Chapter 224 Superfluous Worry

[Host, the 700-year-old Soul Beast King of the Earth has entered the scannable range. 】

The system's prompt sounded suddenly, and Tang Sui, who closed his eyes and rested his mind, suddenly opened his eyes, turned over neatly from the floor, and woke up Zhu Zhuqing who was very close to her.

Because of her special background, for many years, Zhu Zhuqing has maintained a situation of being on the alert when camping outside. Even if she just woke up from a dream and her eyes are sleepy, her body still reacts to defensive actions. .

"What's wrong?"

With the first awakened, there is the second.

Ning Rongrong, who was sleeping next to Zhu Zhuqing on the third pillow, was also awakened by Zhu Zhuqing's big movement, and the others woke up one after another.

Tang San, who did not fall into a deep sleep, and was also meditating silently to recuperate, opened his eyes and looked at Tang Sui whose eyes fell outside the tent: "Sui Sui, what's wrong?"

"A powerful soul beast is approaching." After speaking, Tang Sui took the initiative to walk out.

Tang San was startled, he didn't expect his younger sister to fall asleep and still open her mental power, but she also quickly woke up Oscar who was sleeping next to him and Ma Hongjun who was sleeping soundly.

"Everyone, wake up, there is a situation!"


A huge shock came from outside, waking up Flender and the others in the other tent.

"There is a situation, everyone be careful!"

Dai Mubai's voice containing soul power came from afar, and Tang Sui, who came out and didn't find Dai Mubai by the campfire, heard the voice and immediately locked on to the target direction.

When the crimson flame suddenly lit up in the dark forest ahead, Dai Mubai's running figure was also reflected in her eyes.

"The first soul skill, spirit injection."

The soul power circulated, four soul rings floated up from under his feet, a black-red light flashed under Dai Mubai's feet, his speed suddenly became faster, the one that was chasing after him was obviously sprayed towards him Before the light beam fell, it left the attack range of the light beam, and Tang San, who was successfully stepped out of the tent and released blue silver grass vines, responded with vines.

The flames soaring into the sky instantly burned the thick trees into coke, shattered and exploded.

Dai Mubai, who was dragged back to his companions, was not panicked at all, instead his face was full of joy: "A suitable big guy came to the door himself! This is a soul beast with a cultivation base between 4000 and 5000 years, Just right for us!"

As soon as the words fell, another pitch-black figure whizzed past like a gust of wind, bringing Tang Sui's crow-black long hair loose behind him.

"My old lady is crazy!"

Liu Erlong's angry voice overwhelmed the trace of grievance implied in it. In the next second, the king of the earth rushed out from the ground with his teeth and claws, and the furious Liu Erlong grabbed the erected scorpion tail with his bare hands, and performed for everyone. A scorpion windmill was built.

Tang Sui looked at Liu Erlong who had activated the seventh soul skill violently, and the spirit avatar confronted the King of the Earth, suddenly reacted to this point, his eyes dimmed, and at the same time, he turned his head to talk to the stunned Tang San They said: "It seems that we don't need to take action this time."

"This king of the earth is of the fire attribute, and the fat man should be suitable. It's nothing to do with us."

"Uh, but Sui Sui, teacher, didn't they say, ah, teacher!" Tang San's unfinished words were interrupted by the master who came out of another tent, and looked at him a little helplessly: "Teacher, Erlong Teacher this is"

The master sighed all over his face, although he didn't speak, Tang San understood that probably the knot between the two of them hadn't been resolved, the current Liu Erlong probably vented all his anger on the Earth King.

"Rongrong, Zhuqing, Miss Xiaowu, let's go back to sleep first. I don't think you guys want to watch the rest of the scenes." Tang Sui called to stop the other three girls in the team, and turned her back to the The head is violently beating Liu Erlong, the king of the earth.

Ning Rongrong saw that every time Liu Erlong punched, a piece of scorpion's limb was flying up with blood and flesh. Such a bloody scene made Ning Rongrong turn slightly pale, even though there had been a blood-stained one before. experience, but his face was still pale.


Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were also not quite used to this kind of scene, the four girls, except Tang Sui, the other three hurried towards the tent, as if something was chasing after them.

As for what kind of feast Tang San and the others who were left outside witnessed, from the black eyes of the boys on the second day, it could be seen that they didn't sleep well after that night.

Tang San didn't think about it all night, but he also stayed up all night because he was with Grandmaster.

In the early morning of the second day, when Tang Sui yawned and walked out of the tent, what he saw was Ma Hongjun who was still sitting cross-legged, surrounded by four spirit rings floating around, with his eyes closed.

"Dean, have you absorbed Fatty's soul ring?" Tang Sui looked curiously at the flames rising around Ma Hongjun from time to time. They were like fireworks ready to go, and they exploded when they reached a certain height.

Flender, who stayed by Ma Hongjun's side all night, helped the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a proud smile: "Of course. I told Hongjun to continue his cultivation."

As soon as the words fell, a loud and clear phoenix cry erupted from the flames shooting up from Ma Hongjun's body.

Ma Hongjun, who was originally sitting cross-legged on the ground, jumped up and plunged into the flames, but he was not injured at all, as if he had merged with the flames, he was full of energy, as if he was in 100% condition.

"Master, I'm resurrected!"

Ma Hongjun, who felt the soul power surge very deeply, crossed his waist after landing, and looked at Tang San and the others with a "who else" look.

(End of this chapter)

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