During this quiet and long stare, Shen Wanyi couldn't help but hold her breath, her fingertips curled slightly, and she looked at the figure calmly and indifferently.

"Pop..." With a sound, the lights were turned on, and the originally dim environment suddenly became brighter. She squinted her eyes, and the clear outline of the man came into view with the light.

He was wearing a white shirt, with the top button undone, vaguely revealing some of his collarbones. His hair was much shorter, making his facial features even more deep and cold. His tall peach blossom eyes were slightly raised, containing a bottomless meaning. .

In the bright environment, there was no wave in those dark eyes, which looked directly into hers. They were indifferent and dim. A simple glance, but it could directly touch the depths of the heart.

Shen Wanyi didn't expect Song Shichen to come back suddenly. She looked away and broke the awkwardness by saying, "You...are back."

"Yes." Song Shichen put down his things, his voice was slightly hoarse, and he couldn't hear any emotion. He reached out and pulled his tie, and was about to go upstairs.

"Um...Lawyer Yang helped me handle the case, thank you." Shen Wanyi remembered that the case had been resolved and thanked him.

Song Shichen glanced at her and remembered that Yang Junzhi sent a message some time ago saying that the case had been solved. He responded, bypassed Shen Wanyi, and turned upstairs.

Looking at the disappearing figure on the stairs, a complicated look flashed in Shen Wanyi's eyes. After breakfast, he went upstairs to rest. When he reached the bedroom door, he suddenly thought that Song Shichen was inside and stopped in his steps.

She opened the door and found that the bright bedroom was empty. The sound of running water came from the bathroom. Not long after, Song Shichen came out of it.

The man simply wore a black short-sleeved shirt, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His short hair was dripping with water, and his clear jawline fell down to his collarbone. His brows were cold and slightly red, which was inexplicably sultry.

Because he took off his glasses, his usually deep eyes softened a lot. The moment he met her eyes, they were like a bottomless well water, as if he wanted to suck people in deeply.

His eyes fell on the clothes in Shen Wanyi's hand, and he seemed a little confused. His voice was slightly hoarse, "Take a shower?" Shen Wanyi nodded, "I worked the night shift last night."

Her eyes rested on Song Shichen inadvertently, and she saw that he was wiping his hair with his hands. His clothes were already loose, and as he moved up and down, the scenery underneath was vaguely visible.

Cheng Siyu's original question suddenly came to mind - how many abdominal muscles did Song Shichen have?In such a situation, no one would think too much.

Shen Wanyi quickly shifted her gaze, her cheeks felt slightly hot, and she quickly put on her clothes and went in to take a shower.

Song Shichen recalled that when he saw her for the first time, his expression was slightly tired, and he understood instantly. When he saw her going in to take a bath, he fell into deep thought.

The lights in the bedroom were turned off at some point and the curtains were closed. Shen Wanyi dried her hair and came out. She didn't see Song Shichen, but she didn't expect to turn around and see him lying on the sofa, seemingly asleep.

She subconsciously moved lightly, charged her phone, and then carefully went to bed to rest. She would not be able to sleep for a while, her head was empty, and she stared at the ceiling with her eyes open.

In the silent environment, a man's deep voice came, "Are you tired from the night shift?" Shen Wanyi was caught off guard and startled. It took him a long time to react and replied blankly, "It's okay." "

The scene fell into silence again, as expected. She turned over and prepared to sleep. A sudden cough sounded, "Ahem..." It was intermittent and difficult to ignore.

The coughs that came from time to time sounded a little uncomfortable. Shen Wanyi looked at the figure on the sofa, and her eyes flashed with emotion, "Have you taken your medicine?"

Song Shichen made a hoarse sound in his throat, stopped for a while, and then coughed again, "Well, I just ate."

"Did it bother you to take a rest? I'm going to the study." He suppressed the discomfort in his body and was about to get up and clean up.

Shen Wanyi couldn't bear it. She usually slept on the sofa, but when she was sick, she went to sleep in the study. If she could really watch it, her heart would be made of stone.She bit her lip and replied quickly, "It doesn't matter, otherwise... you come up to sleep. It's uncomfortable to sleep on the sofa."

After getting no response for a while, Shen Wanyi added another sentence with a tough tone, "Have a good rest, so that you will get better soon."

"Yeah." Song Shichen packed up his things and came up, his voice a little caressing. I wonder if it was an illusion, but Shen Wanyi felt that it was easier for him to talk when he was sick.

As the other side of the bed sank, Shen Wanyi's body froze. The familiar fragrance lingered in his nose, and as the air flowed into his heart, it lingered for a long time.

Her mind went blank. Time passed by one by one. There was no sound behind her. It was very quiet. She opened her eyes and looked at the closet next to her, not feeling sleepy at all.

After keeping the same movement for a long time, Shen Wanyi turned over and turned around to see Song Shichen's side face. She held her breath subconsciously. With the faint light coming through the curtains, the light and shadow fell on it like a dream. Generally hazy.

Just like the moon in the water or the flowers in the mirror, they can be seen from a distance but cannot be touched.

The man's dark eyes were closed, his breathing was slow and steady, and there was a faint green circle under his eyes, which relieved him of the coldness of the past. Now he has an even more approachable aura.

Everything seemed so unreal, they were in the same bed and had different dreams, and it was difficult to fall asleep. Shen Wanyi looked away after a while, sighed slightly, and slowly closed his eyes.


She slept until four o'clock in the afternoon. When Shen Wanyi got up, Song Shichen was missing from the bedroom. She got up and washed up. She remembered that she forgot to feed dumplings when she came back yesterday. She found a pack of cat food from the small cabinet and turned to go downstairs.

Although Song Shichen agreed to keep the cat, Shen Wanyi was still worried that the dumpling would disturb him. After bringing it back that day, she placed the dumpling in a small house in the back garden.

Shen Wanyi carried the cat food and walked towards the cabin, but she didn't expect to see Song Shichen in the back garden. The man's back was turned to her. From a distance, she could see that he was pruning the remaining branches of the plants in the pot and picking up the dead branches. Several knives fell to the ground with a click.

When I got closer, I realized that the potted plant was filled with roses in full bloom. The deep red petals were particularly beautiful under the sunlight. They were delicate and beautiful, but they were covered with thorns.

Apart from work, this was the first time that Song Shichen was interested in other things.

On the contrary, Shen Wanyi was quite unexpected. Without thinking too much, she opened the door and entered the hut. She saw an empty den, but no dumplings. There was half-eaten cat food in the bowl.

She was about to go out to look for it, but couldn't find it after searching around the area. When she came to the small garden, she turned around and saw Tuanzi appearing behind a potted plant. She licked her paws from time to time and called out "Meow..." Voice.

Shen Wanyi walked in the direction of Tuanzi. Facing the green plants, the little guy stretched out his paws to touch the leaves above, collapsed on the ground and rolled, then got up and walked to the other side.

Why did she feel that something was wrong? In fact, the feeling was correct. The place Tuanzi went to was Song Shichen's side.

Tuanzi is usually very good, but his only flaw is that he likes to nibble on flowers and plants. Sometimes, a few days after buying flowers, a few gaps appear on the leaves and petals for no reason. Later I found out that it was Tuanzi's fault.

Shen Wanyi walked a few steps quickly and saw the little guy approaching the rose plant that Song Shichen had raised step by step. His round eyes turned, and his paws were about to move, and he rested on the potted plant in the next second.

The missing person is back. I have been preparing for the exam for more than two months. I finally finished the exam the day before yesterday. I am relieved. I did not abandon the article. The story continues. Good night.

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