Chapter 306
The first Spring Festival after marriage was spent at Song's house. Along the way, Shen Wanyi was obviously absent-minded. She never liked crowded places, but some scenes were unavoidable.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here."

Song Shichen lightly held the little girl's icy hand, and after holding it tightly, there was a hint of warmth from the cold fingertips. The fingers interlocked, carrying an exclusive temperature, which gradually warmed her body.

The half-hour journey was over soon. After the two got out of the car, Song Shichen took out the New Year's gift package from the trunk and led Shen Wanyi into the door.

When they arrived at the door, they heard laughter and laughter inside, and the room was full of joy and harmony. When the two entered the door, the chatter stopped abruptly, and they changed their target and started chatting.

"Shichen is back, come in quickly, before you know it, you'll start a family in the blink of an eye, how time flies, the new daughter-in-law is so beautiful, come in and sit together."

The relatives chatting together greeted the two newcomers warmly, and they looked at them a lot, whispering and discussing from time to time, as if they were the protagonists of today.

"Isn't that right, you're both talented and beautiful, look at this newlywed couple, they're like glue, the family is finally busy this year."

"Auntie has been looking forward to it for many years, and finally got what she wanted. Knowing that her son brought his wife back today, Tiantian was busy in the kitchen just after dawn. It is estimated that the whole banquet has been prepared."

Everyone roared with laughter, and Song Shichen laughed too. He turned his head and glanced at Shen Wanyi, who was smiling slightly beside him. His dark eyes had already softened, and he tightly held the soft hand underneath, "I'm joking, let's talk first, let's go in and have a look." .”

After exchanging pleasantries with the relatives present, Song Shichen entered the side hall with Shen Wanyi and sat down. Compared with the hustle and bustle of the main hall, it was much quieter.

Seeing that there was no one around, Shen Wanyi breathed a sigh of relief. Song Shichen turned around and poured a cup of hot water for her, and pulled him into his arms. His slender and well-knit hands pinned the hair that was flying to her eyes behind her ears.

"Well done, good laugh, awesome lady."

Shen Wanyi pulled her lips, glared at Song Shichen fiercely, and lowered her head to take a sip of the hot water in the cup, "You call this happy, your face is about to freeze from smiling, your relatives are too enthusiastic, I didn't prepare myself."

"With me here, it's my wife's best preparation. It's so serious that my face is frozen from smiling. I'll rub it for you."

Song Shichen hooked his lips, and stretched out his hands to pinch the unpainted face of the person in his arms. He couldn't put it down because of the soft touch. The cheeks on both sides were like ripe cherries. He couldn't help but make people want to take a bite and taste the taste.

"If you don't let go, it's not good to be seen by others. Where's your face, Song Lu?" Shen Wanyi frowned, slapped off those restless hands, and snorted coldly.

Song Shichen followed Shen Wanyi's words, and whispered in her ear with a low hoarse voice, fiery breath drifted between her neck and neck, and the corners of her lips twitched with deep meaning, "You can't marry a wife if you want to, are you afraid? "


A crisp voice came from the side hall, which disturbed the two of them. Looking for their reputation, a five or six-year-old boy stared at them intently, holding a toy car in his hand.

Shen Wanyi blushed, and quickly got up from Song Shichen's arms, nestled aside to pretend to be a transparent person, and did not forget to glare at him, clearly saying that it was all your fault.

Song Shichen expressed his innocence, and waved at the little boy, "Ziyu has grown taller again, let's see if he's getting heavier." He picked up the little guy who flew over, lifted the weight on tiptoe, and put it on the sofa, "That's right, again It's heavy."

After receiving the compliment, the little boy smiled happily, turned his head and pointed to Shen Wanyi in the corner, "I ate well and I'm not picky eaters, little uncle, is this my little aunt?"

Shen Wanyi, who was caught off guard by the roll call, was stunned, nestled in the corner and lying on the gun, Song Shichen nodded, introduced to the little guy next to him, and looked at her meaningfully, "Well, say hello to my little aunt."

"Hello, little aunt." After confirming, the little boy got off the sofa, ran to him, greeted him in a manner, Shen Wanyi reached out and patted his head, "Hello."

The little boy seemed a little shy, and ran behind Song Shichen, poking his head out from time to time to peek at Shen Wanyi, and whispered, "Little uncle, little aunt is so beautiful, I like her."

"Little uncle likes it too." Song Shichen responded to the little boy's words, but looked at Shen Wanyi with burning eyes, and his voice was full of endless lingering, which made people's ears burn.

Shen Wanyi couldn't help but glared at him, glib!The corners of her lips curled up inadvertently, and her face was stained with two blushes at some point, turning rouge-like rosy.


At the reunion dinner table, the whole family sits around and tastes delicious dishes together, such as steamed mandarin fish, steamed pork ribs with taro, yam and corn pork ribs soup, all kinds of delicacies are available, and they are delicious in color, fragrance, and mouth watering.

After Chen Shuxian finished serving the dishes, she was busy entertaining relatives and friends. A woman hurriedly pulled her to sit down, and couldn't help but say, "Don't be so busy, look at how lively this year is, your son and daughter-in-law are here, sit down and rest quickly." meeting."

"Yes, it's all right now. My youngest son has a family and a career, and the big stone in his heart has finally been let go. It's time to enjoy the blessings."

Chen Shuxian responded with a smile, toasted and chatted, "A hundred-year-old son, 99 years of long-term worries, the days of enjoying happiness are still early, come, come, don't be polite today, you should eat and drink."

"Shi Chen, why don't you hurry up and have a baby to make your mother happy. Your mother hopes that you will get married for a long time. This will fulfill your wish. It's rare to cook by yourself."

Regarding the matter of having children, Chen Shuxian has always been open-minded, "Nowadays, young people have their own ideas. As parents, don't get involved, have children as you want, let nature take its course, I am still happy."

"A family with children is always more lively. Don't slap your face when the time comes. You will be so happy that you can't close your mouth from ear to ear. Shi Chen, I'll see you next year."

Song Shichen, who was named, had no choice but to respond, his eyes fell on Shen Wanyi who chose to be a transparent person, a slight smile appeared in his dark eyes, and he answered slowly. "ASAP."

The bottom was caught off guard and kicked.


After eating and drinking enough, relatives and friends gathered together to talk about daily life, avoiding embarrassment, Shen Wanyi went for a walk on the nearby path, walked to the small bridge, she looked at the crystal clear stream, the little fish swimming around, Curved lips smiled.

"It's fun." A clear voice sounded from behind, and he knew it was Song Shichen without turning his head.

Shen Wanyi raised her eyes, and there was not much emotion in her voice, "Song Lu is really good at eloquence. I want to see how Song Lu will handle business next year."

"Don't say that, are you really angry that you can't get off the stage?" Song Shichen was stunned at first, then explained softly, his dark eyes gradually deepened, and he would be sucked in if he didn't pay attention.

He stretched out his hand to wrap the sulking little girl in his arms, his cool fingertips landed on her slender waist, and scratched her twice in punishment.

Shen Wanyi struggled with fists and kicks, laughed until she almost burst into tears, and finally couldn't help begging for mercy, "Continue if you get angry again."

Song Shichen lowered his eyes, leaned over and whispered in her ear, his eyes were passionate, as if he was about to ignite a flame. "While you have time now, why not think about how to become a baby next year?"

Shen Wanyi raised her eyebrows, snorted coldly, and dropped a meaningful sentence, "That depends on Song Lu's performance."

As soon as the words were finished, Song Shichen leaned over and picked her up, and walked back. Countless tenderness melted into the brows, overflowing with turbulent love, and stared straight at her.

"What are you doing?"

"Go home and do well."

 The end of the New Year chapter——

  Guangdong red envelopes are not about gold, they are five yuan once you open them. If you take a bunch of red envelopes, the sum will not add up to a hundred. I will really appreciate it.

  There are still about ten days to end the nightmare, and the days are like years. The next update is estimated to be the start of school, and I am thinking about it.

  good night.

(End of this chapter)

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