When things go wrong, I don't care too much about the master's affairs. Where is it her turn to gossip, talking less and doing more is the last word.

After a long time of no response, Aunt Chen was puzzled, but she looked up and saw Shen Wanyi, she couldn't help being surprised, "Little girl, why are you here?!"

She couldn't believe that Shen Wanyi was here, and she shouldn't be here. Turning her head to look at Song Shichen who was also silent on the sofa, she realized that the atmosphere between the two was unusual.

Shen Wanyi was obviously taken aback, seemed surprised, hesitated for a while, and nodded to her, "Auntie." She could probably guess Aunt Chen's identity and the reason for her surprise in her heart.

The sudden hot potato was thrown into her hand with a whimper, and she didn't accept it, nor did she accept it. To be honest, she didn't know how to explain it.

Song Shichen looked at Aunt Chen, and his voice was as flat as ever, "No need, Aunt Chen, just put it aside." Aunt Chen quickly responded, because the work in hand was important, she turned and went into the kitchen to work.

As soon as Aunt Chen left, Shen Wanyi silently breathed a sigh of relief. She should be thankful that she didn't continue to ask questions. She really didn't know how to answer, but she didn't forget that there was another person there.

The look at each other just now contained many complex emotions, doubts, surprises, and flashes of disappointment.

After looking away, Song Shichen didn't look at Shen Wanyi again, everything seemed to be fine, and continued to deal with work, the surrounding was so quiet that only the sound of typing on the keyboard could be heard.

All the embarrassment was shattered to the ground at this moment, Shen Wanyi lowered her eyes, went straight upstairs, walked as lightly as possible, and walked up the stairs step by step, her figure disappeared at the top of the stairs.

After a while, Song Shichen closed the computer, raised his eyelids and looked upstairs, staring silently, his dark eyes gradually deepened, and he did not look back for a long time, concentrating on the loss and gloom in his eyes.

He got up and walked towards the kitchen. Aunt Chen, who had just brought out the food from the microwave, was really taken aback when she saw Song Shichen coming in, and hurried over, "Sir, is there anything else?"

"Aunt Chen, I will cook a bowl of ginger soup and send it to the second floor."

As soon as the words were finished, the man rolled up his sleeves, peeled the piece of ginger he got, cut it into slices with skillful knife skills, cleaned it, put it in a bowl, and handed it to Aunt Chen.

Aunt Chen looked at the sliced ​​ginger in front of her, and responded in a daze. She made a rough guess in her heart, and as expected, it was for the little girl. She was a little confused, "Sir, which room should I send it to?"

"My bedroom, don't need to say anything else." Song Shichen replied, without explaining too much, turned and walked to the study on the second floor, leaving Aunt Chen puzzled.

etc!That's right, the gentleman just said the bedroom, so this little girl lives in the bedroom of the gentleman? !
My husband doesn't like being disturbed by others, and he rarely brings friends home, and there are only a few friends who are close friends, let alone friends of the opposite sex.

A woman suddenly lived in the house, and the two lived in the same bedroom. Combined with the husband's various strange behaviors, a bold idea emerged in his mind, could this little girl be the future wife? ?

Second floor
The drenched clothes felt chilly and sticky, and Shen Wanyi took the clothes to take a bath. The smoky hot water splashed on her body, and her whole body came alive, and her tense nerves were finally completely relaxed.

After washing, Shen Wanyi changed into her pajamas and came out. Her wet hair was draped behind her back, and water droplets trickled down her slender neck. She wiped her hair and stared at the reflection in the mirror in a daze. ,
The person in the mirror faded off his makeup, revealing a slightly pale face. Because he had just taken a shower, his fair cheeks were stained with a light pink, and his bright and charming eyebrows were raised slightly. His bones were cold from the inside out. , The beauty is breathtaking.


Shen Wanyi sneezed, maybe she just caught a cold from the rain, she quickly dried her hair, she came out of the bathroom, she was still alone in the huge bedroom, obviously Song Shichen hadn't come back yet.

The bedroom was quiet, so quiet that people couldn't help but think about it, "Knockout..." There was a knock on the door outside, Shen Wanyi went to open the door, and as soon as she opened it, Aunt Chen appeared in front of her with something.

Aunt Chen put the tray of ginger soup on the table and ordered, "This is freshly cooked ginger soup. You just drank it in the rain to warm your body while it was hot. It won't work when it's cold."

Shen Wanyi held the bowl in her hands, the warm temperature spread to her palms, and blew on the still smoking ginger soup, "Okay, thank you, auntie." She lowered her head and took a few sips, a warm current flooded into her stomach instantly, The hotness flows through all parts of the body.

"Just call me Aunt Chen, take a good rest, and call me again if you have something to do." Aunt Chen smiled, withdrew her scrutiny, turned around, closed the door and left.

The raised smile did not let go, and the joy from the heart, looking left and right, finally waited until the cycad tree blossomed, the two were indescribably perfect!


After Shen Wanyi finished brushing her hair, she looked at the news on WeChat. Her WeChat was always quiet, and no one looked for it. At first glance, there were only messages in the hospital group. She glanced at the time on the screen, 11:45.

There was still no movement outside, Shen Wanyi couldn't help but poke her head towards the door, she silently looked away, she yawned, she didn't turn off the lights, and lay down on the side of the bed.

She turned sideways to face the wall. The moment she lay down, she felt completely sleepless. With her eyes open, she didn't know what to think, her head gradually emptied, and she stared at the wall in front of her in a trance.

I don't know how long it took before, with a "pop...", the originally lit light was turned off, and the bright bedroom was instantly pitch black. In the dark space, the surroundings were quiet, but the small sound reached my ears very clearly.

Although the voice was very low, Shen Wanyi still heard it. She blinked and held her breath. Through the light from the outside window, she saw the man's tall shadow clearly cast on the wall.

"I'm on a business trip during this period. It's about a month or so. You can come back earlier. It's not safe to be outside alone. Let Aunt Chen cook what you want to eat. Eating instant noodles is not healthy."

Song Shichen was lying on the sofa, through the faint light outside, his eyes fell on the motionless figure on the bed, knowing that she was not asleep, he closed his eyes slightly, subconsciously clenched his throat, and couldn't help but lower his voice.

There was a long silence, waiting for no response, Song Zhi didn't speak, there was only so much he could say and do.

The bedroom returned to its original silence. From the moment Song Shichen opened his mouth, Shen Wanyi listened silently, word by word came to her ears, and she gradually grasped the quilt tightly. It turned out that he knew everything, but just didn't want to say it.

A trace of complicated emotions flashed across her eyes, her long eyelashes fluttered incessantly under her eyes, she bit her lip, hesitated to speak, but finally did not speak.

I don't know when, their way of getting along has become like ice, and they are clearly under the same roof, but the distance is getting farther and farther away.

The turning point of the relationship - after returning from a business trip, they are together, and the next few chapters have nothing to do with the hero and heroine.

I had a dream, the novel was unfinished, I was chased and scolded by the pronunciation, and I got a bad review every time, it was terrible...

Eight people slipped away early~

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