Chapter 274 The Iron Tree Will Bloom

Grandma Song didn't forget what Song Shichen said just now when she entered the door, and the smile on her face got bigger. Although she was old, she was not so hard to hear.

"Shi Chen, you just said that Xiao Wan is your girlfriend, is that true? When did you two get together? Thanks to grandma, she took the trouble to introduce Xiao Wan to you, and secretly got together without telling grandma."

The more Shen Wanyi thought about it, the more something was wrong. In order to make Grandma Song happy, Song Shichen would find out the truth sooner or later, and ended up being happy in vain.

"Grandma, we..." was about to explain clearly, but was interrupted by Song Shichen, and the hand underneath was held even tighter by him.

The man's Qingyue voice slowly explained, his expression gradually softened, "We are high school classmates. We met in the hospital some time ago, and we thought each other's conditions were good, so we stayed together."

He said it in a decent manner, as if it really happened. If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, Shen Wanyi might have believed Song Shichen's nonsense, and only one sentence was true.

It has to be said that Song Shichen's ability to adapt to changes is quite strong, and he is talking nonsense in a serious manner. He is indeed a good material for being a lawyer, otherwise he would really miss a good seedling.

The direction of the matter gradually went astray, Shen Wanyi couldn't bear to tell lies to the old man, followed Song Shichen to deceive the old man, and his conscience ached.

She turned her face away, her expression froze, she spoke in a voice that the two of them could hear, and then pinched Song Shichen, "Song Lu, what's going on?"

"Cooperate, I'll explain later." Song Shichen answered her question softly, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, it was not difficult to see that he was in a pretty good mood now.

Grandma Song saw the two approaching to talk, and her smile grew wider. Speaking of which, this was the first time Song Shichen brought his girlfriend back to show him, and it was a huge surprise.

"What intimate things did the young couple keep from me? It can only be said to be fate. At the beginning, I introduced you to life or death, and didn't say that I had a partner. Now it's fine. After talking for a long time, we are talking about the same person."

Apparently she hasn't recovered from the shock just now, suddenly there is a granddaughter-in-law, whom she had taken a fancy to before.

Song Shichen led Shen Wanyi to the side to sit down, he stretched out his hand to pick up a knife to peel the apple, and explained in a leisurely manner, "I didn't catch up with you back then, so I didn't tell grandma, lest you be disappointed, are you satisfied now?"

He drooped his brows and eyes, his long eyelashes drawn down, casting a shadow under his eyes, with a serious and focused expression, while peeling the skin of an apple, he was chatting with the old man on the hospital bed.

Letting go of the old aloofness and alienation, now it adds a bit of softness, a bit of human fireworks, and a bit of intimacy.

Shen Wanyi stared at the man's tough side face in a daze, her brows were slightly raised, she fell into deep thought, and gradually couldn't see who was the real him.

"Do you want to eat?" Song Shichen finished peeling two apples, washed them and cut them into pieces, put them on the fruit bowl, picked up a small piece with a toothpick, and handed it to Shen Wanyi.

She regained her composure and shook her head. Song Shichen couldn't resist, so he forked a piece and fed it to Grandma Song. After eating it, Grandma Song smiled, apples are sweet, and her heart is also sweet.

Turning to look at Shen Wanyi next to her, she said with a smile, "Xiaowan, I haven't heard you speak for a long time, are you shy or embarrassed? Tell me, grandma won't laugh at you."

Song Shichen took the words naturally, "The little girl is very timid, grandma, don't laugh at her, don't scare people away, where can I find such a good girl."

Grandma Song laughed and scolded him, "Tsk tsk...Has no conscience, why is grandma so fierce, how can you put it like a tigress, Xiaowan and I are good friends, don't try to provoke our relationship."

"Yes, grandma, we are good friends." The conversation turned to Shen Wanyi, and she answered with slightly raised lips.

When Grandma Song heard this, she was not happy, and quickly shook her head, "That's no good, so I don't want to be a good friend. Xiao Wan wants to be my grandson's wife."

"Just finished the operation, take good care of yourself, otherwise, the two of us won't come to see you." Song Shichen made a look, and the nurse next to him immediately understood, and helped the old lady to lie down and rest.

"Grandma is in good health. I'm so happy. It's good now. Our cycad tree is finally blooming, and I can wake up from my dream with a smile."

After Grandma Song lay down, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes couldn't hide her smile, and her eyes never moved away from the two of them. They were really good-looking, and they matched well no matter how you looked at them.

"Isn't it? It's been a long time since the old lady is so happy. The happiness is the best." The nurse tucked up the quilt for Grandma Song, and quickly agreed.

"It's good to be happy. It's time to rest. It's not long after the operation. Don't overwork yourself. Remember to listen to the doctor and Sister Chen." Song Shichen explained seriously.

"Understood, long-winded ghost, I heard that grandma's ears are getting calloused, and the young couple remember to come and chat with me, the old woman, when you have time."

Grandma Song waved at Song Shichen impatiently, then turned her head and winked playfully at Shen Wanyi, "Xiaowan, grandma will come over to chat with you when she is free, and get to know you better."

Shen Wan agreed, and after a brief chat, it was time for Grandma Song to rest, so the two of them left the ward together.

At the door of the ward, Shen Wanyi hesitated for a while, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Song Shichen, who could tell what she wanted to ask, "Are you free now?"

"Yes..." She frowned slightly, with a puzzled look on her face, and slowly spit out two words.

"Nearby coffee shop." Song Shichen raised his eyes, dropped a sentence, and walked straight ahead. Shen Wan didn't understand, so he watched the distance gradually get farther away, and finally had to keep up.


The romantic and beautiful decoration style, the dark yellow lights smeared on the walls, exude a bit of tranquility, melodious songs are played from the retro phonograph, and the warm sunlight shuttles through the small gaps.

There were very few people in the store, and a few couples sat by the window, smiling at each other when they talked about interesting things, and there was a sweet atmosphere around them.

When Shen Wanyi arrived, Song Shichen ordered coffee, walked in the direction of the man with heavy steps, with a feeling of uneasiness, suppressed his unnaturalness, and slowly sat opposite him.

"Doctor Shen, am I that scary?" Song Shichen saw the woman's stiff actions, inexplicably amused, and curled up his lips contentedly.

The deep voice came to Shen Wanyi's ears along with the beautiful music, and she couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then she shook her head in denial to Song Shichen's interesting eyes, "No."

Normally, it's really not scary, but sitting alone with Song Shichen, sitting opposite, feels extremely oppressive, so it's no wonder it's not scary!
The waiter put two cups of hot coffee on the table, turned and left, and there were really two of them left nearby. To be honest, it was embarrassing.

Song Shichen loosened the button on his wrist, and said slowly, "Doctor Shen must be curious about what happened in the ward just now."

 The missing person came back. He was missing for six days. He went out to play for three days. He didn’t see each other for half a year. He played like crazy. When he went shopping, his legs became numb. Sure enough, he couldn’t lie down for too long. imaginary.

  I forgot which day, the collection suddenly increased, almost to more than 200 a day, breaking [-], and now it is not updated, it is completely stuck.

  The bad life is over, resume and update~
(End of this chapter)

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