Sweet crazy!The cold lawyer Song married at an early age

Chapter 336 A sudden glance leads to a lifelong mistake

Facing the sudden appearance of this person, Lu Yanhan's head was buzzing and aching. This guy's appearance would really ruin the atmosphere. He gritted his teeth and said, "Cheng Siyu, you really know how to choose the right time to come out."

Cheng Siyu pretended not to hear what Lu Yanhan said, "An important person appears at a critical moment. If it weren't for Wanwan's birthday, who would rarely see you."

Lu Yanhan quickly made a gesture of invitation, "Turn right when you go out, and you won't see me off." Cheng Siyu snorted coldly, and immediately complained to Shen Wanyi, who was acting transparent next to him, "Wanwan! Look at him!"

"Have you two enough arguments when you go out?" Seeing the two people arguing non-stop when they met, Shen Wanyi felt helpless and silently made a suggestion.

Lu Yanhan sneered, but still said unforgivingly, "The nourishment of love has not made you gentle and virtuous. You are still the same as before, even more aggressive than before."

Shen Wanyi glared at Lu Yanhan and said, "Keep your mouth shut." Lu Yanhan shrugged and crossed his fingers in front of his mouth.

If someone he knew saw this situation, he would definitely be shocked. The rebellious young master of the Lu family could actually be obedient sometimes. The sun must be rising from the west. It was simply unbelievable.

Also, Lu Yanhan could only compromise in front of Shen Wanyi and had no principles in front of her.

The scene was finally quiet, and Shen Wanyi was surprised by the appearance of Cheng Siyu, who had never seen the dragon before it came. "How come you have time?"

Cheng Siyu shook Shen Wanyi's hand coquettishly, raised a big smile, and showed two cute little tiger teeth, "How can I not show up on such an important day? No matter how busy I am, I have to come."

Shen Wanyi tilted her head and looked at Cheng Siyu with a smile, "Thank you, a very busy person, for taking the time to bubble up."

"Ding..." A voice came from the kitchen, and Cheng Siyu suddenly thought of baking something, "Wait for me..." turned around and hurried to the kitchen.

After a while, Cheng Siyu carefully held the freshly baked cake and came to Shen Wanyi like a treasure, "Happy birthday to Wanyi!"

There is a small round cake on the plate. The cream on the bottom exudes an attractive milky aroma. On top is a layer of fresh fruits, strawberries, grapes, and sliced ​​peaches. The layers are overlapped, giving it a unique flavor. .

Cheng Siyu winked at her mischievously, "The chef did it myself, just for the whole family. Do you like it? Do you feel like you fell in love instantly?"

You must know that this girl Cheng Siyu usually doesn't go into the kitchen. It can be said that she doesn't touch the spring water with her fingers, let alone making cakes by herself, which is really rare.

"Thank you for your hard work." Shen Wanyi took the cake filled with heartfelt wishes, pulled Cheng Siyu to sit at the table, and thanked her softly.

Hearing this, Cheng Siyu frowned, as if he was dissatisfied with her thank you, "What are you talking about? Who is following the other? We are lifelong best friends."

Lu Yanhan crossed his legs, seemingly leisurely, but opened his mouth to ruin the atmosphere, "Are you two done with the sensationalism? I'm almost fainting from hunger."

"You're the only one who has a lot of trouble." Cheng Siyu replied to him, and started to insert candles on top of the cake. Candles of different colors were circled around it and handed the lighter to Shen Wanyi.

Shen Wanyi lowered her head to light the candles on the cake. Her head felt heavy. She turned around in surprise and touched the thing on her head. It was a birthday hat. Lu Yanhan straightened the crooked hat and curled his lips with satisfaction, "Now it's perfect." .”

"Come and make a wish!"

The lights on the ceiling dimmed instantly, and the surrounding area was plunged into darkness. It was impossible to see anything except the candles lit on the cake that gave off a faint light.

Shen Wanyi closed her eyes, lowered her head slightly, and clasped her hands together. The faint light reflected on her quiet and gentle face, and the light and shadow outlined her outline, stroke by stroke, cold and dusty.

In the darkness, Lu Yanhan looked deeply at the person next to him, his dark eyes reflecting her figure. In the hidden place, his eyes were as gentle as water, staring straight at her, and the turbulent love overflowed from his eyes without any cover.

Everything around him seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. His eyes were serious and straightforward, and everything in the world was charming, but he only looked at Shen Wanyi. Many past events flashed through his mind like a horse, and the scrolling pictures were fixed on the day they first met, as if everything was destined by God, they were destined to meet, and he was destined to have this fate.

Unable to escape, he was willing to be trapped in it for the rest of his life.

A glimpse can lead to a life-threatening loss.

After making the wish, the lights in the room turned on. Cheng Siyu leaned over and asked Shen Wanyi. She couldn't help but be curious, "What wish did Wanwan make?"

Lu Yanhan spoke first, "The wish won't work if you say it." Shen Wanyi nodded in agreement, "It makes sense, it's a secret."

"Okay!" Cheng Siyu had no choice but to give up.

The three of them took down the candles stuck on the cake. Shen Wanyi picked up the knife and cut it in the middle. A complete cake gradually split into two halves. The knife cut to another place and was cut into several pieces.

Shen Wanyi handed the first piece of cake she cut to Cheng Siyu, then turned around and put the second piece for Lu Yanhan next to her, with a gentle smile in her eyes, "Thank you, I'm very happy."

"Thank you, happiness is the most important thing." Cheng Siyu blinked, revealing a pair of shallow pear dimples, scooped up the cake and took a bite, "The cake that Wanwan gave me personally is so sweet! It is so sweet that it touches my heart."

"You're such a big man, you're not serious at all, what are you going to do in the future?" Shen Wanyi reached out and scratched her nose. Cheng Siyu shook her head, "I don't care about so many scrambled eggs."

"Little beauties, look at the camera!" Lu Yanhan raised his phone to take pictures at some point, and asked the two of them to look at the camera, one after another, recording the beautiful moments.

"Hey! Take a good photo of the two of us..."

"I know, long-winded!"


Outside the car window is the scenery that is constantly receding, unfamiliar buildings, and there are fewer and fewer vehicles and pedestrians on the road, as if we are in a remote place like the suburbs.

Cheng Siyu, who was sitting in the back seat, couldn't help but ask, "Does Boss Lu want to sell us both?"

The man in the driver's seat gave a meaningful smile and followed her words and admitted openly, "Yes, I will sell you two into the mountains to be the old man's wife, and you will never escape."

"What a vicious man!" Cheng Siyu pointed at the man in the driver's seat who laughed heartily and said through gritted teeth.

Shen Wanyi saw through it without saying anything, "Surprise or shock, we'll know later." If nothing else, she knew Lu Yanhan best, this guy had the most tricks in his mind.

After about half an hour, the car finally stopped.

Lu Yanhan got out of the car first, walked around to the back seat, opened the door, and made a gesture of invitation, "Here we are, princesses, please get out of the car."

The scenery in front of me couldn't help but make people's eyes light up. I couldn't take my eyes away. Cheng Siyu sighed repeatedly, "Wow! It's so beautiful!"

I went to bj during the Spring Festival. I visited famous attractions. I drank soybean juice and it felt so sour. I haven’t been to many places. I’ll come back if I have the chance.

The collection is approaching 8,000. The next chapter will be the story of the male and female protagonists. It is probably not far from the end. Good night.

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