Chapter 245 Her Past 3
The blocked Ye Nan had nothing to say, her handsome face was gloomy.

Sensing that the atmosphere was starting to feel wrong, Lin Shen's eyes flickered slightly, and he quickly stood up to smooth things over and take responsibility, telling Tang Sui not to blame his daughter.

Tang Sui felt like an outsider, watching them sing ridiculous dramas in front of her, and under the guidance of caring people, they stood on the opposite side of her and accused her.

She knew that what she said was wrong, and she also knew that the current self was powerless to resist and change everything that was coming.

In the end, Tang Sui said "then come to her after father admits the hat" as the ending, and the meeting broke up unhappy.

Mrs. Tang looked at this rebellious woman with an ugly face and went back to the second floor along the original road without turning her head. In front of Lin Shen and his family, she began to count Tang Sui's piles.

As Mrs. Tang's caring little padded jacket, Lin Anian naturally changed from being dissatisfied with Tang Sui to speaking for Tang Sui.

But the anger in Mrs. Tang's heart grew higher and higher under Lin Anian's persuasion.

In the end, Lin Annian looked helpless, and changed the subject awkwardly:

"By the way, mom, why does my sister call you 'mother' so strangely?"

She seemed puzzled.

Mrs. Tang's face was a little uncomfortable for a moment, because she didn't like it when her daughter could say "Mom", so she asked the nanny not to teach her to say these two words, just call her "Mother".

After so many years, even after Tang Sui became sensible, she would ask her to correct her when she called her "Mom" a few times.Over time, the titles of mother and daughter have been so unfamiliar.

"Don't worry about it. You can yell if you want. The Tang family is rather old-fashioned, and they have always taught their children this way." She said vaguely.

"Then, does the title 'Mom' only belong to me? Can I always call you 'Mom'?" Lin Annian's eyes lit up, and he asked cautiously.

Mrs. Tang was slightly startled, but still nodded: "Of course, you are also my daughter."

"Is that so? That's really great!" Lin Anian had a happy smile on his face. Mrs. Tang felt awkward, but she was still captured by her daughter's joyful smile and acquiesced.

After Tang Sui returned to his room, he locked the door and fell on the big soft bed. He closed his eyes, a drop of hot water slipped down the corner of his eyes, and the pillow towel became dizzy.

With perfect empathy, she was full of grievances and sadness, but she couldn't vent.

The other rational woman indifferently looked at her screaming in her heart, and told her sympathy lightly that the days of nightmares were just the beginning.

Sensible, she said yes.

After Lin Shen's family left, Patriarch Tang came back and learned about this, and had a big fight with Mrs. Tang, but two days later, the husband and wife who had been at odds just before had reached a mutually beneficial agreement, and on the third day , The head of the Tang family brought another little boy about seven or eight years old to the Tang family. Like Mrs. Tang, he asked her to come down to meet people and call her brother, saying that this was their adopted son.

Tang Sui silently watched the scene of father's kindness and son's filial piety, her heart seemed to have condensed a layer of frost, freezing the beating blood, and the biting cold penetrated into her body and limbs, eroding her soul.

She gradually became out of tune with the family.

In the eyes of Patriarch Tang and Mrs. Tang, their children are someone else, and she is a puppet pushed out to complete the inheritance of incense and "friendship" between the two families.

The daily "joy and harmony" are like ice arrows, stabbing at her and pushing her into the dark abyss, which is incompatible with the family holding hands in the sun.

The head of the Tang family said, be generous and don't mind the existence of your brother so much.Although he is a boy, you are the heir with the orthodox blood of Tang and Bai. Your younger brother will not rob you in the future, and you may have to rely on you to raise him.

Mrs. Tang said, your sister just wants my mother to share more love with her.She will not become the heir of the Bai family in the future. She doesn't have such rich materials and resources. You already have a lot. Be sensible and don't compete with your sister.As long as you save me some trouble like her, I can be less angry and love you more.

Mr. Tang, who had the most right to speak, was also persuaded by the Tang family leader, and came forward to persuade Tang Sui not to be so fussy. They won't fight for it. It should be yours or yours.

The lonely and helpless Tang Sui listened to her grandfather's words silently, thinking of the restless eyes of her half-blood siblings, and swallowed the words under the helpless and reproachful eyes of her grandfather.

She wants to tell grandpa that her two cheap siblings are not as peaceful as her father and mother said.

Sure enough, at a gathering organized by another big family in the imperial capital, she and her cheap younger sister Lin Annian, who left temporarily, were kidnapped by the kidnappers who licked blood at the knife edge.

They only want a ransom of 5000 million, but they can only take away one person.

In the dimly lit abandoned warehouse, rats covered in dirt ran among the fallen sundries, making rustling noises, and occasionally squeaked twice. Those who looked at it with strange red eyes felt chills.

Both hands and feet were tightly bound with tape, and Bai Annian, who was tied to the wooden pillar by a thick and strong hemp rope, let out a small weeping sound in fear, and the sound gradually became louder.


The dilapidated wooden door was roughly pushed open from the outside, and the silhouette of the silhouette against the backlight gradually deepened.
—— Digression——

Sui Sui's past is a very important foreshadowing, don't dislike Mo Li's long-winded hey.

[PS: I'm so sleepy, I coded half a chapter and didn't finish it, my mind is full of wanting to sleep. jpg Cuties, let's get well tomorrow at noon. 】

(End of this chapter)

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