Chapter 244 Her Past 2
Tang Sui's footsteps paused for a moment, then he called out "Mother" softly.

These two words seemed to press the pause button, and the laughter echoing in the living room disappeared instantly, and even the smile on the lady's face was restrained as she turned her head sideways, and the warmth in her eyes was replaced by a touch of indifference, neither salty nor not Nodding lightly, holding an elegant smile, maintaining the gentleness on the surface:

The girl standing next to the handrail of the stairs has exquisite eyebrows, clear black pupils, and a quiet temperament. She is wearing an off-white chiffon skirt with thin pleats that are as thin as gauze. When the wind blows gently in the room, it is like splashing on the sea surface. The silvery white waves from the waves have a unique temperament.

Compared with Tang Sui, the girl who also wore a light-colored pleated skirt and didn't inherit her mother's exquisite looks seemed a little ordinary.

One is a water lotus blooming in a secluded lake, and the other is a sunflower that needs to be pampered in a greenhouse. Even though the eyes are somewhat similar, their temperaments are very different, and they will never be mistaken.

"Hey, this is my sister-in-law's eldest daughter, Tang Sui, right? She is white and beautiful, she is really cute, she is worthy of being the eldest lady who was raised by the Tang family!" The middle-aged woman took the lead in breaking the relationship between mother and daughter. They looked at each other, and stood up with a smile to smooth things over.

Hearing the address of the middle-aged woman, the eyes of the man sitting next to Mrs. Tang flickered, and he looked at her expression carefully. After confirming that there was no dislike, his eyes flashed with secret joy, and he stood up with a gentle and loving expression on his face. Looking at Tang Sui, he said:

"You are Sui Sui, right? My name is Lin Shen, and I am An An's father."


This is the second time she has heard this title.

Tang Sui's eyes fell on the girl who seemed to be looking at her a little cautiously, and she swept over Lin Shen lightly, her voice was clear and clear, but without a trace of warmth, "I don't remember seeing you, I think you and I are not so close yet. familiar, this guest."

The smile on Lin Shen's face froze, Mrs. Tang frowned, and was about to speak out, the girl stood up first, and made a big bow as soon as she stood up, before Tang Sui could speak, she straightened up again, and said with certainty: "I'm sorry, Sister Tang Sui, my father offended me just now. But... we are not guests! We are also part of this family!"

As she spoke, her back was straightened, and her voice became more confident: "I know sister Tang Sui, you don't want to accept our existence, but blood relationship is an indelible bond! Even if sister Tang Sui doesn't admit it, but Bai Huan My mother's blood is also flowing in my body, and you and I are veritable sisters."

Bai is Mrs. Tang's surname.

Both the Bai family and the Tang family are one of the big families in the imperial capital.

Tang Zeli is Tang Sui's father, and Bai Shuyan is her mother and Mrs. Tang's name.

Her parents were married in a business marriage.

After giving birth to her, the Tang and Bai families started to play their own way after they had successors.

Tang Sui has always known that his family is not as harmonious as other families, and that both parents have lovers for each other, but due to the face of the two families, they never bring their lovers and illegitimate children to the public.

But today.
Tang Sui ignored Lin Annian's words and looked at Mrs. Tang, her small face still calm: "It seems that this gentleman's deep love for your mother has caused you to break the 'rules'. However, you brought your illegitimate daughter to the Does father know about the coming of the Tang family?"

Mrs. Tang paused, Lin Anian saw that Tang Sui ignored her words, the expression on his face froze at first, then two streams of water rose from his eye sockets, like an old hen protecting a calf, and took the lead in pecking: "How can you insult my father like this! Father and mother truly love each other! Even if you are also mother's daughter, I will not forgive you!"

"An'an!" Lin Shen reprimanded his daughter pretendingly, but he was observing Mrs. Tang's expression.

Sure enough, Mrs. Tang immediately turned cold, looked at this unpleasant elder daughter, and said coldly: "You don't have to worry about your lord's business. I let you down today just to let you meet your sister. From today on, she will She is the adopted daughter of the Tang family, but I hope you can treat her like your own sister."

"I'm an only daughter, and I don't have a younger sister. I don't know how to treat my own sister." Tang Sui saw the cold anger on Madam Tang's face, and her heart throbbed in pain, but her words and her brain were extremely cold, as if split into two Two people.

One treats sadness and sadness differently because the mother has other children, while the other stands aside indifferently, watching all this critically.


"Sui Sui, you and An An are both Mrs. Tang's daughters. Besides, we are both descendants of a big family. You better not be so stubborn. Otherwise, in the end, you will have nothing." The young man who had been silent all this time stood up, There was a hint of accusation on Qingjun's face.

"Ye Nan, this is a private matter within my Tang family. It would be inappropriate for you to speak up."

Tang Sui looked at the former Zhuma brother, saw him getting angry for Lin Annian and warning her, his numb heart seemed to have been cut again, and blood was gurgling out.

One of them is her mother, and the other is a bamboo horse who said they would always be good friends since childhood, but now
They all stood on the opposite side of her, and in turn accused her of not being generous and perfect.

Family ha.
Tang Sui couldn't remember what it looked like, but the blurry silhouette of a human figure flashed in Tang Sui's mind. The memory was frozen in those blue eyes that were still loving and gentle, and the hand hanging by his side was slowly clenched.

(End of this chapter)

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