Chapter 317 Little Daisy and Red Rose

Lu Yanhan walked towards the parking lot, got in the car, fastened his seat belt, and drove to the most prosperous shopping mall in Beicheng, with his slender fingers resting on the steering wheel, the car just switched to Eason Chan's "Under Mount Fuji".

——everyone has only those hands
It's hard for you to have it by hugging

To have, you must first understand how to accept loss

wandered along the snowy road
why cry for good things

Who can privately own Mount Fuji with love


The traffic light on the side of the road just switched to red light, Lu Yanhan raised his hand to loosen his tie, and unbuttoned his collarbone, his dark brown eyes narrowed lazily, his jaw raised slightly, and he looked forward casually.

The car window was half open, the breeze was blowing in, the brown hair was flying up wantonly, the faint sunlight shone in, the handsome facial features were softened, and the lips were turned up intentionally or unintentionally.

The story-filled singing echoed in the car. He seldom listened to Cantonese songs, let alone sad styles. He heard this song from Shen Wanyi's playlist, and thought it was pretty good at the time.

He likes to listen to all kinds of popular songs, especially exciting DJs. There is almost no lyrical music.

Obviously this song is not in the same genre as the one he likes, even a bit abrupt and out of place. Even so, Lu Yanhan is not willing to remove it from the playlist.

At the beginning, I simply thought it sounded good, but now I open the playlist and listen to it naturally. Habit is a terrible thing.


Century Shopping Center
Every store displays valuable goods, everything you need, the price can range from [-] million to [-], and the people who can enter are either rich or expensive. It is indeed the most prosperous commercial street in Beicheng, and ordinary people really can't enter.

Lu Yanhan didn't think about what gifts to buy. After all, he rarely gave gifts to women. He only gave flowers, lipstick, and bags, which were not only tacky, but also nothing new.

If she really gave these to Shen Wanyi, let alone she disliked them, even he would look down on them. If she didn't prepare well, it would be better not to send them.

Lu Yanhan wandered and thought, but after searching for a long time without a clue, he frowned and sat on a chair in the shopping mall to rest, when suddenly he was attracted by a distinctive small shop in front of him.

The signboard of the store is carved with thin gold body, decorated with antique flavor inside and outside, light blue curtains, pineapple wood shelves are placed with many gadgets, everything you expect, the quaint storefront is isolated from the noise outside, with a special flavor.

The clerk at the front desk came towards me with a smile on his face, "Welcome, sir, may I help you?"

After turning around, Lu Yanhan stopped and looked at the clerk who was warmly introducing him, with a thoughtful expression on his face. The clerk was uncomfortable being looked at, but he still kept a decent smile on his face, "Sir?"

There happened to be a reference example, he raised his jaw, "Ask me a question, from the perspective of you women, what birthday present do you like?"

The clerk understood what she said. Based on her experience with many customers, she might not be able to think of what gift to buy as a gift. She smiled and replied, "Sir, everyone has different preferences. You can choose a commemorative gift for birthday gifts."

The clerk continued, "If you are a woman, you usually give them bracelets, necklaces, and jewelry. There is no girl who doesn't like flowers. Sir, we recently held a meaningful activity in our store. Customers can carve their favorite shapes and keep them as souvenirs and gifts." People are a very good choice."

Lu Yanhan's eyes lit up, and he became interested in it instantly. Compared with other gifts bought outside, it is much more meaningful and has a different commemorative value.


carving room

In the small room, Lu Yanhan shook the carving knife in his hand after listening to the master master's lecture on the carving method, and rested his chin in meditation. Although he had a direction, he obviously didn't have a clue.

Trying to remember what Shen Wanyi likes in his mind, Lu Yanhan realized that he didn't know much about her at all. After knowing her for several years, in the end, it was ridiculous to say that he didn't know anything about her.

Never thought it would be such a difficult task to give a gift, Lu Yanhan finally realized that his mind was blank, his brows were tightly frowned, and he was unable to start with the carved materials.

He glanced around, and his eyes were inexplicably attracted by the flower arrangements on the table. It was a bunch of ordinary flower arrangements, with orange-pink eustoma as the main color, paired with light pink carnations, and green leaves interspersed around them to complement each other.

Lu Yanhan had an idea in an instant, and an idea emerged in his mind, and he did it as soon as he said it, with a clear theme, the next step is easy.

He rolled up his sleeves, picked up a carving knife, and carved strokes on the material board, carefully outlining the outline. The warm light fell on his clear and handsome side face, the long eyelashes trembling, under the high bridge of the nose, lips The corners are slightly bent, showing a slight arc.

Time passed unknowingly, three hours passed in a blink of an eye, Lu Yanhan pressed his sore neck, looked at the semi-finished product that he had been working on for a long time, and couldn't hide his satisfaction.

The cylindrical wood carving is the base, and a small wood carving daisy is inserted in the small hole in the middle. It stands upright and will not fall in the wind. The petals are distinct and the flower center is round, which is not an exquisite work of art.

The knife workmanship is not very good, and there are obvious flaws in some places. At first glance, it is the work of a beginner. After all, it is the first time, and it barely passes.

Lu Yanhan held the wood carving in his hand, brushed off the sawdust covering the surface, couldn't take his eyes off for a long time, picked up the phone to take a picture, flipped through the contacts, and made a call.

"Order a set of jewelry with daisies as the element, no matter the price, it must be the best, and it must be completed within one month."

After the call was over, Lu Yanhan continued to immerse himself in retouching the wood carving, carefully painting strokes with paint, a sense of accomplishment filled his heart, and there was a tenderness in his eyes that he hadn't noticed.

She is the bright and warm red rose in everyone's eyes, but she is the little daisy hidden in his heart.

Little daisies are easy to be overlooked, among the thousands of nameless little flowers, just like the stars in the dark sky, but on a certain day, only the most special you happen to be noticed.

There is no romance of roses, but there is a purer love than roses, there is no vigorousness, only the trickle of life hidden in life.


Hengdian filming studio
The director took off his sunglasses and nodded with satisfaction, "Crap... this scene is going well, let's take a halftime break and touch up the makeup." The filming staff put down their tools and went to the side to rest.

"Brother Jiang, here." The assistant passed the water in his hand to Jiang Yubei who had just finished his makeup. He took it and unscrewed it, took a few sips slowly, looked down at the script, and thought about the upcoming scene.

The phone in his pocket rang, he took it out, and the messages slid down one by one, with the corners of his lips slightly raised.

[dd!Suddenly bubbling! 】

[The kiss scene just now was good, it must be praised! 】

Posted several panda head emoticons in a row, which was inexplicably funny.

 Eason Chan's Mount Fuji yyds!I always prefer Lu Yanhan. It seems that there is no separate chapter about Song Shichen. I owe four thousand this month.

  After finishing the last section of Maogai, I finally have a holiday. I have been looking forward to the long-awaited trip to Guangzhou with my roommate. Happy holiday~
(End of this chapter)

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