Shen Wanyi was completely confused, her eyes were full of puzzlement, she stared blankly at Song Shichen, trying to figure out what it meant, they were never on the same channel.

"How are you thinking about it?" Song Shichen raised his jaw, and hooked his lips meaningfully towards Shen Wanyi, with that sloppy smile still on his lips.

The tone reveals a dangerous atmosphere. Judging by this posture, it seems that he wants to ask for an answer today, which is definitely a proposition!
If you really help Song Shichen find a partner, not to mention that others don't believe it, even she herself doesn't believe it, I'm afraid it will be considered crazy, so just refuse, the current predicament is difficult to solve.

Shen Wanyi blinked, and said in a discussing tone, "I'll give you a gift later, is that okay?"

Her voice was already soft, not like the boldness of northern girls, nor the soft and charming voice, but like a lingering wind, gentle and mellow.

However, Song Shichen didn't follow the routine, he chuckled lightly, imitating Shen Wanyi's words, with a smirk on his lips, "I think I want it now, can I?"

Shen Wanyi "..."

Seeing the beating tone, realizing that she was being tricked, she turned cold and her eyes were sullen, "No, I have to go first."

Just as she was about to step away, Song Shichen didn't stop her, and followed behind her, and said slowly, "Leave? What about my partner?"

"Find it yourself." Shen Wanyi frowned, stopped in her tracks and turned around, rarely answering forcefully.

"Someone asked me to look for it myself, and now I've found it. I'm looking for someone who knows the basics and is easy to understand, and I can't go back on my promise." Song Shichen took the girl's shocked reaction into his eyes, and his playful smile was obvious.

Shen Wanyi felt uncomfortable being stared at, her voice was inexplicably tense, "You..."

Song Shichen was immediately laughed angrily, "Okay, find it yourself, don't regret it." Just when Shen Wanyi thought that this difficult guy would show mercy and let him go, thankfully he was finally free, and wanted to turn around and leave.

Seeing that she was at a disadvantage, Shen Wanyi had a flash of inspiration, her eyes lit up, and she said solemnly, "Study is the most important thing, and you can't fall in love early in high school."

It's a name now, but you can't tell in the future.

"The word cooperation made you eat it?"

The young man's tall peach eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling, the breath he exhaled passed over her face, and the numbness spread to her limbs, Shen Wanyi's body froze slightly, subconsciously took a deep breath, and the coolness of his body lingered in his nose.

The Tao is one foot high, and the devil is one foot high. Song Shichen could see her thoughts clearly, but he didn't reveal it. There was still a smile on his lips, "Which ear heard me say that I am in love, it's just a name. Affect learning, not public."

There was warm applause again from the audience. During the photo session, the slender figure of the young man stood at the top of the podium, with countless vigor hidden in his brows and eyes, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised. Facing the camera, he was confident and flamboyant, attracting everyone's attention .

Song Shichen prefers to see her angry now, like a kitten that is so angry that it can't wait to jump up and bite him, and responds frankly, "Yeah."

"Song Shichen, you did it on purpose..."

Shen Wanyi's eyes widened, her ears buzzed, her head went blank, she looked straight at Song Shichen in disbelief, her throat clenched subconsciously, and she was speechless for a while.

After Song Shichen let go, Shen Wanyi hurriedly took a few steps back. She was caught off guard by something hard on her back. She felt it was a tree trunk. She wanted to run away, but when she looked up, she realized that there was no way out.

Unexpectedly, she was pulled back by Song Shichen, and without a word, he forced her to go in the opposite direction. The blood on Shen Wanyi's face faded completely, and she struggled with all her strength, her vigilant gaze fell on his back, "What are you doing?"


Shen Wanyi looked up at the figure on the stage through the crowded crowd, and that scene was deeply engraved in his mind. He should stand on the stage to attract attention and enjoy the warm applause from below.

If eyes could kill, Song Shichen would have been hacked into pieces and died N times. I'm afraid he dug a hole long ago and waited for himself to step into it.

All right, Song Shichen won, and she lost completely.

The summer heat has not yet dissipated, and the light shines on him through the gaps in the leaves. At this moment, the sun is not as warm and dazzling as him, making people unable to move their eyes away.

The sound spread throughout the campus through the electric current, and thunderous applause rang out all around, without stopping for a long time, Song Shichen came to the stage to meet the warm applause and stood at the highest position.

"I received the gift, I like it very much, thank you."

The awarding ceremony of the school sports meeting is underway. On the awarding platform, the school leaders read their names with a list, and the award-winning athletes take their corresponding positions one by one.

Song Shichen lowered his eyes, pondered for a while, met the girl's puzzled expression, bent his lips, put on a smile that was sure to win, leaned over to her flushed ear, and said every word very slowly, " found it."

When awarding the gold medal, he leaned down slightly, and the principal hung the gold medal around his neck, and said a few words of encouragement, "Keep working hard."

There was an ambiguity in the surrounding atmosphere, the light in his eyes gradually deepened, and the scorching heat in his eyes seemed to swallow her up.

"Please come to the stage to accept the award, the 3000 No. 1 Song Shichen, the sophomore boy. Everyone expresses their congratulations with warm applause."

Shen Wan's voice trembled with anger, her round eyes were staring at a certain culprit, obviously very angry.

"I don't agree!"

It is rare to see Shen Wanyi having other emotions, her expression basically does not fluctuate too much, neither happy nor angry, giving people a strong sense of alienation.

Shen Wanyi, who was almost blown out of anger, "??!"

He squinted his eyes, his handsome eyebrows were particularly attractive, the waves moved slightly, circled layer after layer of ripples, reflecting the small figure of the person in front of him, he was sucked in after a little carelessness.

"Resistance is useless."


He didn't pay attention for a while, even Song Shichen didn't notice when he walked in front of him. He pressed the thick tree trunk with one hand, trapped Shen Wanyi in his arms, bent slightly, and the distance between the two instantly shortened, and they were forced to meet their eyes.

They have never been from the same world. This truth has been known since the day they met. This is the first time that they strongly feel the unreachable distance between the two.

Coming down from the stage, Song Shichen hurriedly looked for Shen Wanyi, and saw that petite figure sitting obediently under the tree, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but move up, and he came to her, "Stretch out your hand."

Shen Wanyi blinked, looked up at him, her expression was unclear, "Why?" Facing Song Shichen's expectant gaze, she cautiously opened her hands towards him.

When something cold and hard fell into the palm of her hand, she realized it was a gold medal.Song Shichen raised his eyebrows, "Put it away, lost it, run back to me for a piece that is exactly the same, dare to return it and try."

Shen Wanyi lowered her eyes, clenched the cold gold medal tightly in her hand, feeling uncomfortable, a complex emotion spread in her heart, and a turbulent sea broke out in her calm as water heart.

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