Chapter 314

Cheng Siyu blushed, hugged Jiang Yubei's neck silently, buried her head in the crescent of his neck, recalled Shen Wanyi's words, with a worried look on her face, "Did I do something wrong, didn't I just fall in love..."

I really don't understand, it's not murder, arson, burning, killing and looting, why should she fall in love like it violates the rules of heaven, and she has to secretly engage in underground love, a love that can't be seen, it's completely boring.

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. Cheng Siyu was so wronged, her eyes gradually turned red, she pursed her lips, tears were about to come out, but quickly wiped them away, not letting them flow, her expression was still very stubborn, and she never felt that there was anything wrong .

Her thin body lay on Jiang Yubei's shoulders, crystal clear tears rolled in her eye sockets, she was still reluctant to keep them, she was extremely pitiful, especially lovable.

"Your friend was just worried, and didn't say anything against it. Don't cry, baby, we have to be good. I will always support you unconditionally. Look, you are crying like a kitten."

The man looked deeply, touched Cheng Siyu's red eyes gently with his fingertips, patted her on the back again and again, like coaxing a child, as if all the patience was left to her, and she couldn't help calming her heart down a lot.

Cheng Siyu laughed through tears, sniffed his nose, his voice was stained with tears, and snorted proudly, "Hmph, you're just a little cat."

"Okay, okay, I'm the one, don't think about unpleasant things, if you really want to, think about what to eat tonight?"

Jiang Yubei pinched her face, a gentle smile hung on his lips, his expression became extraordinarily soft, his smile was extremely contagious, like the warm sunshine rippling in his heart, infecting every place.

"Hmm...let me think about it, sweet and sour pork ribs, Coca-Cola chicken wings...suddenly want to eat dumplings..."



As the sky was getting late, rows of street lamps were instantly lit up, like bright pearls shining brightly, silently pouring light into every dark corner.

Shen Wanyi was walking on the street, the lights elongated her shadow, she slowed down, looked up at the sky, she didn't know where to go, the confusion and loneliness engulfed her tightly like a big net, trapped her inside, Make her breathless.

The noisy human fireworks around her seemed to have nothing to do with her, she was like a lone passerby, trapped in a city of her own.

She didn't know where she wanted to go, she just wanted to keep walking, wherever she went, Nancheng was not big, but there was no room for her.

As night falls, stars are rarely seen in the night of the city. In the dark night, it seems that boundless thick ink is heavily smeared on the sky, without a trace of starlight.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, Shen Wanyi wandered around the streets outside, calculated the distance back, and walked back at nine o'clock.

I changed the direction and prepared to go back. I almost arrived at the community. At some point, dense raindrops fell from the sky. The rain became heavier and heavier, and the accumulated water on the ground formed small puddles, which seemed to have no tendency to stop.

A sudden heavy rain fell without any warning, and Shen Wanyi had no time to find a place to hide from the rain. Bits of rainwater adhered to her hair, flowed into her clothes, and penetrated into her skin to be cold.

She put her handbag on her head to keep out the rain, searched around, and finally found a convenience store, and hurried to the door to hide from the rain, her body was already wet, her clothes were sticking to her body, her body was graceful The curves are looming, very attractive.

The rain probably won't stop for a while, Shen Wanyi took out a tissue from her bag, pulled out one, and wiped off the cold rain on her face. The drenched clothes made her shiver uncontrollably, raised her eyes Looking at that downpour.

Hunger and cold hit at the same time, Shen Wanyi turned and went into the convenience store to buy instant noodles, filled the bucket of instant noodles with hot water, and waited on the table outside.

The raindrops kept falling like broken beads, and fell on the swaying leaves outside, making a ticking sound. The air was mixed with the smell of rain and mud. Occasionally, a few pedestrians with umbrellas appeared, and their footsteps hurriedly stepped on the ground. In puddles of all sizes.

In the hazy rain, a woman with an umbrella came running towards her, carrying two bags of things, and the umbrella in her hand was shaking. It was obviously difficult to walk in the heavy rain, so she had to run in front of the convenience store to hide from the rain.

The woman put away her umbrella, put two big bags of things on the table in front of the store, wiped the rainwater off her face, walked inside, untied the bag that was soaked on the outside, and packed some fresh seasonal fruits. Apply a layer of moist.

I didn't pay attention for a while, the bag was not put away, and the fruits inside rolled out one by one, fell around, fell on the wet ground, and some rolled into the rain curtain in the distance.

"Hey..." The woman braved the heavy rain, ignoring her clothes getting wet, and hurriedly picked them up one by one. When she saw two oranges rolling under the table, she was about to bend down to pick them up, but she didn't expect to be picked up first. pick up.

Shen Wanyi handed the orange to the woman, "Auntie, your orange." The woman put it back in the bag after taking it, and said gratefully, "Thank you."

"It's okay, it's easy to do." Shen Wanyi smiled at the woman, returned to the table, opened the lid of the bucket, she buried her head in a few mouthfuls, a warm feeling poured into her empty stomach, and drove away the pain in her body. cold.

The woman found a place to sit down, and started talking familiarly, "Little girl, do you also live in this complex?" Shen Wanyi raised her head and replied, "Well, you just moved here a few days ago."

"No wonder I look so familiar, I'm also in this community..." the woman said with a smile.

We chatted a few words, and before we knew it, the rain gradually subsided, and the women rushed back to say goodbye to each other, and the figure holding the umbrella walked away slowly.

Not long after, the rain almost stopped, Shen Wanyi stepped on the stagnant water on the ground, turned and left the convenience store, and walked towards the community.


"Crack..." the door opened, Shen Wanyi changed her slippers at the door, took off her wet coat and put it on her arm, the bright light came into her eyes, she was stunned, turned her head and saw sitting on the sofa Song Shichen on board.

The warm light reflected the man's finely crafted facial features, and a pair of half-rimmed glasses hung on the bridge of his nose. His eyes fell on the computer on the desktop, he lowered his head to handle the work, and tapped on the keyboard with his slender and strong fingers.

Hearing the sound coming from the side, Song Shichen tilted his head, and the eyes of the two caught off guard. They fixed on the drenched person in front of him, and stopped on the fingertips of the keyboard. His eyes paused obviously, and the surrounding environment was unusually quiet.

A voice broke the awkward atmosphere, and Aunt Chen came out of the kitchen, "Sir, do you still need to heat up the food?"

The food must have been reheated twice, and Aunt Chen was wondering, at this point, the husband has not eaten yet, as if he was waiting for someone.

Moreover, my husband doesn't like to be disturbed at work. He usually works in the study, but today he is in the living room in a dilapidated state. She dares to say that this is the first time she has seen him.

 Song Shichen: Guess why I have to work in the living room?

  Spelling with a friend, she said, ants crawling on the keyboard are faster than my typing speed, goose goose goose goose.

  It's April, happy weekend~

(End of this chapter)

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