The words engraved on it gleamed, 3000m No.1, this gold medal was hard-won, but Song Shichen handed it to her easily, so Shen Wanyi had to keep it temporarily for himself.

Later, the gold medal was kept with her, Song Shichen had no intention of going back, Shen Wanyi did not dare to lose it easily, after all, the consequences of losing it would be very serious.

The world is unpredictable, and in the end they broke up peacefully. The gold medal was returned to Song Shichen intact, and returned to the original owner.


By accident, Shen Wanyi cooperated with Song Shichen again and lived in his house. Shen Wanyi never expected to see this gold medal in this life. Everything was unexpected, and she couldn't believe what she saw.

When she plucked up the courage to ask Song Shichen, although she was prepared in her heart, she was caught off guard by his cold words and hurt her heart.

Song Shichen should have complained about her, she was responsible for everything, no wonder others, at least she can stop thinking about it, that's fine.

In the pitch-dark environment, Shen Wanyi had difficulty falling asleep, she obviously put it down, but she couldn't help crying, the cold tears slid down her cheeks, and fell onto the pillow, it was wet.

She bit her lips tightly, trying not to let herself cry out, her slender shoulders kept shaking, tears could not help but flow down, and after a long time, she fell asleep in a daze.

It was late at night, Song Shichen stared deeply at the petite figure on the bed through the faint light outside, his eyes flashed a little lonely, fortunately, she came back.

If it was someone else, she would have stood by and watched, but he arranged everything in silence. She owed Song Shichen a lot, and it was impossible to say clearly in a few words.

There was a sense of embarrassment floating in the air, no one could pretend that nothing happened last night's unhappiness.


Shen Wanyi woke up from the bed, got up to wash up, and Song Shichen was no longer on the sofa. She changed her clothes and tidied up her clothes, only to notice that her eyes were swollen due to crying yesterday, and there was a layer of bruise underneath. .

Seemingly aware of a strong gaze, Song Shichen raised his head and met the gaze of the person at the stairs.

"Morning." Song Shichen broke the embarrassment between the two.Shen Wanyi raised her eyes to look at him, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, which quickly disappeared, "Morning."

She looked at today's schedule on her phone. There was a meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon. The time was not very full. She was free now and had to make arrangements for the next few days. Just as she was about to put down her phone, a message from Song Shichen popped up on the screen.

The ruthless sound of closing the door echoed in the silent hall, Song Shichen froze in place, in front of him was a plate of peeled eggs, a trace of sadness flashed in his dark eyes, and then he gave a powerless smile, apart from silence, it was still silence.

She herself was taken aback. The face of the person in the mirror was slightly pale, and she looked sick and dying, so she had to put on light makeup, and her face looked better, not as scary as before.

Shen Wanyi packed up her things, went downstairs, and inadvertently glanced at the slender figure in front of the dining table. The temperature was low in the morning, and the man was simply wearing a windbreaker. The collarbone was looming at the neckline, which made people fantasize about it.

The operation was not difficult, and it took nearly an hour. After leaving the operating room, she folded the clothes she had taken off neatly and put them in the cabinet. She didn't have enough rest last night and was not in a good condition.

After pondering for a while, Shen Wanyi sighed deeply, thought for a while, and then tapped on the keyboard with her fingertips, 【Is it okay at noon? 】

In the huge living room, he sat quietly at the table, with a strong sense of loneliness on his body. After a long time, he slowly picked up an egg and took a bite, but the delicious taste became tasteless.


After working hard, it was almost past nine o'clock. There was an operation in the morning. Shen Wanyi changed into a green surgical gown, put her hair into a protective cap, squeezed a little hand sanitizer to wash her hands, and walked into the operating room.

Back in the office, Shen Wanyi sat down to rest, looking a little tired, got up to take a cup of hot water, the hazy water mist covered the cup wall, she took a few sips, the empty stomach in the morning finally felt a lot better, gradually warm.

Shen Wanyi turned her head to look at the man in the driver's seat, and said softly, with a deep apology in her tone, "Sorry for the long wait, have you been here for a long time?"

"No, thank you." Shen Wanyi turned and went out without turning her head. With a "slap...", the door was slammed shut like a high wall, instantly separating the two of them.


Hurrying to go to the hospital for work, Shen Wanyi changed her shoes and was about to go out, "Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" Song Shichen looked at the figure who was about to go out, his deep voice sounded, his expression hesitated to speak.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the bedroom, and the morning light penetrated through the window, the room was illuminated brightly, and the mottled light and shadow shone on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, when it was time to get off work, the department was almost empty. Shen Wanyi packed up her things, fearing that Song Shichen would be in a hurry, so she hurried to the main entrance of the hospital, and caught sight of his car in the parking space.

[The lawyer has been found, make an appointment to meet? 】

There was a hot breakfast on the table. He took an egg on the plate and tapped it lightly. A crack appeared in the place where he tapped. His slender fingers took off the eggshells from the gap, flexibly and skillfully. Peel off the eggs.

Shen Wanyi hurried to the hospital, turned around and walked towards the office, took out a white coat from the closet and changed into it, gradually getting into shape, and started a day's daily work.

As the doctor in charge, she visited the patient who had just completed the operation, observed the condition of the postoperative wound, explained some precautions, and started to deal with some daily affairs.

From time to time, he looked in the direction of the main entrance where people were coming and going, turned his head several times, and finally saw Shen Wanyi coming out. He got out of the car, opened the passenger door, and put his hand on it until Shen Wanyi leaned in. , turned back to the car.

The lit screen went dark, and Shen Wanyi fell into deep thought. Unexpectedly, Song Shichen had already helped her find a good lawyer, and made careful arrangements in every way. All of this had nothing to do with him, and she could completely ignore it and hang on to it.

【Well, I'll pick you up. 】

Looking from a distance, the driver's seat window is half open, and the man's chiseled side face is reflected in front of his eyes, his eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes, his slender hands are placed on the steering wheel, glowing with a cold white light, and his fingertips are not touched. tap.

"Just arrived." Song Shichen looked ahead, turned his bony hands to turn the steering wheel, and replied in a low voice.

The interior of the car was as quiet as ever again. Shen Wanyi turned her head to look at the traffic on the road. The wind from outside the window was very comfortable. messy beauty.

She looks bright, and she put on a light makeup today, adding a bit of swaying and moving, calm and exciting.

There are still 5 days before school, and I feel numb, and I want to cry but have no tears.

After enjoying the last vacation, good night.

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