This simple borrowing and playing scene couldn't pass, so he could only take a break in the middle. Cheng Siyu raised his hand and touched the red and swollen right cheek, it really hurts!It is definitely a public revenge, taking the opportunity to take revenge.

After thinking hard for a long time, I still couldn't find any impression of offending Liu Weiwei in my mind. After thinking about it, they didn't have any intersection, and I still couldn't figure out where to offend her?

It really is the most poisonous woman's heart!The swelling on her face probably won't go away in a week, this woman is quick and ruthless, she would rather offend a villain than a woman.

Xiaohui quickly came to Cheng Siyu's side, and quickly untied the rope tied to her body. Seeing her red and swollen face, her expression was so distressed that she couldn't help but speak.

"Is it painful? Liu Weiwei's front is one way, but the back is another. It's difficult for a newcomer to be famous in the circle. I went to tell the director."

Cheng Siyu quickly grabbed Xiaohui, who was about to go to the director, "One more thing is worse than one less thing, it's just a scene, I have to endure it."

Now I'm looking for a theory with the director, and I don't need to guess. It must be Liu Weiwei, and the power of capital trumps all reason.

Xiaohui was busy looking for more ice packs, and Cheng Siyu was left in the rest area. She hurriedly applied the ice packs to her face. The sour feeling stimulated the facial nerves, and she subconsciously took a few breaths of cold air.

Bian Fubing complained silently in his heart, and scolded Liu Weiwei, a vicious woman, several times, and sooner or later she would be punished.

Cheng Siyu was obviously immersed in her rich inner world, and she didn't notice a shadow falling on her head. She didn't react until she suddenly let out a sneer.

He raised his head suddenly, and the man's handsome face came into view, which was very scary.

Cheng Siyu immediately got up from the chair, terrified, with a hellish expression, so shocked that he could swallow an egg.

She was so frightened that she couldn't speak smoothly, her back was tense, "You you...why are you here?"

Gu Jinglan took the expression of the person in front of her into her eyes, glanced at her swollen face inadvertently, and sneered twice, "If you don't, you can't watch a good show, it's an eye-opener."


There's no good show, it's obviously just to watch her jokes, Cheng Siyu shrugged, spread his face and said, "I'm laughing, how dare I trouble my uncle to come here."

The man's indifferent voice came from the top of his head, "I'm being affectionate, I just happened to pass by and witnessed the process of being beaten, I'm just curious why I didn't fight back, unlike you."

"The actor industry is not as easy as it looks on the surface. You have to suffer a little bit, and you will gain a lot of wisdom."

Cheng Siyu put an ice pack on his face while talking, Gu Jinglan didn't have to worry about eating and drinking, and signed millions of dollars at random. Of course, rich people can't understand the difficulty of life at the bottom.

Thinking of this in her mind, she woke up suddenly, looked around vigilantly, and breathed a sigh of relief, thankfully no one noticed that Gu Jinglan was here, otherwise she wouldn't be able to clean up after jumping into the Yellow River.

Gu Jinglan is an eye-catching existence that cannot be ignored. It is a ticking time bomb that is in danger of exploding at any time. The danger index is ten stars!
"Uncle, I think it's necessary for us to keep our distance. Others will misunderstand when they see it, so as not to have a bad influence on your cold image."

Hearing this, Gu Jinglan sneered, as if he was deeply disdainful of Cheng Siyu's words, Cheng Siyu's scalp was numb from his stare, and now he didn't dare to look up, his aura was so strong that he couldn't look directly at it.

It took a while to hear a mocking tone in his voice, "Tsk." A cold light flashed in his eyes, his face was tense, and he turned and left without leaving a cloud.

Knowing Gu Jinglan, he knew at a glance that this big boss was probably a prelude to getting angry. Cheng Siyu touched his nose, expressing his confusion, and she didn't seem to do anything.

Who can understand the uncertain personality, wow, I don't care too much, until Gu Jinglan is far away, Cheng Siyu is completely relieved, not long after leaving, Xiaohui finally finds an ice pack.

Handing the ice pack to Cheng Siyu, Xiaohui looked away, becoming more and more puzzled, "Siyu, I seem to see a man who looks like Gu Jinglan, I don't know if it's him..."

"..." Cheng Siyu couldn't help coughing a few times, and because of the wound on his face, he took a deep breath and followed her line of sight, which was in the direction of Gu Jinglan.

She decided to tell the truth to a confused child, "My dear, you read that right, it is indeed Gu Jinglan."

Xiaohui, who had just learned the truth, nodded her head, her curious eyes still did not move away from Gu Jinglan. It was rare to meet Gu Jinglan, so it would be a loss if she didn't pay more attention.

"Gu Jinglan doesn't work in the office, so what does he come to the set for? It's not like just looking around. Could it be that there are people he knows in the set?"

An unintentional remark made Cheng Siyu's hand holding the ice bag pause, and almost fell to the ground. Soon his expression returned to normal, and he smiled lightly, "Maybe."

It may be because of a guilty conscience, Cheng Siyu quickly passed the topic, saying too many mistakes.


The assistant dressed in suits and leather shoes said to the two who were chatting about the script, "Director, Mr. Gu asked Ms. Liu Weiwei to come over."

The conversation came to an abrupt end, and Liu Weiwei, who was named, was first stunned, then ecstatic, her red lips slowly curled up into a smug smile.

Many conjectures came to mind, maybe Gu Jinglan just caught her attention, or she was fascinated by her charm, it seems that marrying into a wealthy family is just around the corner!
Suppressing the excitement in her heart, Liu Weiwei simply arranged her attire to ensure that she was in the best posture, and followed behind the assistant.

As she walked, she thought, Gu Jinglan is a single diamond king, rich and beautiful, and has not had a woman around for many years, this time he must seize the opportunity, or he will be successful if he fails!

"Hi, Mr. Gu, I'm Liu Weiwei." The woman smiled brightly, blinked her rippling eyes, her voice was cool and calm, and her burning gaze fell on Gu Jinglan in front of her.

He was tall, with overlapping long legs under his trousers, clean and neat facial lines, cold brows and eyes, deep and handsome outline, extremely cold demeanor, and a dangerous dark light flashed in his eyes.

Gu Jinglan narrowed his eyes slightly, followed the prestige, looked at the woman in front of him who felt good about himself, a flash of disgust flashed in his eyes, and it quickly disappeared, and his voice contained a dangerous atmosphere.

"Miss Liu's acting is good, it's really exciting, but she still has a chance to become popular in the entertainment industry. I have a scene here, and Miss Liu is willing to give it a try?"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Weiwei's heart was beating very fast, she raised her eyes and quickly glanced at Gu Jinglan, "Of course I am willing, it is my honor."

With the expected answer, Gu Jinglan's eyes became inquisitive and playful, there was a half-smile on his lips, the smile never reached his eyes, and his eyes became darker and colder.

He stood up, picked up the unopened mineral water on the table, unscrewed the lid two or three times, and poured water on Liu Weiwei's face.

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