Chapter 122 Fierce Battle

Huaguang lit up under the feet of Dai Mubai and Zhao Wuji at the same time.

"Seven Treasures are Famous, Speed ​​in Two Days!" The second radiance flashed under Dai Mubai's feet one after another, mixing into the deep purple gravity field under Zao Wou-ki's feet.

Ning Rongrong, who leaped vertically and landed on a thick tree root diagonally behind him, looked firm: "You guys go, I will stay and help them!"

The martial soul support of the Qibao Liuli Pagoda ignores the foundation of soul power.

Dai Mubai's strength and speed increase by 37% at level 30, and this is even more true for Mr. Zhao at level 76, which means that Mr. Zhao's attack power now exceeds level 80 soul power!
Zhao Wuji, who was boosted by Ning Rongrong, let out a low growl, his own speed and soul power reached an extremely terrifying level, and charged towards the Titan giant ape.

"Second soul skill, White Tiger Row Light Wave!" The golden soul power that contained extremely strong explosive energy converged, like a threatening roar from the White Tiger King, and instantly spit out a beam of energy like a laser from his mouth!

Even though they were entrusted like this, whether it was Tang San or Oscar, how could they be so ruthless to let their companions and teachers face such a terrifying spirit beast alone, and become deserters by themselves?

"Let's go together!"

Tang San dodged to the side without looking back, ready to cast spirit skills.

Since his partner and teacher chose to stay and fight, what face does he have to be that deserter alone?

It's better to die together!

However, after he stepped back, Tang Sui, who was completely exposed behind him, was standing there, looking at the majestic and terrifying Titan Giant Ape ahead, motionless.

Taking a closer look, her pupils were dull and had lost focus.

"Sui Sui?!" Tang San's complexion changed slightly, he raised his voice and called Tang Sui.

Thick blue silver grass vines rose from all directions, condensed into a huge rope and shackled the limbs of the titan great ape, trapping it in place.

Only then did Tang Sui come to his senses, pursed his lips, his eyes darkened slightly, "The first soul skill, inject spirit."

The black-red light instantly enveloped everyone, Dai Mubai and Zao Wou-ki, who had already been assisted for a round, immediately felt the superimposed enhancement of the assisted effects, and the spiritual power that was originally consumed by using the Gravitational Domain was instantly restored. Replenish!
Tang Sui's spiritual power was deducted hundreds of points in an instant, and the remaining mental power almost fell by half.

"The third soul skill, the face of nothingness."

Even knowing that her third soul ability was equivalent to nothing in the case of a huge difference in soul power and spiritual power, Tang Sui activated the third soul ability.

Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing also moved.

Xiao Wu hesitated on the spot, but rushed towards the Titan Giant Ape without hesitation, as if about to launch an offensive.

Oscar, as an auxiliary soul master with no attack power, could only stand beside Tang Sui in a state of nothingness to keep warm, because the debris and sawdust splashed by the aftershocks of the attack were all counted by the fox face and ape face floating in front of them. Blocking it can be regarded as an added protective measure for them.


Zhao Wuji's two powerful vajra palms whose total attack has been increased by 30.00% slapped heavily on the head of the Titan giant ape.

Even the good-tempered titan giant ape was stunned by the palm of the little bear cub in front of him, but his mountain-like body was only slightly pushed back half a step.

The beaten titan great ape: ?

Realized that these two-legged beasts really fired at him first: ヽ(#`Д)┌┛〃


It raised its powerful forelimbs, and let out a deafening roar, as if it was completely enraged by Zao Wou-ki and the others.

Tang San who opened the Purple Magic Eyes clearly saw a layer of black air waves covering the black fur of the Titan Giant Ape, and with the roar of the Titan Giant Ape's frightened anger, that layer of black air waves seemed to surge The waves spread terrifyingly towards the surroundings and took pictures.


The strong mental impact was accompanied by the roar of the titan great ape. Except for Zhao Wuji, Tang Sui, whose soul power was still low, was shocked by this roar mixed with mental impact, and the black air wave took advantage of this The moment of distraction has already rushed to them.


The blue silver grass wrapped around the limbs of the giant ape titan shattered at the sound, bursting inch by inch into ashes and flying away. Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu who came into contact with this burst of black oscillating light seemed to have hit an elastic net, and their bodies that swooped forward instantly He flew out fiercely.

"Little dance!"


Tang San and Dai Mubai exclaimed, but in the next second, they had no time to worry about others, their own brains were also shaken by this powerful force, their thinking seemed to be frozen, unable to move and move think.

"Hmm!" Tang Sui's mental power, who was forcibly locked from the third soul skill state and turned into a real body, dropped crazily during this surge. She clutched her brain in pain, waiting for the mental dizziness to subside. reminder sound.

[Warning—spiritual power continues to decline—remaining mental power: 1249]



At the speed of 20 seconds every moment, the mental power fell into a roller coaster-like plunge.

Tang Sui's face gradually turned from pale to pale, and his mood was shaken violently in this burst of mental shock.

Still too weak.



The entire forest seemed to be visited by a typhoon, and a hurricane was blowing. The strong wind and the oppressive feeling in the air broke the surrounding thick tree trunks, and the flowers and plants were uprooted from the soil where they were stationed.

 The first wave of explosions is coming!Little cuties, check in, comment and vote~
(End of this chapter)

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