Chapter 349 Suspected of Cheating

After returning from throwing away the garbage, Shen Wanyi went upstairs to catch up on his sleep. Today happened to be the end of the one-week night shift. He slept until evening, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the floor through the gaps in the curtains.

She woke up in a daze, turned her head to look at the light coming in, yawned, and slowly sat up from the bed.

Observing the surrounding environment, there was no sign of anyone coming in. In other words, Song Shichen did not come back all day.

Shen Wanyi casually picked up the cell phone next to her and pressed it a few times, but there was no response. Then she remembered that she was too sleepy when she came back and forgot to charge her cell phone. Now it is out of power and shut down.

After plugging in the charging cable and turning on the phone, a lot of information pops up, most of which are work groups and irrelevant software push.

Clicking on the chat page with Song Shichen, the chat history above stayed at a month ago. In the end, reason prevailed over emotion and he chose to give up.

After getting up and washing his face, Shen Wanyi headed towards the kitchen. After some cooking, a bowl of fragrant noodles was ready.

When I replied to the message in the work group, there were no red dots, and the WeChat page became empty again.

She was about to turn off her phone, but she didn't expect that Cheng Siyu sent a message.

【Dear, you there? 】

"The little fish eager to show off patted you"

【? 】

Shen Wanyi put a question mark and sent it.

[Dear, are you in a good mood now? 】

【so? 】

She frowned, feeling baffled by Cheng Siyu's strange remarks.

Cheng Siyu sent an emoticon of a cute puppy poking its head.

[What I mean is that you have to be mentally prepared. After all, it is not something that ordinary people can accept. ] [If you have something to say, please tell me. 】

After some hesitant struggle, Cheng Siyu wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote again, and finally made up his mind to send it out.

[In the afternoon, I met Song Shichen at the airport. At first I didn’t dare to confirm if it was him. But when I looked closer, I saw that it was really him. Then I saw him with a beautiful woman. 】

Her mind recalled the scene she saw in the afternoon. In the crowded airport, Song Shichen stood with a woman wearing sunglasses and a black skirt.

The woman is wearing a one-shoulder black dress, which is cool and sexy. Her shoulder and neck lines are as beautiful as a swan, which is in sharp contrast with her fair skin.

She has an exceptionally tall and slender figure, and her long, fluffy, soft curly hair hangs freely. I can't help but be fascinated by her.

She wore a pair of black sunglasses on her standard face, her lips were so red, and her upturned eyes were breathtakingly beautiful. It was impossible to imagine what a peerless appearance she would look like after taking off her sunglasses.

His simple movements of walking and pushing his luggage exuded an aura of arrogance and indifference, making him the focus of attention among the people passing by.

The two of them looked inexplicably eye-catching when they stood together. Judging from their behavior, it was obvious that their relationship was not simple.

Cheng Siyu was wondering whether to tell Shen Wanyi. After all, Song Shichen was suspected of cheating. After thinking about it, she realized that the happiness of good sisters was more important, so she told her everything.

Shen Wanyi put down the chopsticks in his hand, and he probably guessed what Cheng Siyu meant. After all, this guy has a big brain and always likes to think about something.

[Don’t talk nonsense, maybe it’s a work friend, or maybe you’re drunk and you’re dazzled. 】

It's not impossible. After all, Cheng Siyu is usually confused. Maybe he really saw it wrong or recognized the wrong person.

【How can it be! Baby, you're questioning me, damn it! I even saw them hugging each other! 】

A perfect end to April!

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