Chapter 348 Not Qualified

Across the candlelight swaying in the wind, the young man's eyes were sincere and his expression was more serious than ever before. He said, I will spend every birthday with you in the future.

Since they were together, he had not missed every birthday of hers and spent all his time preparing different gifts. She really thought that this would go on forever, but things were unpredictable.

No one expected that the two people who were once intimate would now become the most familiar strangers.


Shen Wanyi pulled away from the past, her face was pale, her confused eyes showed the extreme pain in her heart, and there were a few strands of unspeakable melancholy and sadness hidden in her heart.

She sat weakly on the sofa, looking at the packaged cake in front of her with empty eyes, and carefully untied the knot on it, her movements were very slow, as if she was untying the knot that had been entangled in her heart over the past few years.

A two-layered cake comes into view. The dense cake layers are combined with mellow cream. The surface is topped with delicate chocolate sauce. Fresh seasonal fruits are embellished with them. The overlapping layers give it a unique flavor.

In the huge living room, Shen Wanyi's eyes lingered on the cake for a long time. Finally, he cut a small piece, put it on the plate, lowered his head and ate it.

She took a bite, and the soft and dense texture instantly bloomed on the tip of her tongue. The sweet fruit was intertwined with the delicate cream, and the sweetness of the cake echoed in her mouth.

Somehow, it was obviously sweet, but Shen Wanyi felt extremely bitter. The indescribable bitterness surged into her body. She was trembling slightly, and her heart seemed to be pricked by dense needles, making it difficult to breathe.

The more she ate, the harder it was to swallow. She held the fork and put one bite after another into her mouth. Her cheeks were bulging while her hands continued to move.

This was not eating cake, it was torture in a different way. She had to eat more than half of a big cake, and finally she couldn't eat it anymore, so she gave up.

Shen Wanyi felt a chill in her stomach, and she quickly got up and walked to the bathroom. She bent down, put her hands on the sink, and suddenly vomited out of control. She vomited for a long time, as if she wanted to spit out everything she had just eaten. Her face became horribly pale, and even the blood on her lips faded completely.

Shen Wanyi washed her face and let the cold water splash on her face. She suddenly sobered up a lot. She slowly raised her head and looked at the reflection in the mirror in a trance.

A few strands of wet hair stuck to his face, there were obvious dark circles under his eyes, and his cold eyes showed deep fatigue.

Her blank eyes fell on the mobile phone beside her, and a strong thought came to her mind. She wanted to tell Song Shichen that she had the cake this year.

She kept holding the phone tightly with her fingertips, and never made the next move. She hesitated whether to send it or not. Yes, she didn't dare.

What qualifications does she have? She was no longer qualified to eat the birthday cake prepared by Song Shichen. All this was just her wishful thinking.

"Ding..." In the silent environment, the sudden ringtone of the mobile phone rang.

Shen Wanyi came back to her senses, took out a tissue and wiped the remaining water droplets on her face. She turned on her phone and looked at it. A trace of disappointment flashed through her eyes. All she received was useless junk messages.

She picked up the phone and walked out of the bathroom. She took a deep look at the other half of the cake left on the table, then packed it up and threw it into the trash can.

I’m so hungry when I write about cakes. It’s healthier to abuse them. I’ll make up for today’s chapter. Good night ('-’*)

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