Chapter 337 Playing at the Beach

The afternoon sun shines on the white and vast beach, tall coconut trees sway in the wind, the endless sea water rises and recedes, distant waves surge onto the beach from time to time, hitting the uneven rocks, and seagulls soar in the sky, scratching The blue sky.

As the waves roll, various shells are scattered all over the beach. The sea water glows golden in the sun, exuding charming colors. A gust of sea breeze blows in the face, and the moist air is filled with a fresh smell.

Shen Wanyi was also amazed and sighed, "It's so beautiful." She had seen the sea before, but nothing could compare to what she saw in front of her at this moment.

A gust of sea breeze blew in the face, which was very comfortable. Cheng Siyu squinted his eyes and praised Lu Yanhan for a rare time, "Boss Lu has two brushes. He found a place with beautiful scenery and few people. It deserves praise."

Lu Yanhan chuckled, his eyes falling on the endless sea, "I can't bear the praise of a big star. This place is remote and has not been developed yet. I plan to book it."

This arrogant tone seemed to be telling a very common thing, as simple as buying vegetables at the wet market.

Shen Wanyi and Cheng Siyu were stunned for a moment, and their jaws dropped to the ground. They could fit two eggs into it. Such a large area could be covered at any time!

After reacting, Cheng Siyu immediately gave a thumbs up, and her eyes instantly turned to admiration when she looked at Lu Yanhan, "Awesome, such a big statement, that's it. Boss Lu is very wealthy, and I don't understand the world of rich people."

"Develop tourism?" Shen Wanyi was confused. The only thing she could think of was this. Otherwise, what would be the purpose of leasing this land? Businessmen never do business at a loss.

The man's plain voice reached her ears with the sea breeze. He looked at the rolling waves in the distance and was lost in thought. It seemed that he had a different kind of emotion. He answered after a long time, "For private use only."

Cheng Siyu couldn't help but joke, "You really know how to enjoy it. The two of us have benefited from Boss Lu." Her attention was attracted by the crabs walking on the beach in the distance, and she exclaimed, "Wow! There are crabs crawling! I'll go check it out. look!"

Soon after, she ran towards the crab in a hurry, for fear of running away. She completely lost her usual image of a lady. In a flash, she disappeared, and the figure in the distance was having a great time catching crabs.

Lu Yanhan looked sideways at Shen Wanyi next to him with his deep eyes, and he was caught off guard and said, "Do you like it?"

The man's deep eyes reflected the confused expression on the woman's face. He looked straight at her. Shen Wanyi was a little embarrassed by his look. Although she didn't know why she asked this, she still nodded hesitantly.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Lu Yanhan couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, a chuckle escaped from the depth of his throat, and his eyes flickered, "I'll go get something from the car."

The man's figure gradually moved away and slowly disappeared from sight. Shen Wanyi ignored him and walked to the beach. The sea breeze blew across his face, which felt very comfortable.

She took off her shoes and held them in her hands. The sand underneath was soft and delicate. The waves rolled in in the distance and kept hitting her calves, giving her a slightly cool touch.

The incoming seawater wetted the woman's pants and stuck to her skin. She bent over and rolled up her pants. She stood close to the seawater and let the incoming waves wash over her without flinching. Her expression There is unprecedented relaxation.

In the past, people always said that you can go to the sea if you are in a bad mood, but she still couldn't understand it. Now she can realize that when facing the sea, her depression disappears and joy comes to her heart.

After a long time, Lu Yanhan followed a series of deep and shallow footprints on the beach and saw a slender figure sitting on the beach from a distance, with her back to him, as if she was busy with something in her hands.

He picked up the things in his hands and walked step by step in the direction of Shen Wanyi. He left a series of slightly larger footprints next to the row of deep and shallow footprints, which was unusually harmonious.

Lu Yanhan stepped lightly, wanting to see what the woman was doing. He leaned over to take a look, and saw the woman sitting cross-legged, holding sand in her hands, and piling up something that could barely be seen as a cake, with something on top. Added a few leaves and flowers. Shen Wanyi was having a great time, and her clean cheeks were stained with sand at some point. She shed her past alienation and coldness and showed another side. This is the real her, which is fascinating.

"Is it fun?" Lu Yanhan chose a seat and sat down. He glanced at Shen Wan's collection of gadgets and asked with sudden interest.

Shen Wanyi tilted her head, raised her eyes and looked at him. She pressed her fingertips on the hair that had been blown up by the wind by her ears, her expression a little erratic, "Well, I never played it when I was a kid."

"This is my second time to see the sea." She added lightly.

The woman in front of her sat quietly, raising her head slightly to welcome the wind blowing on her face. A satisfied smile spread across her pretty lips, but her expression was unusually calm.

Lu Yanhan's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes stayed on her for a moment, with a complicated expression on his face, "I'll come whenever I want, and there will be countless more times later. Really, I'm not kidding."

Her dark pupils reflected her figure, her eyes were hot and honest, hiding undetectable emotions, mixed with unspeakable sincerity, trying hard to prove that she was not joking.

"Okay." Shen Wanyi sneered. She lowered her head and patted the sand off her hands. The sand stuck to her palms slipped, "Thank you."

He was the one who should say thank you, thank her for allowing him to participate in this important day.

Lu Yanhan stretched out his hand and handed Shen Wanyi a can of beer that had just pulled the tab off, "I'm so happy today, drink one, don't worry, the alcohol content is very low, you won't get drunk."

Shen Wanyi did not refuse. She took it and clinked the glasses. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you sure you don't want to get Cheng Siyu back?"

Lu Yanhan was just about to say that he had made a phone call, but just as he was about to say it, someone who had returned home with a full load ran towards the two of them, holding a small bucket in his hand, with an extremely excited expression, "Look! The crab I caught!"

The small bucket was half filled with small crabs. They opened their teeth and claws and danced with the pliers on their bodies. They tried their best to climb up with their eight little legs, and then were poked down one by one by Cheng Siyu.

She looked up and saw the helpless expressions of the two of them, silently pushed the crabs in the bucket aside, and then giggled twice.


The afternoon sun shone on the beach, and the waves surged up from time to time. The three of them sat under the coconut tree, drinking and chatting together, and it was so comfortable.

Cheng Siyu slumped on the soft beach without any image. She narrowed her eyes comfortably and couldn't help but burped, "Blue sky and white clouds, sea and beach, close friends, I really hope time can stop at this moment."

She rubbed her dizzy head, her cheeks stained with alcohol. It was dyed a light rouge color and was obviously a little drunk.

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