Chapter 105 Blind Bear and Biscuit Bear

In the early morning of the next day, the eight people arrived at the entrance of the village early to wait.

Ning Rongrong was also the first to arrive today.

Now she has faded away from her superficial impetuousness and arrogance, no longer put on airs, and wants to truly integrate into this group.

When seeing Tang Sui and the others who came together, Ning Rongrong looked at the four of them who had gotten close in just two days, with a hint of envy in her eyes. When Tang Sui approached, she took the initiative to say hello: " Tang Sui."

Tang Sui, who was exchanging support experience with Oscar, turned his head sideways and bumped into another pair of clear eyes, "Ang?"

"The night before, thank you very much." Ning Rongrong bowed to Tang Sui sincerely, then took out the handkerchief she had washed and dried from her pocket, and handed it to Tang Sui with both hands: "This is your handkerchief, I have Clean it up for you."


Oscar said "Hey", Xiao Wu and Tang San looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Since when has Sui Sui been in contact with Ning Rongrong?" Xiao Wu who was walking beside Tang San lowered her voice and whispered to Tang San.

Tang San who was asked shook his head puzzledly: he glanced at Tang Sui suspiciously.

Tang Sui, who was watched by the four people, blinked, and accepted Ning Rongrong's words of thanks: "You're welcome. It's up to you whether you figured it out or not, and it's also your own fault."

Seeing Tang Sui's sincere and straightforward appearance, a trace of sourness surged up and was suppressed by her again.

"Then can I still call you Sui Sui?"

Ning Rongrong asked cautiously.

This was the first honest answer she got.

It wasn't the level of flattery that was deliberately flattering her because of her status in the past, nor was it the self-satisfaction that stepped on her foot with pride, but an ordinary but sincere answer that put her in the same position.

Tang Sui replied with a smile without haze: "Of course you can, Rong Rong."

A gentle smile appeared on Ning Rongrong's face again.

This time it was no longer a fake mask, but a genuine smile.

The seemingly cloudy words made Tang San's heart flicker with speculation, but seeing his younger sister and Ning Rongrong chatting happily, he did not disappoint his guess about this matter, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a hint of connivance. radian.

Forget it, as long as Sui Sui is happy.

After a while, they waited for Zhu Zhuqing, as well as Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun who arrived late.

Dai Mubai's eyes looking at Ning Rongrong are not as cold as the night before, but just as indifferent as looking at ordinary classmates, without resentment or dissatisfaction.

Because on the way back to the dormitory last night, he met Ning Rongrong, who also apologized to him for his impulsiveness that night with a very sincere bow.

To be honest, he was quite surprised, but he still doesn't believe that a person can change his character so quickly, time will be the best witness, let him see if Ning Rongrong has really changed.

Withdrawing his scrutinizing gaze, Dai Mubai also merged into the topic Tang San and the others discussed.

Later, under Tang Sui's active and quiet guidance, Zhu Zhuqing also blended into the girls' topics very harmoniously. When Zhao Wuji came with the bruises on his face that did not fade, what he saw was such a joyous scene.

Logically speaking, he should be relieved, but

The cool morning breeze blew across his cheeks, standing in front of the little monsters with a bruised nose and swollen face, Zhao Wuji smiled fiercely, glared at Oscar, who couldn't help laughing out loud, gritted his teeth and shouted: "What are you looking at, little one?" Rabbits! Is it itchy?"

Xiao Wu whispered: "Why don't you say it's Xiao Xiong who is blind?"

"Huh?!" Zhao Wuji, who has excellent hearing, immediately glared at him viciously, "What did you say?"

Xiao Wu immediately hid behind Tang Sui with a whoosh.

Oscar, who reacted most violently, also made a gesture of zipping his zipper tightly and closed his mouth, and Dai Mubai beside him, who still couldn't hold back his laughter, turned his head, coughing twice as if covering his ears.

Seeing the students wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, Zhao Wou-ki didn't feel comforted at all, only felt that his heart was getting more angry, and his face was darkened as if dripping water.

Blind bear!He was almost beaten into a bear biscuit the night before!

Seeing Zhao Wuji who was full of resentment, Tang San felt amused, but at the same time had a little doubt.

Who could hurt Mr. Zhao like this?

Tang Sui looked away erratically, staring at the distant scenery.

Ah, the scenery in the morning is so beautiful.

—— Digression——

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See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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