Chapter 225 The Revenge of the Pink Empress

After Ma Hongjun obtained the fourth spirit ring, everyone packed up the camp and embarked on the journey of hunting spirit rings again.

Except for Liu Erlong who was walking at the end of the line with a sullen face and the atmosphere between the master and the master was still stiff, the atmosphere between Ma Hongjun and the others in front was still relaxed.

Oscar, who had not obtained the fourth spirit ring, curiously asked Ma Hongjun how it felt to absorb the fourth spirit ring. Ma Hongjun said in a whisper that there was not much pain at all, and he absorbed it easily.

A few people chattered about the possibility of losing their soul bones without pain or injury, and the atmosphere was relaxed without being affected in the slightest.

【Host. 】

The silent system reappeared, Tang Sui felt something, and asked before the system: "It's the pink girl, is she coming?" '

【.You have been surrounded.The Pink Lady is also hiding in the detectable depths of the ground. 】

Tang Sui's footsteps gradually stopped, and he carefully looked at the moist morning mist that had not yet faded between the grass and trees.

"Let me tell you, my fourth spirit ability is really good, and I've given you the chance. Alas!" Ma Hongjun, who was yelling at Oscar, accidentally bumped into the solid back of Tang San who had stopped. On his back, covering his sore nose, he said in a low voice, "Third brother, why don't you leave?"

Tang San's attention was also lingering on the morning mist among the grass blades, squinting his eyes, he took out a small porcelain bottle from the 24 bridges at his waist, pulled out the cork, and poured out a few pills full of jasper, "This is a miasma-removing pill I made myself. It can prevent some poisonous miasma from invading, and it can also keep you awake. It's still early, and the fog has not dissipated. Everyone takes a pill, just in case. "

"Brother, it's not miasma." Tang Sui looked sideways at Oscar, "Xiao Ao, detoxify the little sausage."

"Ah? Oh! Fresh and delicious, little sausage." Oscar came back to his senses, and hurriedly started making the detoxified little sausage, without doubting Tang Sui's judgment at all.

"Suisui, do you think this is not miasma?" Tang San was slightly stunned, seeing his sister's solemn expression, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, "Could it be that this is the poisonous mist released by some kind of spirit beast?"

"It's the mist of mental poison released by the soul beast." Tang Sui let go of her mental perception, and when she scanned the densely packed pink scorpions among the vegetation, a dark light flashed in her eyes.

'roll! '

The wave of demon power containing powerful coercion spread out from the center of Tang Sui, and the pink girls who hid themselves through the mist shook their scorpion bodies, silently lowered their waving pincers, and erected their swaying poisonous scorpion tails They also stopped shaking, one by one like frightened birds, even disregarding the call and angry urging of the leader of their group, the pink lady, they turned around and started to run.

Rusting sounds continued to sound from the fog, and everyone had already vigilantly turned into a defensive formation, surrounding the three people from the auxiliary department, alert to movements in all directions.

"Strange, how those voices feel more and more distant."

Xiao Wu, who was deliberately avoided by Tang Sui, raised her two rabbit ears to hear the movement around her getting farther and farther away, her face showing confusion.

And the pink lady who was sent pigeons by her little brothers also felt the warning that made her heart palpitate just now.

But the hatred of its partner's death has completely occupied its heart. The pink lady deep in the ground let out a roar, and waved the scorpion pincers shining with pink light. The claws were dug open, and an underground passage was dug in an instant.

"There's no movement?" Flender glanced and slowly faded away, revealing the surroundings with a clear vision. Just as he put down his hands and stood up straight, their feet suddenly trembled.

"Careful! Underfoot!"

Tang Sui, whose mental perception covered their circle, sensed the movement under his feet. He embraced Ning Rongrong with his left hand, and picked up Oscar with his right hand. Rongrong threw it at Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar let him step on the face of the ape, and did not let him go for the time being.

"Xiao Ao, flying mushroom sausage!"

While dodging, Tang San quickly reacted, hastily shouted.

Oscar didn't waste any time, and immediately began to chant the spell of flying mushroom sausage, which was created, handled by Tang Sui, and accurately projected into everyone's hands. The strength was just right, and everyone could catch it.


The culprit who attacked them revealed his true colors.

The whole body is covered with a layer of fine scales, the whole body is pink, and the head is like a blooming piranha. The scorpion soul beast is waving its pair of pink pincers on the ground, looking angrily at the people who took off, The six dark red eyes shone with humanized hatred.

"This is also a scorpion soul beast. Could it be friends with the Earth King from yesterday?" Ma Hongjun looked at the pink lady with the poisonous tail hook up, feeling lingering fear in his heart.

"Together? Heh." Liu Erlong, who hadn't beaten enough yesterday, pulled out a bloody smile, cracking his knuckles, "That's just right, you can keep it for me too!"

After saying that, Liu Erlong rushed out, no one had time to stop him.

Knowing that he was powerless to stop, the master had no choice but to yell "Remember to save one life as a soul ring", and the pink lady who rushed forward to seek revenge was scored twice by Liu Erlong, and was unilaterally suppressed and beaten up.

When Oscar drew out a sharp dagger and approached the fallen Pink Empress, the six dark red vertical pupils of Pink Empress all reflected the figure of Tang Sui in the crowd, and a unique communication language between soul beasts came from the end of it. A roar came out——

"Why. You are obviously from our side."

Tang Sui, who couldn't understand the language of the soul beast, only felt a sharp voice in his head, but it was Xiao Wu on the other side, with a pale face, who opened his mouth to see the six eyes of the pink lady who gradually lost their aura. Finally close.

It is not uncommon for soul beasts to devour and kill each other, but she is still a little uncomfortable witnessing the death of another intelligent soul beast.

- off topic -

In an ambush to provoke.There is another chapter, work hard for the liver jpg
(End of this chapter)

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