Through the screen, I could also imagine Cheng Siyu's arrogant little expression, so I had to pretend not to care. The simple text on the screen successfully made Jiang Yubei laugh.

He chuckled, buried his head in typing on the keyboard, thinking a little bit to tease someone, 【That's pretty good. 】

Cheng Siyu was silent, that scene was an intimate scene between the hero and heroine, and she didn't have a part in the scene, so she was the crowd eating melons by the side.

In the camera, the handsome man and the beautiful woman are indescribably suitable. Every time the male lead looks at the female lead, the kind of affectionate eyes make people willing to indulge in it.

Yes, this drama is very good, the hero and heroine are worthy of each other, but she is a vicious female supporting role that everyone shouts and beats.

Cheng Siyu twitched her lips, and replied with an emoji of oh.

[Do you smell it?A big smell of vinegar overflowed the screen, it seems that our little fish is really jealous. 】

Jiang Yubei replied quickly, the message popped up on the screen, Cheng Siyu raised his eyebrows, stared at that paragraph and thought for a long time, just kidding, how could she be jealous.

It's just filming, and it's not real. An actor can't avoid filming intimate scenes, unless it's not the main role. Jiang Yubei eats this bowl of rice, and she can't just pick up a passerby who doesn't have a CP for her, and she feels even more sorry.

【Are you kidding? How can you tell that I'm jealous? I'm so stingy?Don't think too much, film with peace of mind, concentrate, /狗头/]

Jiang Yubei buried his head in tapping on the screen, his dark brown eyes were stained with a bit of grievance, and the long eyelashes were docilely attached to his eyes.

[Baby is really not jealous?Don't keep it in your heart, it's not about being petty, but about not caring, so Xiao Yu'er never took this relationship to heart. 】

Coupled with a pitiful puppy expression, Jiang Yubei, who usually takes aloof characters, turned into an aggrieved little milk dog at this moment. This huge contrast is so cute that no one can imagine it.

Cheng Siyu was momentarily at a loss for words, and countless question marks popped up from the top of his head, good guy, he was caught off guard, what the hell is going on?
God knows that she didn't mean that at all, she was really going to faint, filming was within the scope of work, how could she understand it as not taking him seriously.

The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong, her head was able to react, and she slowly typed on the screen, [Is there a possibility that I should be the one who should be wronged? 】

Jiang Yubei's eyes flashed a little slyly, and he curled his lips into a chuckle, looking like an old fox who had succeeded, [I'm sorry baby, it's my fault, I made you feel wronged, I'll go find you. 】

The moment Cheng Siyu saw the news, he almost fell off the chair, his heart was about to jump out, and he almost had a heart attack. Would it be so scary.

She hasn't figured out how to explain it to Sister Ji. If it is made public now, it will add fuel to the flames. I am afraid that I will never see the sun tomorrow again. My life is important!

[Aw, ow, please let me go, I admit defeat, I'm just jealous, I'm really not angry, so please don't come here! ! ! 】

There is a lesson to be learned from the desire to survive in just one sentence. It is definitely not because you want to escape and don’t want to make it public, but now is not the time, and making it public will do no harm to each other.

Jiang Yubei didn't want to go to Cheng Siyu at first, he just wanted to tease her, but he didn't expect such a big reaction, so he darkened his eyes.

[Okay, don't go, listen to the baby, as a compensation, I will cook tonight and make Xiao Yuer's favorite crayfish. 】

Originally, there was no itinerary for the evening, but today Cheng's mother called to ask her to go home for a meal, and Cheng Siyu immediately agreed, with her mother's deadly phone call and her beloved crayfish on the other.

She can only choose one of the two, she can only reluctantly give up the crayfish she has been thinking about, and her heart is about to break, [I'm afraid I can't do it tonight, my mother is urging me to go home, woo woo woo, I have to wait for the next time /fades/]

Looking at the text on the screen, Jiang Yubei was silent for a long time, and only after a while did he reply, [Okay. 】

He didn't react until the light on the phone screen gradually dimmed. He unscrewed the bottle cap, raised his head and drank a few sips of water, and lowered his head slightly, as if suppressing the loss in his eyes.


Cheng Zhai
Cheng Siyu finished her make-up from the crew, and had no time to pack her things, so she rushed over in a hurry, afraid of missing dinner time.

Before entering the door, a scolding voice came from the living room, "You, when will you save me some time, I don't like this, I don't like that, do you want to be a bachelor for the rest of your life, trying to piss me off..."

The voice came from the old lady, and her tone became more and more agitated. Mother Cheng comforted her softly beside her, "Don't be agitated, take care of yourself, Mama Zhang, pour me a glass of water."

"For the time being, I have no idea of ​​becoming a bachelor. Fate can't be rushed, so I will fall in love with it when I see the right person." A cold voice spoke slowly.

"Fate can be eaten, right? Ms. Wang is well-educated, she is a lady, how many people want to have a relationship with the Wang family, what are you dissatisfied with..."

Hearing this familiar voice, Cheng Siyu was successfully stopped, and then he took a big step back silently. No wonder his brows were beating non-stop. It turned out that he didn't read the almanac when he went out today. Hell.

No, it was scarier than seeing a ghost. She chose to go to see a ghost. She was very displeased to see Gu Jinglan, an old fox who eluded her!

If she knew that Gu Jinglan was coming back in advance, she would rather be scolded than meet him, so is there still time to run away?
Just wanting to take advantage of no one to find out, I turned around and ran away secretly, but before I took a few steps, Zhang Ma, who came back from fetching water, saw her and called out to the figure who had quietly left, "Hey, where are you going, miss?"

The volume was too loud to be ignored, and the people chatting in the living room naturally heard it, and they immediately attracted attention, and all looked sideways at the door.

"..." Cheng Siyu pulled his lips and smiled stiffly. Good guy, I can't go in now. At this moment, I wish I could dig a hole in place and bury myself.

Cheng's mother came out of the living room, and couldn't help but scold, "You really are a kid, you're already back, why don't you come in?"

Of course it's because there's a wolf in sheep's clothing inside!Cheng Siyu didn't dare to say this, so he had to make up a random reason, and laughed a few times, "The scenery outside is nice, I will appreciate it before going in."

"Nonsense, what a guy, not serious, go in later, be smart, don't make your grandma angry." Cheng's mother obviously didn't believe this kind of rhetoric, and specifically explained to her.

Cheng Siyu nodded obediently, quickly responded, and followed in. The atmosphere on the sofa was a bit awkward. Gu Jinglan and the old lady sat on each side. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the chat just now was not pleasant.

Afraid of harming the innocent, she tremblingly called out, "Grandma." The old lady's eyes fell on her granddaughter, whom she had not seen for a long time, and her complexion finally improved.

"Tiantian came back just in time. Come and sit down. You were also there on the blind date. Why did your uncle reject Ms. Wang? Tell me clearly."

I went to Guangzhou for a few days and came back with a fever and cough. I haven’t recovered yet, and my heart is broken.

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