While raising a glass and drinking, the woman talked freely, whatever came to mind, maybe at this moment, only now is freedom, and freedom tastes so good.

Shen Wanyi couldn't stand it anymore. This woman never had any control when she was crazy. He quickly stopped her and reached out to grab the beer in her hand. "That's enough, that's enough. If you drink any more, you'll get drunk."

"Wanwan, please leave me alone. If you're happy today, you'll be drunk if you're drunk. It doesn't matter, long live your happiness!" Cheng Siyu staggered away from her outstretched hand, muttered a few words, then tilted his head and smiled at Shen Wanyi.

She had a very beautiful smile, her crescent-shaped eyes curved, and her delicate little face lifted, with cunning and arrogance hidden in her expression.

Lu Yanhan took a few sips, then put it down and slowly said, "Let her go. It's rare to be happy. If you don't drive later, you can drink to your heart's content."

He sighed intentionally or unintentionally, as if feeling very sorry.

Cheng Siyu did not give up any opportunity to hurt Lu Yanhan. She patted him on the shoulder and said sincerely, "It's okay. Wanwan and I will drink a few more drinks for you."

"Go, go, go." Lu Yanhan frowned, his handsome face was covered with black lines, and he was obviously displeased. He almost didn't even raise his knife to point at someone who was gloating about his misfortune.

Although the alcohol content was not high, Shen Wanyi did not dare to drink more. She knew that her ability to drink was not good and she could only take a few sips to satisfy her cravings.

Lying on the beach, with the sea breeze blowing, and the noisy voices of the two people in my ears, I felt an indescribable sense of illusion, like the most beautiful dream buried in my heart, suddenly coming to life.

"Time flies so fast." She couldn't help but sigh. I grasped a handful of sand at the bottom, and no matter how tight my palm was, a lot of the sand in my hand still disappeared, and in the end, only a trace of its existence was left.

"Hiccup...yes, yes, who would have thought that I, a female loser, could also become an actor? Boss Lu is the most stable and has taken over the family business. Not to mention Wanwan, he is an amazing doctor..."

Cheng Siyu held up the beer without letting go. She burped, patted her unconscious head, looked up at the blue sky and white clouds above, and babbled nonsense.

"A drunk person is not as annoying as usual, but he is quite good at talking." Lu Yanhan couldn't help but tease.

Cheng Siyu was drunk but not deaf. She raised her leg and kicked Lu Yanhan, "Hey!! Damn man! Humph!"

"You damn Cheng Siyu, you vicious woman! It's better to offend a villain than to offend such a terrible creature as a woman..." Lu Yanhan endured the pain from his leg and spoke with gritted teeth.

Cheng Siyu's eyes turned, emitting a special cunning light. She raised her chin like a successful little fox, "Wanwan, he is saying that you are vicious!"

Shen Wanyi, who was innocently lying at gunpoint "..."

Lu Yanhan looked confused "..."

The fuss lasted for a while, and in the end, Cheng Siyu was so drunk that she leaned her head on Shen Wanyi's shoulder and muttered something to herself.

"In the future...Boss Lu will be richer than now and become the richest man in City A, no, the richest man in the country. Don't forget to be rich and noble. Sooner or later, he will become a doctor with superb medical skills and become famous all over the world. I... Still messed up, hehe..."

As she spoke, there was no sound. Shen Wanyi pushed her, but the other party didn't respond, so he had to let her go. Now there were only two people who were sober and not drunk too much.

It was rare that the two of them did not break the tranquility at this moment, lying on the soft and delicate sand, listening to the whistling sea breeze in the distance, and there was a sense of comfort and comfort in the atmosphere.

"Shen Wanyi..." Lu Yanhan suddenly spoke. Shen Wanyi agreed and waited for the next step.

Lu Yanhan didn't look at her. Under his lowered eyes, his long eyelashes cast dark shadows. There was a complex expression in his eyes, "Is he good to you?"

Hearing this, Shen Wanyi's heart skipped a beat. Although she didn't explicitly say who he was, she knew who else it could be without even thinking about it. But she didn't understand why Lu Yanhan asked about this?

There was no quarrel, so that should be considered a good thing.

"Very good." She quietly concealed a hint of guilt on her expression.

After a long time, Lu Yanhan replied, "That's good." There was a hint of relief in his calm tone. "If you have anything you can tell me, don't keep it in your heart, you know? Just be nice."

Shen Wanyi nodded and silently corrected him, "Yeah. We all want to be well, Lu Yanhan, thank you." Thousands of indescribable words combined into one sentence of thanks, this was the only thing she could think of.

"Idiot..." Lu Yanhan scolded with a smile, a wry smile raised at the corner of his lips where Shen Wanyi couldn't see it. There was no need to say thank you between them.

"No matter you are happy or sad, you have to look forward. You can come here whether you are in a good or bad mood. You are welcome at any time."

By chance, he was driving along a deserted road and accidentally discovered this sea. He was deeply attracted at the first sight, and the first thing he thought in his mind was that Shen Wanyi would definitely like it.

He came up with the idea of ​​wrapping it up and giving it to Shen Wanyi as a birthday present. It would be their secret base, with no one else but them.

"As ordered." Shen Wanyi smiled, her slightly raised eyes were dyed particularly soft by the smile. With her back to the light of the setting sun, her whole figure seemed to be glowing, making people unable to look away.

Night falls quietly, and the short and beautiful time always slips away very quickly. The sea breeze blows in the distance, and waves surge up one after another on the sea level.

Lu Yanhan stood up and patted the sand on his body, then pulled Cheng Siyu up and said, "It's not early. It's not safe if it's late. I'll take you back."

The two of them helped Cheng Siyu up and walked towards the car. Fortunately, Shen Wanyi knew Cheng Siyu's current address, otherwise he would not have known where to place her.

Cheng Siyu was just about to wake up the half-asleep and half-drunk Cheng Siyu and ask for the password of the door lock. However, the next moment, the closed door suddenly opened, and as the crack in the door widened, the man's handsome face was revealed.

The man was dressed in casual clothes, with neat and clean facial lines, exquisite and three-dimensional facial features, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, like sculptures. His brown eyes were deep-set, and he looked at the outsiders with a cold gaze. As expected, he had been in the entertainment industry all year round, and his aura had a slight sense of oppression.

Regarding the man's identity, Shen Wanyi felt a flash of clarity in her heart. She silently looked away and explained, "She is drunk, we will send her back..."

People who usually appear on TV suddenly appear in front of me. Although they are not star-struck, they still feel inexplicably unreal.

Jiang Yubei took the unconscious person, gently put her head in his arms, pushed her messy hair to her ears, and smiled politely at the two of them, "Okay, thank you, come in and sit down. ?"

"I still have something to do, I'll do it next time." Lu Yanhan declined politely, and Jiang Yubei made no attempt to stay, watching the two of them leave together. (End of chapter)

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