything to Song Shichen if she gets her hand broken.

Only then did I realize that today is Qixi Festival. She has never had a concept of festivals, except for some major festivals, other festivals are dispensable.

Don't tell me, I don't know, no wonder there are so many couples on the street tonight, in pairs, with sweet smiles, most of them are holding a bouquet of flowers and holding gifts in their hands.

I don't know whether it's a coincidence or a fate, but on Qixi Festival, I went out to eat with Song Shichen, and by accident, I received a large bouquet of roses from him, it was like a date between young lovers.

As soon as the thought came out, Shen Wanyi was startled, she pulled her lips, a trace of disbelief flashed in her eyes, and it quickly disappeared, dispelling the absurd thoughts in her mind.

"Boom..." In the dark night sky, fireworks bloomed in the sky, embroidering the dark sky with colorful flowers, radiant and colorful, and blooming sparsely around.

Fireworks are banned in the city, and the fireworks are gradually disappearing from the public's view. Therefore, the lively scene naturally attracts many people to stop and watch.

All kinds of eye-catching fireworks were blooming one after another, and Shen Wanyi couldn't help being attracted. She looked up and saw that she hadn't seen fireworks for several years. She was full of joy, and a faint smile gradually appeared on the corners of her lips.

Her eyebrows and eyes are gentle, and her beautiful eyes are full of rippling waves, quiet and gentle. Her eyes only see the fireworks in the sky, and her side face looks unreal under the reflection of the fireworks.

The noisy streets nearby, the fireworks blooming in the night sky, with her by her side, it is a different kind of warm scene.

Song Shichen inhaled this scene deeply into his mind, and accidentally called her, the surrounding area was too noisy, Shen Wanyi couldn't hear what he said, so she suddenly turned her head.

Seeing his lips move twice, as if he said something, she couldn't help but wonder, "What?"

"Shen Wanyi, happy Qixi Festival."

At that moment, the fireworks went off, drowning his voice.

 I was squeezing toothpaste, I wrote a few words and then went to Douyin, saying that the male and female protagonists are the most difficult to write, people are gone, single dogs only match code words www
  Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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