Chapter 121 Titan Giant Ape
The coolness spread from the scalp to the limbs, making Tang Sui's heart choke with discomfort, and his breathing was slightly short of breath.

But now no one cares about her abnormality, everyone's attention is focused on Zao Wou-ki's vigilant front.

Dai Mubai, who stood behind Zao Wou-ki one step earlier, was possessed by the martial spirit, and asked suspiciously: "Teacher Zhao, what happened?"

The surrounding huge leaves were swayed by the strong wind, and the stones on the ground began to jump under the slight tremor. Tang San, who was in an attacking posture, tightened his lips, a purple flash flashed in his eyes, and he entered the purple sky instantly. The field of vision of the extremely magic pupil can count all the movements in the dense vegetation.

Zhao Wou-ki didn't go into details, but he just told him without turning his head: "Little monsters, you should be prepared to escape! No matter what happens later, leave me alone and escape from the forest with all your strength!"

"Mubai, you must protect everyone, you know!?"

As soon as the words fell, countless small spirit beasts came from the front one after another, passing them in a hurry, as if there was some terrible existence behind them chasing them, and the spirit beasts that were invisible before were clearly visible at this moment .

Whether it is a hundred years or a thousand years, they all ran past them without seeing them, and fled.

"A lot of soul beasts! Even the thousand-year-old soul beasts feel anxious, what happened?" Seeing that among the fleeing soul beasts there were even two or three soul beasts over 3000 years old, Tang San's expression became serious.

Birds, birds, and beasts fled one after another, and the air was filled with anxiety and chill.

Zhao Wou-ki didn't dare to be careless at all, looking at the front where the huge movement came, he said in a deep voice: "Xiao Ao, get ready to fly the mushroom sausage."

Oscar nodded hastily, then activated his soul power, and began to mutter the incantation of the third soul skill in a low voice.

However, when he read the first word, the two tall trees in front of them were suddenly pushed aside by a giant black hand with hair, and the pitch-black figure stood there like a small mountain, with every protruding The bulging muscles are majestic like a bulging mountain bag, and there are strange light patterns flowing like magma on his body.

If it weren't for the faint light on the body and the eyes that were as big as lanterns and glowed like yellow crystals in the dark night, they would not have even realized that such a huge and terrifying existence was actually looking at them.

It walked and moved without any movement or sound, and it couldn't feel its breathing.If the soul beasts who happened to be on the path of this terrifying existence felt threatened and ran away, they would even be content with the status quo.

A suffocating and powerful coercion instantly enveloped this space, and everyone cast their martial souls to resist this powerful and suffocating coercion.

This soul beast probably has a cultivation base of more than ten thousand years!
Zhao Wuji's expression changed drastically, and cold sweat unconsciously overflowed and dripped from his forehead.

"This is... the king of the forest, the Titan Giant Ape!" Tang San, who had always been calm, suddenly lost his composure when he saw the appearance of this spirit beast in front of him, because the Titan Giant Ape is the only one in any spirit beast forest. The existence of absolute overlord.

Even if it is only a hundred-year-level titan giant ape, no soul beast dares to offend it.Because they can even compete with other [-]-year-level soul beasts at the hundred-year level, they can be said to be uniquely blessed soul beasts.

What's more, the titan great ape is not only powerful, but also possesses intelligence no less than that of human beings!

Strength, speed, attack, defense, none of these have any flaws, the most frightening thing is that they can also perform skills like soul skills.

But how could such a forest king appear on the outskirts of the spirit beast forest? !

At this moment, Tang San's mental activity coincided with that of Zao Wou-ki.

Zao Wou-ki, who looked tall and strong in front of them before, was like a newborn bear cub in front of the titan ape, without any deterrent power at all.

Dai Mubai, who didn't know the identity of the Titan Giant Ape, frowned, but the deterrence brought to him by instinct made his white tiger spirit unconsciously want to bow his head and submit.

This is the soul beast standing at the top of the pyramid
Dai Mubai, who has always been proud, pursed his lips, and wanted to go over Zao Wou-ki to lobby, but was stopped by Zao Wou-ki's raised hand, then he took a step forward with his fists in his hands, bowed his head and said respectfully: "Dear King of the Forest, we don't No offense intended, if this is your territory, we will withdraw immediately."

The titan giant ape in front of him is so strong, he probably has been cultivated for more than ten thousand years!

If there was a conflict, even if he used all his strength, he would not be sure to protect the children in the hands of the titan great ape!

How to do! ?

The giant titan in front of him lowered his head slightly, the scorching breath was like a berserk airflow, spraying on his face, but it made Zhao Wou-ki sweat profusely in an instant, and he didn't dare to take a breath.

Because in front of such a terrifying titan great ape, it became a problem for him to protect himself, let alone protect others!
This gust of hot breath blew across everyone's face, and made Tang Sui, who was all over the body cold, feel a trace of heat, and finally came back to his senses, a faint black glow began to flicker deep in the deep blue pupils .

If the gear of fate will always return to the original track no matter how it deviates, then what is everything she has done and worked hard for?
Tang Sui, who was immersed in chaotic thoughts, didn't notice that as her mentality went to the depths of negativity, her personal panel began to flicker erratically.

In the silent and tense confrontation, after confirming that the surrounding terrain is extremely difficult to escape, Zhao Wuji gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "Mubai, take everyone away! You must be quick!"

After saying that, Zhao Wou-ki took a deep breath, and stomped heavily on the ground, the seven soul rings around his body burst into light, and the fourth dark purple soul ring burst into light.

"Gravity increases!"

Fudo Mingwang's body instantly possessed his body, and the divergence of the gravity field covered the Titan Giant Ape comprehensively and precisely at the center of Zhao Wuji.


He slapped the ground heavily with his big palm, urging his powerful Vajra Palm with all his strength, and the tyrannical energy fluctuations were suddenly released, cooperating with the gravity field to crush the Titan giant ape!

Feeling his body suddenly getting heavier, the titan giant ape growled towards Zhao Wuji and the others, the only meaning expressed in that voice was that Xiao Wu's expression changed slightly after hearing this.

The two rabbit ears on Xiao Wu's head trembled, her lips moved slightly, and a message that only soul beasts could communicate reached the ears of the giant ape, and was also heard by Tang Sui at the same time. It's clear.

"Little San, you cover everyone and go first! The third soul skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation!" The White Tiger Martial Soul behind Dai Mubai let out a roar, golden light enveloped Dai Mubai's whole body, and his figure instantly swelled several times , the muscles tightened and became stronger, and with a low growl, he rushed up behind Zao Wou-ki.

"Seven Treasures are famous, and one is called Power!"

—— Digression——

[Falling into thinking] If the editor opens V in the early morning, the first wave of explosive changes will drop at 0:20, and if the V opens in the morning, the first wave will be dropped at noon tomorrow.

There were two waves of explosions on the day of the launch~
(End of this chapter)

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