"Why did you run out suddenly?"

Lu Yanhan looked at the empty streets around him, and looked at the dazed woman next to him with puzzled eyes. She stood motionless, her fleeting emotions quickly suppressed.

Shen Wanyi looked away and said, "It's okay, I just recognized the wrong person." Then he turned around and went in.

"Hey... it's weird." Lu Yanhan followed him in. He couldn't help but feel curious and started to guess, "Who did you recognize by mistake? With such a big reaction, it couldn't be your ex, right?"

He rarely sees Shen Wanyi losing control of his emotions like this. This is the first time he has seen it. Can he not be curious and eager to know the answer?

Shen Wanyi made a movement with his hands, continued to pack up the documents on the desktop, and faintly uttered one word, "Get out."

"Just kidding, by the way...are you still in contact with Chen Yanchuan?" When mentioning his ex, Lu Yanhan raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but ask.

He had just met Shen Wanyi and was not very familiar with him. He heard some gossip that a boy majoring in sports was chasing her. He didn't pay attention at first. After all, with her unfriendly temperament, she was more likely to end up in failure. big.

Shen Wanyi had many suitors, but not many of them could chat or make contact. What Lu Yanhan never expected was that she actually agreed to fall in love with Chen Yanchang, which shocked him. Never expected it.

Later, he asked Shen Wanyi why he was with Chen Yanchuan? She said lightly that there is no reason, we will be together when we find the right one.

This relationship didn't last long. I don't know why. There was no cheating or quarreling. The two broke up peacefully and have been strangers ever since.

"No." Shen Wanyi shook her head and admitted that she had forgotten how long it had been since she heard Chen Yanchuan's name, let alone contacted him.

Lu Yanhan responded vaguely and breathed a sigh of relief. He was not sure whether Shen Wanyi still had feelings for Chen Yanchuan. He was just afraid that he would lose Shen Wanyi again.

It used to be Chen Yanchuan, but now it's Song Shichen. Sometimes Lu Yanhan really envied them and was jealous that they could be upright with Shen Wanyi.

Rather than being like him, who can only live in fragmented dreams, live in the beautiful dreams he has woven by his own hands.

Puncturing that layer of window paper would be fatal to both parties. He just wanted to stay with Shen Wanyi and nothing else.

The night faded quietly, and a faint light gradually rose in the distance, like a gradually unfolding paper, taking away the coolness of the night. The morning light broke through the sky, and the sun gradually rose from the horizon.

After completing the handover work, Shen Wanyi walked to the rest area and saw Lu Yanhan lying on the chair who had fallen asleep at some point. A ray of sunshine quietly fell on his handsome face, like a dream.

The man's facial features have a layer of hazy beauty, his eyebrows are beautiful, and every stroke is just right. The careless and careless expression in the past is now a bit calmer than before.

He slept extremely uneasily, and frowned from time to time. There was a faint dark green under his eyes, and an unconcealable sense of exhaustion was written on his face.

"Lu Yanhan." Shen Wanyi called out, but the other party didn't respond. She reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "Hey..."

Just as she retracted her hand, her wrist was grabbed tightly the next second. The man suddenly opened his cold eyes. When he saw the person in front of him, the coldness quietly faded away and replaced with his usual nonchalant expression.

He stood up, stretched, and took his coat. "It's not easy waiting for you to get off work. My back is sore from sleeping. Let's go and take you somewhere."

Shen Wanyi was about to say something, but was interrupted by Lu Yanhan. There was an irresistible meaning in his eyes, "Shh, your time is mine today, you just need to obey the arrangement." ...

In the car, Shen Wanyi turned her head to look at the man in the driver's seat. The scenery was constantly receding by the window. The wind outside was pouring in. She tied up her messy hair and said, "Where are you going?"

Lu Yanhan didn't look at her. Instead, he pretended to be mysterious and smiled, "If you tell me, it won't be a surprise. Keep it mysterious."

Not long after, the two came out of the parking lot. Shen Wanyi looked at the duplex apartment in front of him, obviously stunned, and couldn't help but pull his lips, "Is this the surprise you said?"

"We'll find out when we get in." Lu Yanhan was afraid that Shen Wanyi would suddenly run away, so he half-pulled her in, walked around the flowery yard, and pushed the door open.

Gorgeous colored lights came into view, making the room feel like a dream. Beige balloons filled every corner of the room. There was a small daisy tied to each balloon. The table was filled with various snacks. , various colors complement each other on the wall, creating a strong atmosphere, and the carefully arranged scene is full of warmth and romance.

Lu Yanhan reached out and waved his hand in front of Shen Wanyi, who was stunned for a few times, until he came to his senses, pulled her in, and closed the door behind him, "Do you like it?"

Shen Wanyi withdrew her astonished gaze and said, "I like it, thank you." If nothing else, it was clear that this intention was carefully prepared.

An uncontrollable smile appeared on Lu Yanhan's lips, like a child getting a long-awaited compliment. His dark eyes were gleaming with light, and he took out the gift he had prepared for a long time, "Happy birthday."

"Thank you." Shen Wanyi took the gift wrapped with a blue ribbon and smiled sincerely.

Lu Yanhan hummed a few times, a little dissatisfied with her polite and distant attitude, "Shen Wanyi, what else can you say besides saying thank you?"

Shen Wanyi frowned, thought about it seriously, and said tentatively, "Thank you?"

Lu Yanhan "..."

He couldn't help but smile sullenly, "That's great of you, take a photo to commemorate it." He took out his mobile phone and pulled Shen Wanyi to take a photo, "Look at the camera."

After a while, he kept taking pictures. Lu Yanhan looked through the photos he had just taken. His face became darker and darker as he looked down. He gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Wanyi, you must have done this on purpose. Every photo has a faceless face." His expression is so ugly.”

Shen Wanyi rolled her eyes at him, "I worked the night shift all night. I'm so tired. I can't laugh." She wanted to laugh, but she was terribly sleepy. The dark circles under her eyes were so obvious that she almost fell asleep and couldn't laugh at all.

Lu Yanhan's expression softened a little, and his tone was coaxing, "Just take a picture and smile."

Shen Wanyi was helpless and had no choice but to pull her lips and force out a smile.

A familiar and slightly dissatisfied voice came from the kitchen in the distance. As footsteps came in, it became clearer, "You two, did you forget that there is someone in the house?"

The woman's figure slowly appeared in front of her eyes, wearing a pale pink dress, her waist was too tight to hold, her slightly curly hair was spread in front of her shoulders, her palm-sized face was lightly made up, and under her curved willow-leaf eyebrows, she had a pair of clear and bright eyes. Eyes.

Youth has no price, hard seat to BJ, departure in seven days, really looking forward to it.

I wrote a New Year's episode last year, but I'm considering whether to write it this year. Good night, good night, good night.

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