Sweet crazy!The cold lawyer Song married at an early age

Chapter 328 The old won't go, the new won't come

Tuanzi stretched out his paws and touched the leaves on the branch, and was about to attack the blooming rose. Unexpectedly, Song Shichen grabbed his neck in the next second. One person and one cat stared at each other with big eyes.

The little guy seemed a little unconvinced. He gestured with his paws in the air and made a meowing sound. He looked at the human holding his neck with his sad little eyes.

Song Shichen found it inexplicably funny, so he picked up the little guy's neck and turned his face toward the flower, "Want to touch it?" Tuanzi couldn't hold it in for a moment, and his short legs kept moving.

"Tuanzi!" Shen Wanyi shouted. The little guy's head suddenly shuddered and he looked at his master with round eyes. She apologized deeply, "I won't let him run around anymore."

"The little guy is very interesting. I just fed him cat food. He must be starving and eating like crazy." Song Shichen returned the dumplings to Shen Wanyi and caught a glimpse of the cat food in her hand from the corner of his eye.

"I forgot to feed him yesterday." Shen Wanyi touched Tuanzi's head. The little guy meowed a few times in comfort. She raised her eyes and looked at Song Shichen, "Do you feel better?"

Song Shichen said, "It's nothing serious. He likes flowers very much?" He turned around and continued pruning the remaining branches in the potted plant. Shen Wanyi shook his head and answered seriously, "It prefers to eat flowers."

"..." Shen Wanyi himself found this habit funny, let alone Song Shichen who heard it.

As expected, Song Shichen was stunned for a few seconds and chuckled, "My hobby is quite special." He picked off a rose in full bloom, faced Shen Wanyi's astonished gaze, and put it to Tuanzi's mouth.

When the rose was delivered to him, the little guy's eyes suddenly lit up. He stretched out his pink tongue and licked it, biting a little bit of the petals, and ate it slowly and with relish.

"This is the first time I've seen... a cat eating flowers." Song Shichen lowered his eyes, the curve of his lips rose slightly, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

When Shen Wanyi saw Song Shichen picking the flowers, her eyes were full of disbelief. In fact, it was not difficult to see that the flowers in the garden were carefully taken care of.

It was completely unexpected that Song Shichen could easily pick it off and give it to a cat. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, it would be hard to believe it. It was just a pity to miss such a good rose.

"Don't you think it's a pity? The flowers can bloom again after they are gone. The old ones don't go and the new ones don't come. The key is to see how to think from a different perspective."

Song Shichen seemed to have anticipated what Shen Wanyi was thinking, and slowly raised his black eyes to look at her. The light in his eyes lingered on her for a moment, his expression calm and unruffled.

He put down the scissors in his hand, took off his gloves and put them on the table, "If you don't mind, I can help feed the cat." Shen Wanyi nodded blankly, and saw Song Shichen turning around and leaving, and his figure gradually disappeared from sight.

She lowered her head and looked at the rose that was eaten a little by Tuanzi and then thrown aside. She frowned and had an indescribable feeling.


At the dining table, Shen Wanyi was eating porridge and looking down at his mobile phone. Song Shichen came down from upstairs. He fiddled with the buttons on his cuffs and walked to the sofa, obviously preparing to go out. "When will you return to the hospital?"

"Wait a minute." Shen Wanyi looked up at the man on the sofa with a bit of confusion in his eyes. Song Shichen turned his head to look at her, his dark eyes reflecting her expression, "We're on the way, together?"

"..." No, where did this go?

When all is said and done, there is no room for rejection. No one can compare to Song Shichen in his approach of cutting things off first and telling them later.

Shen Wanyi was a little confused, blinked blankly, and stopped holding the spoon for an instant, "Are you going to the hospital too?"

"Go see grandma and register by the way." The man's deep voice replied slowly, and Shen Wanyi remembered that his illness was not cured yet, so she could only nod.

She continued to eat porridge, imagining the embarrassing scene in the car later. She was speechless all the way, so embarrassed that she could dig out three bedrooms and one living room.


In the car
As expected, an awkward atmosphere filled the car, and you could hear the honking of horns and the whistling of the wind outside.At the traffic light at the intersection, the car stopped and waited for the light to turn green. Song Shichen turned his head and looked at the passenger in the passenger seat. The woman leaned on her seat and looked out the window in trance, frowning slightly from time to time.

She is beautiful, not delicate and bright, but gentle and indifferent, neither coquettish nor coquettish, independent but not arrogant, more like a cold plum standing proudly in the cold wind.

His eyes were slightly raised, cold and distant, but so difficult to approach. There was an unnoticeable sadness hidden between his brows, like a dream. The closer he got, the harder it was to catch him.

"Are you still used to living there? If you have any needs, you can ask." Song Shichen's expression was a little complicated. He withdrew his burning gaze, looked directly at the traffic light at the intersection ahead, and started the car.

Shen Wanyi replied softly, "It's okay."

The car returned to its usual calm state.

After arriving at the parking lot, Shen Wanyi went up first, firstly because he was in a hurry, and secondly because he wanted to avoid unnecessary trouble. It was always good to avoid suspicion.

"Doctor Shen, wait a minute. I still have some documents to sort out." The little nurse saw Shen Wanyi knocking on the door and coming in, and hurriedly sorted out the documents for handing over the work.

Shen Wanyi put down her things and went over to help organize them. After a while, the arrangements were quickly completed. The little nurse breathed a sigh of relief and raised a big smile, "Thank you, Doctor Shen!"

"You're welcome, go back early, and be careful on the road." Shen Wanyi smiled, and the little nurse made an OK gesture, "Come on!" The two looked at each other and smiled.

The workload tonight was a little heavy. Shen Wanyi was too busy all night. After entering the last piece of information into the computer, she stretched and saw that it was almost 11 o'clock.

Shen Wanyi got up from her seat, took the printed materials and walked to the front desk. Before she got closer, she heard the sound of several young nurses gathering at the front desk to gossip.

"I was just making rounds on the third floor. Guess who I saw?" a young nurse said.

"Who is it? It can't be a celebrity. It's not surprising that a celebrity comes to our hospital. Oh, let's just guess and announce the answer directly."

"Yes, why don't you say half of it and not half of it? Tell me quickly. Do you have any conscience? It's really annoying."

"You will never imagine that I saw Song Lu on the third floor. It was the first time I saw a real person up close. I couldn't bear to take my eyes away. My heart was beating so fast. It was true as it was posted on the Internet. He has wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. !”

"Is it Song Shichen?! Look at how useless you are. The third floor is the VIP ward. Why is he in the hospital?"

"Old Mrs. Song is on the third floor, so it's normal for Song Shichen to appear there. It's not easy to get in close contact with her. We can see her later when she goes to check the ward."

We were in the middle of chatting when a sudden voice sounded, "KouKou..."

Shen Wanyi bent his fingers and tapped on the table. The chat between the few people stopped abruptly, and they all looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

I received a bad review the day before yesterday, and the content was something like this, "The male and female protagonists have too few roles, so I abandoned the article. The author played all the cards in his hand to pieces. I suspect that the author is Meng Qingran..."

I:? ? ?Laughed.


Recently I watched The Heart of the Storm: Full Moon, which was pretty good. It’s a must-see during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I’m busy planning a trip during the National Day.

good night.

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