Chapter 273
The tangled expression made Shen Wanyi see the clues, the expression seemed to be a smile but not a smile, "Be lenient when confessing, and be strict when resisting."

She bent her fingers and tapped the tabletop, making regular noises again and again, narrowing her eyes dangerously, and raised the corners of her lips vaguely.

After getting along for many years, she knows Cheng Siyu very well, it's not like her character to hesitate to speak, this girl must have something to hide from her.

Cheng Siyu carefully observed the expression on Shen Wanyi's face, "Would you like to listen to the truth or lies, Wanwan? Don't look at me like this, my fragile heart can't stand it."

"What do you think?" Shen Wanyi asked her back.

After a lot of inner struggle, the matter will be known sooner or later. If you die sooner or later, you have to die.

The bedroom fell into silence for an instant, and there was an awkward atmosphere in the air intentionally or unintentionally. As soon as the words fell, Shen Wanyi was silent for a long time.

She lowered her eyes slowly, no wonder she heard Song Shichen's voice in her sleep, it turned out to be true, he was right beside her.

Seeing that Shen Wanyi hadn't made a sound for a long time, Cheng Siyu felt that something was wrong. Could it be that she was really angry that she came to Song Shichen to help earlier.

He stretched out his hand and tugged at Shen Wanyi's hand, and put on a coquettish voice, "Don't be angry at Wanwan, there was really nothing I could do at that time, I was too busy, and Song Shichen just called, so I asked him for help."

Shen Wanyi rubbed her swollen and painful temples, and responded. She didn't mean to blame Cheng Siyu, but she felt that her mind was very confused and her heart was in a mess.

He was full of questions, but he didn't know how to answer them. Why did Song Shichen call?For Cheng Siyu's request, he can directly refuse, and has no obligation to help.

After hearing the truth, Shen Wanyi was a little dazed, Cheng Siyu only thought that she had a fever and was still recovering, and told her to take a good rest before turning around and going out.

A cool breeze blew in from the window, blowing the light curtains, a chill came over her body, she got up and closed the window, her eyes fell on the flowers in the glass bottle inadvertently.

Apparently, the flowers had been touched by someone. I cut off the branches that day, and accidentally cut a small gap in the leaves of one of the plants, which became uncoordinated. I was reluctant to throw it away, so I had to put the cut ones outside.

However, the cut flower was changed and placed in front. Although the gap was not obvious, she could still see the difference at a glance.

Shen Wanyi looked at the delicate and beautiful roses in a daze, and a guess appeared in her mind, except for Song Shichen, she couldn't think of anyone else.

Why did Song Shichen do this and what was his purpose? I still couldn't understand his thoughts.

I couldn't figure it out, couldn't think of an answer, and finally chose to give up, and there was no dream all night.


After two days of sick leave, Shen Wanyi didn't go back to the hospital until she recovered from her illness. So far, she hasn't heard from Song Shichen. She didn't dare to call, and she didn't even have the courage to face him.

There were some documents in a mess on the desktop, and after tidying them up, more than half of the morning had passed, Shen Wanyi got up to get a glass of water.

"Ding dong..." There was a sound of receiving a message from the mobile phone on the table. She picked up the phone and looked at it, and was stunned for a moment. The message was sent by Song Shichen.

【in hospital? 】

Shen Wanyi hesitated for a while, not understanding Song Shichen's purpose in sending this message, so after some struggle, she simply replied [hmm].

His thoughtful eyes fell on the news from Song Shichen, and he couldn't recover for a long time. To be honest, apart from the connection between the two of them, there was nothing else they could think of.

She said in court that she should change to a lawyer. She kept the words straight, directly stating that Song Shichen was not in charge of the case, and at the same time indirectly stating that they had no other relationship.

The ringtone of the phone brought Shen Wanyi back to her senses again, she lowered her eyes to check, [Are you free?Come up to the third floor of the hospital]

Song Shichen didn't say anything clearly, but the two messages made her puzzled. She looked back and forth, but couldn't see anything, only knew that he was on the third floor of the hospital.

Shen Wanyi frowned, fell into deep thought, then stood up, put her hands in the pockets of her white coat, and walked straight to the third floor of the hospital.

The third floor of the hospital is a VIP ward, which is different from the ordinary wards on the first and second floors. It is obviously much quieter. Several family members just came out of the ward to visit and turned around to go downstairs.

In the spacious and bright corridor, the sunlight reflected on the smooth floor. From a distance, a man was standing on the window sill near the corner, his back was facing Shen Wanyi.

Just by the back view, she already recognized Song Shichen, suppressing the unnaturalness in her heart, and walked towards him step by step.

For some reason, her heart gradually became uneasy, as if she had been crushed by a huge boulder weighing a thousand catties, making her breathless.

The distance was getting closer and closer, Shen Wanyi narrowed her complicated eyes, the clear smell of the man lingered in her nose, and her heart was slightly sour.

The expression was as calm as ever, and the voice spoke slowly, passing each word into his ears, "Song Lu, I'm sorry..."

Song Shichen turned around, looked up and down the person in front of him, his pitch-black eyes dimmed, and after a long silence, he uttered two words in a low and hoarse voice, "I lost weight."

Shen Wanyi was slightly startled, obviously didn't understand the meaning of his words, and was about to ask, Song Shichen spoke up first, "Don't talk, do me a favor, come with me."

Before he had time to react, Song Shichen pulled Shen Wanyi into the VIP ward, pushed the door open, and was about to break free, but the man grabbed him even tighter, "Grandma, the granddaughter-in-law you've been thinking about is here."

The air suddenly became quiet, Shen Wanyi's eyes were filled with disbelief, she was so frightened by Song Shichen's sudden words that she could swallow an egg.

She raised her head suddenly, and met the eyes of the people on the hospital bed. There was an awkward atmosphere floating in the air, and the voices of TV series characters came from the ward.

"Little night?!"



Two different voices sounded in the ward at the same time, Song Shichen nodded slightly, his eyes lingered on the two of them, his expression was a bit confused, "Grandma, do you two know each other?"

Grandma Song was lying on the hospital bed, so shocked that she couldn't speak, she struggled to get up, and the nurse hurriedly took a pillow to explain the relationship between the two.

"It's just acquaintance, and the relationship is still very good. Didn't grandma tell you about the introduction last time, nah... I wanted to introduce you to you at the beginning."

Briefly talked about being bullied last time, Shen Wanyi helped out, drove away the bad guys, and the two made friends.

Shen Wanyi didn't expect that Song Shichen was actually the grandson of his grandmother, and he almost became a blind date by accident, his heart was like a dog, he never expected it, and made a mistake.

Song Shichen suddenly realized, bent the corners of his lips, regretted that he should have agreed, and guessed Shen Wan's reaction when he saw him.

 No matter what, the two of them are together www!I really can't think of how the two of them can be together, they are numb, and they almost squeezed me dry.

  Going out to play tomorrow, staying at home for a summer vacation, almost getting moldy, I can finally go out to relax, I don’t think I have time to update, I just rest for two days~
  Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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