Chapter 309
All the way in silence, after parking the car, the two entered the restaurant.

Bright and luxurious crystal lamps hang from the ceiling, and the warm light shines down, covering every dark corner of the restaurant, which is both warm and romantic.

The desktop is cut from round glass, covered with a black tablecloth, and a few delicate red roses are inserted in a glass bottle with a narrow top and a wide bottom.

Soothing music is played in the hall, the sound is not too loud, enough for people to hear clearly, and it can't help calming the heart in the world.

Shen Wanyi was behind Song Shichen, the restaurant was not big, and she saw the figure sitting in the corner at a glance. Although it was just a simple figure from the back, she always felt that she had seen it somewhere before, and she would not remember it for a while.

"Brother, this is Dr. Shen."

When she saw the people in the seat, a look of disbelief flashed in Shen Wanyi's eyes, and she recovered after Song Shichen's familiar address. She nodded to Yang Junzhi, her red lips parted, "Hello, Lawyer Yang."

It was Yang Junzhi who had a great reputation and a bright future, but suddenly announced his withdrawal at the very moment of his popularity. He has a weird personality and is unpredictable.

The news of his resignation was made public, and there was an uproar, and everyone felt sorry for him. He never appeared in court again, as if he had evaporated from the world, disappeared and disappeared from the public eye.

For these news, Shen Wanyi had heard a little bit, and couldn't believe that he saw him now. He didn't expect that Song Shichen and Yang Junzhi were brothers, and he didn't expect that the lawyer Song Shichen was looking for was actually him.

Shen Wanyi breathed a sigh of relief, and gradually let go of the chat. As the end of the chat was nearing, she still couldn't get enough of it. It was the first time they met, but they felt like old friends at first sight.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Yang Junzhi took out the documents from his briefcase and pushed them in front of Shen Wanyi, "I have read the documents, and it is not difficult to win the case..."

Song Shichen didn't make a sound, just listened quietly, raised his eyes from time to time, looked at the two people who were communicating, and more often looked at Shen Wanyi, her expression was focused and serious, she answered calmly and calmly, with a smile on her lips, and her brows were full of waves Not surprised.

Originally thought that Yang Junzhi had a weird temper as the outside world said, refused to be thousands of miles away, and was uneasy in communication, for fear of offending someone, but he didn't expect that his personality was so approachable and amiable.

When the two were seated, Yang Junzhi glanced at Song Shichen and sighed meaningfully, "No wonder, it's really good." Song Shichen raised his eyebrows, "Naturally." He smiled at each other.

He looked at Shen Wanyi next to him, the light from the top melted into his eyes, dyeing those amorous peach blossom eyes with a layer of tenderness, the tails of his eyes were slightly raised, and when he focused on looking at people, inexplicable ripples were hidden in them.

The appearance of the man came into view, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, elegant demeanor, exuding a sense of arrogance from the inside out, approaching thirty, his eyes still piercing, "Hello, Doctor Shen."

In a few words, the two chatted about the case, from the big aspects to the small details, comparing the front and back, no matter the details, Shen Wanyi answered each other fluently, and went through the case from beginning to end, gradually clearing his mind.

"Water." Song Shichen poured warm water and handed it to her.Shen Wanyi didn't think much, held the cup, lowered her head and took a sip, the water moistened her lips, shining brightly, the lips were moist, making people want to take a bite.

This scene fell into Yang Junzhi's eyes, he couldn't help laughing, and went around, Song Shichen was doomed after all.Sad love.

 When filling out the volunteer application, my mind was flooded, and I didn't think about the city. From a third-tier city to a fifth-tier city in Shankara, it was a big departure.

  2.18, is a happy day, unspeakably happy, set a goal, red sleeve collection to 500 and then update~
  01:20, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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