He Taoyan raised her chin and looked down at the bound little princess, receiving her unwilling face, pinched both sides of her face with her fingertips, "Little princess, do you want something more exciting?"

"What do you want?" The little princess turned her face away in disgust, looked at He Taoyan with disgust, and a sneer twitched at the corner of her mouth.

Not far away, Gu Jinglan squinted his eyes, with black shattered hair on his forehead, showing no emotion at all, his gaze fell on Cheng Siyu indifferently, and he inadvertently pulled his lips.

Tsk, when it comes to acting, she really looks good. I didn't expect that she would have such a carefree temper, and it was not in vain to send her into the entertainment industry.


"Mommy, what are the people on TV doing? The clothes they are wearing look good..." The little girl had two braids tied up, her big, black grape-like eyes flickered, and she stared intently at the program in front of her.

Cheng's mother next to her replied with a smile, and rubbed the little girl's head, "They're performing."

"Oh...is that like playing house where he is a brother and I am a sister, and next time he is a father and I am a mother?"

The little girl was ignorant, her brows were slightly tightened, the meaning was too profound, and she still couldn't understand it.

"Yes, Tiantian is so smart." Cheng's mother couldn't help but praise, the little girl blinked, her eyes were full of yearning, as if she had discovered some interesting new land, "Mum, I want to do this in the future too."

Cheng's mother was stunned for a moment, she never thought that the little girl's dream was this, not to mention that the symbol does not match the reality, taking a step back, the Cheng family would not agree.

The water in the entertainment industry is too deep, there are a lot of entertainment and unspoken rules, she only has one daughter, how can she be willing to suffer such torture, now she can only coax her first, and then make plans later.

"Okay, as long as Tiantian likes it, just work hard." Cheng's mother touched the little girl's head and smiled. The little girl was full of joy and nodded quickly, secretly wanting to be the person who can wear different clothes on TV.

Gu Jinglan, who happened to be passing by, heard the unintentional words at the beginning. He never had the idea of ​​helping others, and the immature voice of the little girl echoed in his mind, like a spring breeze in his ears.

It flew across his heart like a feather, each word struck a chord, and played it repeatedly in his mind. Looking back at the pair of frightened eyes, he thought for the first time that it was not impossible to help others.

The entertainment industry is not an easy place to get into. If you have money, you may not be able to get in. Now it is a big gift from his uncle to his niece.

If Cheng Siyu knew that entering the entertainment industry was entirely dependent on Gu Jinglan, he would definitely not want to accept his help, and would wish to separate the relationship.

Except for Gu Jinglan and a few people who knew about this matter, no one else knew about it. Cheng Siyu became famous with his help. She walked smoothly along the way without too many ups and downs.

He didn't know if the original decision was wrong or not. For Cheng Siyu, she had tried her best, and it was her business to go next.


"Pa..." With a sound, the heroine played by Liu Weiwei slapped Cheng Siyu's face again. Before everyone could react, the director reacted quickly and rushed to the set to call a timeout.

Cheng Siyu's face had new wounds and old wounds, the pain was burning like fire, no one believed it was not intentional, and there was not enough coffee, so he could only swallow his anger.

The entertainment industry has always been a place where the ups and downs are high and low. If Liu Weiwei was not a first-line star, she would have been scolded bloody this time.

The director had a good voice and a respectful attitude, "Weiwei, what's going on today? You're not in the mood at all."

Liu Weiwei casually straightened out the wrinkles on the costume, her eyes were full of apology, her red lips turned up, and she spoke innocently,
"I'm sorry director, maybe I didn't have a good rest last night and just lost my mind. I guarantee that the situation just now will not happen in this scene."

The director smiled obsequiously at the gloomy-looking man beside him, and then lowered his voice to remind Liu Weiwei, "That's Gu Jinglan, the president of the Gu Group, come to see the crew today, I beg you, please don't have any accidents, don't take responsibility." Get up."

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Weiwei's mocking lips instantly bent down, her twinkling eyes were filled with disbelief, and she raised her eyes to look in the direction pointed by the director.

The man's slender figure came into view, his impeccable facial features made people unable to move his eyes away, his dark eyes flickered with unpredictable light, all of which flaunted his innate nobility.

As if aware of a scrutinizing gaze coming towards him, the man nodded slightly, his dark and deep eyes were a little cold, and there was no expression on his sharp-edged face, as if he was dismissive of the surrounding things.

Liu Weiwei bumped into Gu Jinglan's temperatureless black eyes unexpectedly, her heart trembled, her scalp became numb after being stared at by him, she quickly looked away, her heart was beating violently.

Gu Jinglan, president of the Gu Group...

Everyone knows about his unshakable status in the business world, and it is rumored that black and white take everything. He started from scratch at a young age, made the company flourish, and entered the top [-] in the country.

He is even more ruthless and merciless in doing things. No one has ever dared to negotiate conditions in front of Gu Jinglan, because the decision-making power is always in his hands.

The expression on his body that is not angry but mighty makes people's heart tremble. There is very little news about Gu Jinglan on the Internet, let alone detailed information.

But he didn't expect that one day, people whom he had never been in contact with in his whole life would actually appear on the set, not in a dream, but in front of his eyes, what kind of luck is this.

A flash of calculation quickly flashed in Liu Weiwei's eyes. If he can get close to the big tree like Gu Jinglan, what is Jiang Chibei? No matter how good the entertainment industry is, his ultimate destination is to marry into a wealthy family.

If she could succeed, she wouldn't have to make things difficult for Cheng Siyu everywhere for Jiang Chibei who didn't know who she was, which would damage her status and waste time.

Now is a good opportunity to get close to Gu Jinglan, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent, Liu Weiwei secretly determined to get Gu Jinglan's attention.

Her attitude immediately turned 180 degrees, and she rarely smiled, "Director, don't worry, I know how to do it, I won't make mistakes again, and I must perform well."

The sound of slap echoed in his ears, Gu Jinglan naturally heard it, and witnessed the whole process, his originally careless eyes paused, and his lips pursed into a straight line.

The authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear. As a bystander, he can see clearly. Obviously, personal grievances were brought into the filming.

He just wondered how Cheng Siyu, who usually has revenge for revenge, is willing to swallow her anger at this moment, she is not at all like her temperament, tsk, she is a little sheep outside, and a little wild cat inside.

Gu Jinglan didn't know what to think of, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at Cheng Siyu's swollen face with deep eyes. It didn't look like the first slap, but it was really hard for a delicate young lady to suffer.

If I hadn't passed by today, I really wouldn't have bumped into such a wonderful show.

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