Chapter 272 Photos
Lu Yanhan grabbed a handful of hair irritably, his gaze inadvertently glanced at the photo frame on the table, and fell on it for a long time, unable to take his gaze away.

The photo was taken by him and Shen Wanyi when he graduated from university. In the photo, the girl has bright eyes and picturesque eyebrows. The bachelor's uniform with a white collar complements her fair complexion. She is holding a bunch of sunflowers in her hand, and the corners of her lips are curled up. laugh.

He stood next to Shen Wanyi, his clear eyes were full of childishness that had not faded away, it was rare for him to put away his unrestrained expression in the past, his brows revealed the spirit of a young man that couldn't be hidden, his handsome facial features were a little bit exposed by the sun Very soft.

When I first took the photo, I searched around but couldn't find Shen Wanyi's figure. I searched all over the campus, but I found it. After a lot of pestering, I finally agreed to take this photo.

He never liked to take pictures, but this time was of great significance. It was the first time they took a photo together, and a simple photo locked an entangled fate together.

From graduation to work, Lu Yanhan will take this photo with him no matter where he goes for a few years. He has saved several copies on the cloud disk of his mobile phone and computer, framed the photo, and kept it in his office.

Naturally, he brought it with him when he came back this time. For him, this photo is his most precious thing, and it is regarded as a treasure, and no one else can touch it.

Lu Yanhan looked at the photo for a long time, his restless heart finally calmed down, and he left for several days, wondering what Shen Wanyi was doing now, and whether he missed him.

I almost forgot that her heart is harder than a rock, a woman without a conscience probably wouldn't think about it!The feelings of these years have been wrongly paid after all...

Lu Yanhan's eyes were stained with disappointment, and he snorted arrogantly, just in time, he wouldn't miss a dead woman without a conscience!It's not that she has to!
He quickly withdrew his gaze, suddenly full of energy, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and concentrated on dealing with his mess.

Only when she becomes stronger can she appear in front of Shen Wanyi as soon as possible. Once she changes her original image of a playboy, she will surely impress her!


in the bedroom

Shen Wanyi slowly opened her eyes, apparently not recovering, her eyes were a bit confused, she blinked, her vision gradually became clear, and the ceiling on top came into view.

She stretched out her hand and rubbed her drowsy head. A series of memories emerged in her mind. After the trial was over, she returned home in a daze and fainted for some reason.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't remember it, and there was no impression in my mind. I wasted my brain thinking too much, so I gave up decisively.

Shen Wanyi sat up from the bed, feeling sticky and uncomfortable, took a set of clothes from the closet, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After washing, the hair on the front of the shoulders was still dripping, and I pulled out the hair dryer on the side to dry it. There was only the whistling wind in the quiet bathroom.

There was a square mirror hanging on the washbasin. Shen Wanyi stood in front of the mirror, and her image was reflected in the mirror. Her face was pale, her brows were haggard, and a few wisps of tiredness climbed up the corners of her eyes.

She was a little distracted, and patted the faces on both sides. It was hard to believe that the person in the mirror who was indistinguishable from the female ghost was herself, so she quickly looked away.

Shen Wanyi came out of the bathroom, her head was always in a state of emptiness, not knowing what to do and what to think, a little dazed, she reached out and unplugged the charged mobile phone on the table.

However, the phone was empty, except for some messages pushed by the software, there was no other news, Shen Wanyi pulled her lips, a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes, and it disappeared in a flash, returning to the calmness of the past.

She frowned, feeling a sense of powerlessness in her heart, the events in court were vividly engraved in her mind, and couldn't be shaken off.

It was all my own fault. If I hadn't been drunk and acted out of bounds towards Song Shichen, I wouldn't have been photographed, resulting in today's consequences.

Everything is the evil fruit she planted, every cause must bear fruit, the retribution has arrived, and today I finally tasted the inside.

She didn't even know how to face Song Shichen, she was afraid of seeing disgust in his eyes, and she didn't dare to appear in front of him.

The screen that he involuntarily tapped in his hand opened Song Shichen's chat page, and the information on it was just before the trial, and there was no other new news.

Shen Wanyi's eyes paused for a moment, with mixed feelings in her heart, she buried herself in typing a paragraph, and in the end, she didn't have the courage to post it, so she deleted it again.

"Wanwan! You finally woke up! You were so worried about me. You woke up just in time. Check if you still have a fever. It's just in time for midnight snack. Get up and have a meal before going back to sleep."

Cheng Siyu, who was eating instant noodles outside the living room, heard a sound coming from the bedroom, and guessed that Shen Wanyi must have woken up, so he rushed over to look, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Her eyes lit up, she put down the instant noodles, leaned over to touch Shen Wanyi's forehead, her body temperature was normal, she was completely relieved, and continued to eat instant noodles.

That's right, I was lying on the bed sickly all day, I didn't open my eyes, and I didn't have any experience in caring for others, so I was going crazy.

Fortunately, I'm fine now. A living person stands in front of me, and a beating heart is finally put back into my body. Sure enough, health is the most important thing!

Shen Wanyi came back to her senses, grasped the key words in Cheng Siyu's words, her expression was puzzled, she spoke extremely slowly, her voice was a little hoarse, "Do I have a fever?"

"It's over, it's over, why don't you even know that you are sick, woo woo woo, did you burn out your brain in Wanwan?"

The action of eating instant noodles stopped instantly, and now it was Cheng Siyu's turn to be puzzled, looking at an innocent person who asked the question, his eyes burst into tears, and he was within a second of crying.

Shen Wanyi frowned, pinched the sore brows, and was annoyed by the noise, "The encore will throw you out, full of nonsense, just answer my question."

A frightened little showman quickly nodded honestly, answered the next question, and did not forget to eat a few mouthfuls of instant noodles in his spare time, "Yes, I have a fever, and it's a high fever."

No wonder her body was sticky when she first woke up. It turned out to be a fever. Shen Wanyi was thoughtful, and a question suddenly came to her mind. She remembered that Cheng Siyu's schedule was full that day.

Although she has a fever, she is a little conscious after all. Someone is talking beside her. Maybe Cheng Siyu left work to take care of her, and the sun came out from the west.

Shen Wanyi suppressed her complicated expression, returned with a glass of water, sat down on the chair, and asked uncertainly, "Are you taking care of me at home?"

"Of course..." Cheng Siyu wanted to blurt out, but just stopped, hesitant to speak but stopped, not knowing whether to say or not to say.

There were two villains fighting in my heart, one was saying: I will be lenient when I confess, and I had no choice but to find someone, so Song Shichen called, and the other said: If I confess, I will definitely be cut in half.

She bit her lip and asked tentatively, "If I'm not, would you believe me later?"

 I'm probably a vicious stepmother, I don't want the hero and heroine to be together, probably around the same time.

  Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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